![alt text](theplan.png)

# The plan with INCA and INCA Generator 

> INCA = INternet CApacity (is the token of buying/selling Internet/Cloud Capacity)
> INCA-G = INCA Generator (is a token generating INCA typically over 48 months)

An INCA-G token generates INCA over a certain period. INCA stands for Internet Capacity token, enabling individuals to buy/sell Internet & Cloud Capacity.

We can analogize the generation of Cloud/Internet capacity to the generation of electricity. In this analogy, INCA is akin to the KWH token, while INCA-G is comparable to the KW token (representing capacity to generate electricity).

INCA-G tokens are unique and come with metadata specifying how INCA will be generated. This metadata outlines the generation schedule of INCA over the next X months.

## High Level Tokenomics INCA

There can never be more than 4 Billion INCA 

- 2 Billion for TFT holders
  - Will be sold uniquely to TFT Holders (mainly farmers of the current TFGrid)
  - We expect to never fully get to this amount, each TFT converted to INCA gets burned (destroyed).
- 0.8 Billion for community expansion
  - promotion of the TFGrid
  - farming 
  - creation of technology on top of the TF Grid
  - reward for farmers and other contributors
  - peer2peer promotion program
  - release schedule: max 40% year 1, 40% year 2, 20 % year 3
- 0.8 Billion for expansion of farming capacity of the grid
  - Will be sold through partners e.g. SwissBorg (through INCA-G) and others...
- 0.4 Billion for team with 24 months accelerated vesting.
  - 10 % of total
  - is for people who help to expand the Grid (starting now)
  - a lot of it is to reward our partners to help launch the INCA Tokens & the TF Grid

option = {
  title: {
    text: 'INCA Token',
    subtext: 'Distribution',
    left: 'center'
  tooltip: {
    trigger: 'item'
  series: [
      name: 'Distribution',
      type: 'pie',
      radius: '70%',
      data: [
        { value: 2, name: 'TF Original Farmers' },
        { value: 0.8, name: 'Farming Rewards' },
        { value: 0.8, name: 'Community Expansion' },
        { value: 0.4, name: 'Team' },
      emphasis: {
        itemStyle: {
          shadowBlur: 10,
          shadowOffsetX: 0,
          shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'

*Accelerated Vesting means: if INCA gets above 0.5 CHF per INCA the vesting accelerates 50%, if above 0.6 CHF 60%, ... if above 1 CHF 100% acceleration.*

## How can people acquire an INCA-G token?

### Round 1: SwissBorg & TF Cooperative

1 INCA-G token generates 15,000 INCA over 48 months

1 INCA-G can be bought:

- from SwissBorg for 500 CHF
  - crypto enabled bank in Switserland
  - Maximum sold is 5,000 INCA-G tokens
- with TFT which is the founder creator currency of the current grid
  - there will never be more than 1 billion TFT
  - 1 INCA-G token costs 10,000 TFT (\*)

> (\*) The pricing will depend on price of TFT at that moment.

### Round 2: **A**frica and latin **A**merica INCA-G Tokens (AA)

1 INCA-G AA Token, generates 10,000 INCA over 48 months

AA stands for Africa and latin America

- from SwissBorg for TBD CHF.
The incoming funds will be used to generate Cloud & Internet capacity in these regions, <br>which are serious growth regions in the world.

## INCA governance

A Wisdom Council approves budgets in line to tokenomics above.

- ThreeFold Wisdom Council, to be created, 9 people, 6 need to agree.
  - 1 OurWorld (MWW)
  - 1 ThreeFold DMCC (Adnan)
  - 1 TF9 (Kristof)
  - 1 Sikana (Greg)
  - **5 people with name in community**
- Budgets get allocated to projects on git.threefold.info, clear stories with clear budget allocations and cashflow tracking or time tracking.

## How does TFT related to INCA

- TFT is the original creator farming token and can be used to buy/sell IT capacity (compute, storage, network).
- INCA-G is the new genertor token which produces INCA over 48 months.

TFT Holders can get into INCA and INCA-G in 2 ways

- buy INCA-G tokens: generates INCA over 4 year
- buy INCA tokens: 1 TFT buys 2 INCA tokens.

> note TFT will keep its original purpose, as well as getting a new purpose thanks to INCA-G.

## Technical TFT, INCA & INCA-G 

#### Implementation

- TFT is a token on Stellar blockchain (the original farming token)
- INCA is a token on Solana Blockchain (as digital currency for Internet Capacity)
- INCA-G Implemented as an NFT on the Solana Blockchain.

#### Metadata for INCA-G

- release date
- list of values, each value is nr of INCA's to be released in a month