manual added knowledge_base

This commit is contained in:
mik-tf 2024-04-15 22:10:30 +00:00
parent b63f091e63
commit 6caab6f95d
448 changed files with 11437 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<h1> About </h1>
This section of the manual covers information about ThreeFold, its history, its roadmap, its vision and more.
It's a good place to start if you want to have an overview of ThreeFold since its beginning.
<h2> Table of Contents </h2>
- [ThreeFold History](./
- [ThreeFold Tech](./
- [Organisation Structure](./
- [ThreeFold Roadmap](./roadmap/
- [ThreeFold Token](./token_overview/

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<h1> BetterToken NV </h1>
<h2> Table of Contents </h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Income](#income)
- [Structure](#structure)
- [Expected Changes](#expected-changes)
## Introduction
European Farming Cooperative for the foundation:
- Operates a data center in Lochristi (Belgium) offering hosting and connectivity for TF Farmers
- Currently, 100+ nodes many of them are owned by TF farmers
- [ThreeFold Tech](./ NV uses some of their equipment today for development
- Sale of small servers to TF Farmers, was done mainly via an online webshop
## Income
- Hosting fees for the maintenance & running of the farmer pool
## Structure
- Started 30 November 2016
- [limited liable company in belgium](
- Peter Van der Henst is the managing director
## Expected Changes
BetterToken continues to be farming cooperative for Europe. Right now there is not much happening in BetterToken.

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
<h1> DAO </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Overview of a DAO](#overview-of-a-dao)
- [Comparisons](#comparisons)
- [DAO Rules](#dao-rules)
- [DAO and Blockchain](#dao-and-blockchain)
## Introduction
We present the main concept of a DAO.
A DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization. To be more precise, this means the following:
- Decentralized = Online, global, uncensorable.
- Autonomous = Self-governing.
- Organization = Coordination & collaboration around shared objectives.
## Overview of a DAO
DAOs are an effective and safe way to work with like-minded folks around the globe.
Think of them like an internet-native business that's collectively owned and managed by its members. They have built-in treasuries that no one has the authority to access without the approval of the group. Decisions are governed by proposals and voting to ensure everyone in the organization has a voice.
This opens up so many new opportunities for global collaboration and coordination.
DAOs operate using smart contracts, which are essentially chunks of code that automatically execute whenever a set of criteria are met. These smart contracts establish the DAOs rules. Those with a stake in a DAO then get voting rights and may influence how the organization operates by deciding on or creating new governance proposals.
## Comparisons
The following table provides some comparisons between a DAO and a traditional organization.
| DAO | A traditional organization |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Usually flat, and fully democratized. | Usually hierarchical. |
| Voting required by members for any changes to be implemented. | Depending on structure, changes can be demanded from a sole party, or voting may be offered. |
| Votes tallied, and outcome implemented automatically without trusted intermediary. | If voting is allowed, votes are tallied internally, and the outcome of voting must be handled manually. |
| Services offered are handled automatically in a decentralized manner (for example distribution of philanthropic funds). | Requires human handling, or centrally controlled automation, prone to manipulation. |
| All activity is transparent and fully public. | Requires human handling, or centrally controlled automation, prone to manipulation. |
*Info from, picture from*
## DAO Rules
Decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members and not influenced by a central government. A DAO's financial and voting transaction record and program rules are maintained on a blockchain.
## DAO and Blockchain
Decentralized autonomous organizations are typified by the use of blockchain technology to provide a secure digital ledger to track financial and other community interactions across the internet, hardened against forgery by trusted timestamping and dissemination of a distributed database. This approach eliminates the need to involve a mutually acceptable trusted third party in a transaction, simplifying the transaction. The costs of a blockchain-enabled transaction and of the associated data reporting may be substantially offset by the elimination of both the trusted third party and of the need for repetitive recording of contract exchanges in different records. For example, the blockchain data could, in principle and if regulatory structures permit it, replace public documents such as deeds and titles. In theory, a blockchain approach allows multiple cloud computing users to enter a loosely coupled peer-to-peer smart contract collaboration.
*Info from [here](*

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
- Decentralized = Online, global, uncensorable.
- Autonomous = Self-governing.
- Organization = Coordination & collaboration around shared objectives.
DAOs are an effective and safe way to work with like-minded folks around the globe.
Think of them like an internet-native business that's collectively owned and managed by its members. They have built-in treasuries that no one has the authority to access without the approval of the group. Decisions are governed by proposals and voting to ensure everyone in the organization has a voice.
This opens up so many new opportunities for global collaboration and coordination.
DAOs operate using smart contracts, which are essentially chunks of code that automatically execute whenever a set of criteria are met. These smart contracts establish the DAOs rules. Those with a stake in a DAO then get voting rights and may influence how the organization operates by deciding on or creating new governance proposals.
| DAO | A traditional organization |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Usually flat, and fully democratized. | Usually hierarchical. |
| Voting required by members for any changes to be implemented. | Depending on structure, changes can be demanded from a sole party, or voting may be offered. |
| Votes tallied, and outcome implemented automatically without trusted intermediary. | If voting is allowed, votes are tallied internally, and the outcome of voting must be handled manually. |
| Services offered are handled automatically in a decentralized manner (for example distribution of philanthropic funds). | Requires human handling, or centrally controlled automation, prone to manipulation. |
| All activity is transparent and fully public. | Requires human handling, or centrally controlled automation, prone to manipulation. |
*Info from, picture from*
Decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members and not influenced by a central government. A DAO's financial and voting transaction record and program rules are maintained on a blockchain.
Decentralized autonomous organizations are typified by the use of blockchain technology to provide a secure digital ledger to track financial and other community interactions across the internet, hardened against forgery by trusted timestamping and dissemination of a distributed database. This approach eliminates the need to involve a mutually acceptable trusted third party in a transaction, simplifying the transaction. The costs of a blockchain-enabled transaction and of the associated data reporting may be substantially offset by the elimination of both the trusted third party and of the need for repetitive recording of contract exchanges in different records. For example, the blockchain data could, in principle and if regulatory structures permit it, replace public documents such as deeds and titles. In theory, a blockchain approach allows multiple cloud computing users to enter a loosely coupled peer-to-peer smart contract collaboration.

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
### More Info:
- [ThreeFold DAO](@tfdao).
- [Why are DAO's important](@dao_why)
- [ThreeFold Validators](@validators_faq).
- [Decentralization Info](@decentralization).

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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
# What is a decentralized autonomous organization, and how does a DAO work?
A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is an entity with no central leadership. Decisions get made from the bottom-up, governed by a community organized around a specific set of rules enforced on a blockchain.
DAOs are internet-native organizations collectively owned and managed by their members. They have built-in treasuries that are only accessible with the approval of their members. Decisions are made via proposals the group votes on during a specified period.
A DAO works without hierarchical management and can have a large number of purposes. Freelancer networks where contracts pool their funds to pay for software subscriptions, charitable organizations where members approve donations and venture capital firms owned by a group are all possible with these organizations.
Before moving on, its important to distinguish a DAO, an internet-native organization, from The DAO, one of the first such organizations ever created. The DAO was a project founded in 2016 that ultimately failed and led to a dramatic split of the Ethereum network.
## How does a DAO work?
As mentioned above, a DAO is an organization where decisions get made from the bottom-up; a collective of members owns the organization. There are various ways to participate in a DAO, usually through the ownership of a token.
DAOs operate using smart contracts, which are essentially chunks of code that automatically execute whenever a set of criteria are met. Smart contracts are deployed on numerous blockchains nowadays, though Ethereum was the first to use them.
These smart contracts establish the DAOs rules. Those with a stake in a DAO then get voting rights and may influence how the organization operates by deciding on or creating new governance proposals.
This model prevents DAOs from being spammed with proposals: A proposal will only pass once the majority of stakeholders approve it. How that majority is determined varies from DAO to DAO and is specified in the smart contracts.
DAOs are fully autonomous and transparent. As they are built on open-source blockchains, anyone can view their code. Anyone can also audit their built-in treasuries, as the blockchain records all financial transactions.
Typically, a DAO launch occurs in three major steps
Smart contract creation: First, a developer or group of developers must create the smart contract behind the DAO. After launch, they can only change the rules set by these contracts through the governance system. That means they must extensively test the contracts to ensure they dont overlook important details.
Funding: After the smart contracts have been created, the DAO needs to determine a way to receive funding and how to enact governance. More often than not, tokens are sold to raise funds; these tokens give holders voting rights.
Deployment: Once everything is set up, the DAO needs to be deployed on the blockchain. From this point on, stakeholders decide on the future of the organization. The organizations creators — those who wrote the smart contracts — no longer influence the project any more than other stakeholders.
## Why do we need DAOs?
Being internet-native organizations, DAOs have several advantages over traditional organizations. One significant advantage of DAOs is the lack of trust needed between two parties. While a traditional organization requires a lot of trust in the people behind it — especially on behalf of investors — with DAOs, only the code needs to be trusted.
Trusting that code is easier to do as its publicly available and can be extensively tested before launch. Every action a DAO takes after being launched has to be approved by the community and is completely transparent and verifiable.
Such an organization has no hierarchical structure. Yet, it can still accomplish tasks and grow while being controlled by stakeholders via its native token. The lack of a hierarchy means any stakeholder can put forward an innovative idea that the entire group will consider and improve upon. Internal disputes are often easily solved through the voting system, in line with the pre-written rules in the smart contract.
By allowing investors to pool funds, DAOs also give them a chance to invest in early-stage startups and decentralized projects while sharing the risk or any profits that may come out of them.
## The principal-agent dilemma
The main advantage of DAOs is that they offer a solution to the principal-agent dilemma. This dilemma is a conflict in priorities between a person or group (the principal) and those making decisions and acting on their behalf (the agent).
Problems can occur in some situations, with a common one being in the relationship between stakeholders and a CEO. The agent (the CEO) may work in a way thats not in line with the priorities and goals determined by the principal (the stakeholders) and instead act in their own self-interest.
Another typical example of the principal-agent dilemma occurs when the agent takes excessive risk because the principal bears the burden. For example, a trader can use extreme leverage to chase a performance bonus, knowing the organization will cover any downside.
DAOs solve the principal-agent dilemma through community governance. Stakeholders arent forced to join a DAO and only do so after understanding the rules that govern it. They dont need to trust any agent acting on their behalf and instead work as part of a group whose incentives are aligned.
Token holders interests align as the nature of a DAO incentivizes them not to be malicious. Since they have a stake in the network, they will want to see it succeed. Acting against it would be acting against their self-interests.
## What was The DAO?
The DAO was an early iteration of modern decentralized autonomous organizations. It was launched back in 2016 and designed to be an automated organization that acted as a form of venture capital fund.
Those who owned DAO tokens could profit from the organizations investments by either reaping dividends or benefitting from price appreciation of the tokens. The DAO was initially seen as a revolutionary project and raised $150 million in Ether (ETH), one of the greatest crowdfunding efforts of the time.
The DAO launched on April 30, 2016, after Ethereum protocol engineer Christoph Jentzsch released the open-source code for an Ethereum-based investment organization. Investors bought DAO tokens by moving Ether to its smart contracts.
A few days into the token sale, some developers expressed concerns that a bug in The DAOs smart contracts could allow malicious actors to drain its funds. While a governance proposal was set forth to fix the bug, an attacker took advantage of it and siphoned over $60 million worth of ETH from The DAOs wallet.
At the time, around 14% of all ETH in circulation was invested in The DAO. The hack was a significant blow to DAOs in general and the then one-year-old Ethereum network. A debate within the Ethereum community ensued as everyone scrambled to figure out what to do. Initially, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin proposed a soft fork that would blacklist the attackers address and prevent them from moving the funds.
The attacker or someone posing as them then responded to that proposal, claiming the funds had been obtained in a “legal” way according to the smart contracts rules. They claimed they were ready to take legal action against anyone who tried to seize the funds.
The hacker even threatened to bribe ETH miners with some of the stolen funds to thwart a soft fork attempt. In the debate that ensued, a hard fork was determined to be the solution. That hard fork was implemented to roll back the Ethereum networks history to before The DAO was hacked and reallocate the stolen funds to a smart contract that allowed investors to withdraw them. Those who disagreed with the move rejected the hard fork and supported an earlier version of the network, known as Ethereum Classic (ETC).
## Disadvantages of DAOs
Decentralized autonomous organizations arent perfect. They are an extremely new technology that has attracted much criticism due to lingering concerns regarding their legality, security and structure.
MIT Technology Review has, for example, revealed it considers it a bad idea to trust the masses with important financial decisions. While MIT shared its thoughts back in 2016, the organization appears to have never changed its mind on DAOs — at not least publicly. The DAO hack also raised security concerns, as flaws in smart contracts can be hard to fix even after they are spotted.
DAOs can be distributed across multiple jurisdictions, and theres no legal framework for them. Any legal issues that may arise will likely require those involved to deal with numerous regional laws in a complicated legal battle.
In July 2017, for example, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission issued a report in which it determined that The DAO sold securities in the form of tokens on the Ethereum blockchain without authorization, violating portions of securities law in the country.
## Examples of DAOs
Decentralized autonomous organizations have gained traction over the last few years and are now fully incorporated into many blockchain projects. The decentralized finance (DeFi) space uses DAOs to allow applications to become fully decentralized, for example.
To some, the Bitcoin (BTC) network is the earliest example of a DAO there is. The network scales via community agreement, even though most network participants have never met each other. It also does not have an organized governance mechanism, and instead, miners and nodes have to signal support.
However, Bitcoin is not seen as a DAO by todays standards. By current measures, Dash would be the first true DAO, as the project has a governance mechanism that allows stakeholders to vote on the use of its treasury.
Other, more advanced DAOs, including decentralized networks built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, are responsible for launching cryptocurrency-backed stablecoins. In some cases, the organizations that initially launched these DAOs slowly give away control of the project to one day become irrelevant. Token holders can actively vote on governance proposals to hire new contributors, add new tokens as collateral for their coins or adjust other parameters.
In 2020, a DeFi lending protocol launched its own governance token and distributed it through a liquidity mining process. Essentially, anyone who interacted with the protocol would receive tokens as a reward. Other projects have since replicated and adapted the model.
Now, the list of DAOs is extensive. Over time, it has become a clear concept that has been gaining traction. Some projects are still looking to achieve complete decentralization through the DAO model, but its worth pointing out they are only a few years old and have yet to achieve their final goals and objectives.
As internet-native organizations, DAOs have the potential to change the way corporate governance works completely. While the concept matures and the legal gray area they operate in is cleared, more and more organizations may adopt a DAO model to help govern some of their activities.
> info from:

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Grid Enhancement Proposal
GEP stands for Grid Enhancement Proposal. A GEP is a design document providing information to the ThreeFold community, or describing a new feature for the TFGrid or its processes or environment. The GEP should provide a concise technical specification of the feature and a rationale for the feature.
- A GEP gets registered in TFChain. TFDAO makes this possible
- Community has to approve or not a GEP
- Once enough consensus achieved the GEP will be executed upon, whereas "consensus" is a variable % per GEP and will be defined when sepcs are ready.
- Validator Nodes of our L1 TFChain will make sure GEP is properly implemented and consensus also achieved on that level.
*some inspiration comes from*
!!!def alias:gep

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@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
<h1> ThreeFold DAO </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [DAO Tasks](#dao-tasks)
- [What is a DAO?](#what-is-a-dao)
- [How does a DAO work?](#how-does-a-dao-work)
- [Why do we need DAOs?](#why-do-we-need-daos)
- [The principal-agent dilemma](#the-principal-agent-dilemma)
- [What was The DAO?](#what-was-the-dao)
- [Disadvantages of DAOs](#disadvantages-of-daos)
- [Examples of DAOs](#examples-of-daos)
## Introduction
The ThreeFold DAO allows autonomous operation of the TFChain and TFGrid.
## DAO Tasks
Amongst others the DAO needs to arrange
| Utility Token model | |
| -------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| [Proof Of Capacity](../../farming/ | Farming (creation) of TFT |
| [Proof Of Utilization](../../farming/ | Utilization (burning, distribution) of TFT |
As well as
- distribution of TFT grants
- manage code upgrade of TFChain and ZOS
- approval for changes to anything in our ecosystem, by means of GEP e.g.
- changes to tokenomics e.g. changes related to
- farming rewards
- cultivation flows
- pricing of grid capacity
- new features in TFChain
- rewards for sales channels, solution providers (v3.2+)
## What is a DAO?
A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is an entity with no central leadership. Decisions get made from the bottom-up, governed by a community organized around a specific set of rules enforced on a blockchain.
DAOs are internet-native organizations collectively owned and managed by their members. They have built-in treasuries that are only accessible with the approval of their members. Decisions are made via proposals the group votes on during a specified period.
A DAO works without hierarchical management and can have a large number of purposes. Freelancer networks where contracts pool their funds to pay for software subscriptions, charitable organizations where members approve donations and venture capital firms owned by a group are all possible with these organizations.
Before moving on, its important to distinguish a DAO, an internet-native organization, from The DAO, one of the first such organizations ever created. The DAO was a project founded in 2016 that ultimately failed and led to a dramatic split of the Ethereum network.
## How does a DAO work?
As mentioned above, a DAO is an organization where decisions get made from the bottom-up; a collective of members owns the organization. There are various ways to participate in a DAO, usually through the ownership of a token.
DAOs operate using smart contracts, which are essentially chunks of code that automatically execute whenever a set of criteria are met. Smart contracts are deployed on numerous blockchains nowadays, though Ethereum was the first to use them.
These smart contracts establish the DAOs rules. Those with a stake in a DAO then get voting rights and may influence how the organization operates by deciding on or creating new governance proposals.
This model prevents DAOs from being spammed with proposals: A proposal will only pass once the majority of stakeholders approve it. How that majority is determined varies from DAO to DAO and is specified in the smart contracts.
DAOs are fully autonomous and transparent. As they are built on open-source blockchains, anyone can view their code. Anyone can also audit their built-in treasuries, as the blockchain records all financial transactions.
Typically, a DAO launch occurs in three major steps
Smart contract creation: First, a developer or group of developers must create the smart contract behind the DAO. After launch, they can only change the rules set by these contracts through the governance system. That means they must extensively test the contracts to ensure they dont overlook important details.
Funding: After the smart contracts have been created, the DAO needs to determine a way to receive funding and how to enact governance. More often than not, tokens are sold to raise funds; these tokens give holders voting rights.
Deployment: Once everything is set up, the DAO needs to be deployed on the blockchain. From this point on, stakeholders decide on the future of the organization. The organizations creators — those who wrote the smart contracts — no longer influence the project any more than other stakeholders.
## Why do we need DAOs?
Being internet-native organizations, DAOs have several advantages over traditional organizations. One significant advantage of DAOs is the lack of trust needed between two parties. While a traditional organization requires a lot of trust in the people behind it — especially on behalf of investors — with DAOs, only the code needs to be trusted.
Trusting that code is easier to do as its publicly available and can be extensively tested before launch. Every action a DAO takes after being launched has to be approved by the community and is completely transparent and verifiable.
Such an organization has no hierarchical structure. Yet, it can still accomplish tasks and grow while being controlled by stakeholders via its native token. The lack of a hierarchy means any stakeholder can put forward an innovative idea that the entire group will consider and improve upon. Internal disputes are often easily solved through the voting system, in line with the pre-written rules in the smart contract.
By allowing investors to pool funds, DAOs also give them a chance to invest in early-stage startups and decentralized projects while sharing the risk or any profits that may come out of them.
## The principal-agent dilemma
The main advantage of DAOs is that they offer a solution to the principal-agent dilemma. This dilemma is a conflict in priorities between a person or group (the principal) and those making decisions and acting on their behalf (the agent).
Problems can occur in some situations, with a common one being in the relationship between stakeholders and a CEO. The agent (the CEO) may work in a way thats not in line with the priorities and goals determined by the principal (the stakeholders) and instead act in their own self-interest.
Another typical example of the principal-agent dilemma occurs when the agent takes excessive risk because the principal bears the burden. For example, a trader can use extreme leverage to chase a performance bonus, knowing the organization will cover any downside.
DAOs solve the principal-agent dilemma through community governance. Stakeholders arent forced to join a DAO and only do so after understanding the rules that govern it. They dont need to trust any agent acting on their behalf and instead work as part of a group whose incentives are aligned.
Token holders interests align as the nature of a DAO incentivizes them not to be malicious. Since they have a stake in the network, they will want to see it succeed. Acting against it would be acting against their self-interests.
## What was The DAO?
The DAO was an early iteration of modern decentralized autonomous organizations. It was launched back in 2016 and designed to be an automated organization that acted as a form of venture capital fund.
Those who owned DAO tokens could profit from the organizations investments by either reaping dividends or benefitting from price appreciation of the tokens. The DAO was initially seen as a revolutionary project and raised $150 million in Ether (ETH), one of the greatest crowdfunding efforts of the time.
The DAO launched on April 30, 2016, after Ethereum protocol engineer Christoph Jentzsch released the open-source code for an Ethereum-based investment organization. Investors bought DAO tokens by moving Ether to its smart contracts.
A few days into the token sale, some developers expressed concerns that a bug in The DAOs smart contracts could allow malicious actors to drain its funds. While a governance proposal was set forth to fix the bug, an attacker took advantage of it and siphoned over $60 million worth of ETH from The DAOs wallet.
At the time, around 14% of all ETH in circulation was invested in The DAO. The hack was a significant blow to DAOs in general and the then one-year-old Ethereum network. A debate within the Ethereum community ensued as everyone scrambled to figure out what to do. Initially, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin proposed a soft fork that would blacklist the attackers address and prevent them from moving the funds.
The attacker or someone posing as them then responded to that proposal, claiming the funds had been obtained in a “legal” way according to the smart contracts rules. They claimed they were ready to take legal action against anyone who tried to seize the funds.
The hacker even threatened to bribe ETH miners with some of the stolen funds to thwart a soft fork attempt. In the debate that ensued, a hard fork was determined to be the solution. That hard fork was implemented to roll back the Ethereum networks history to before The DAO was hacked and reallocate the stolen funds to a smart contract that allowed investors to withdraw them. Those who disagreed with the move rejected the hard fork and supported an earlier version of the network, known as Ethereum Classic (ETC).
## Disadvantages of DAOs
Decentralized autonomous organizations arent perfect. They are an extremely new technology that has attracted much criticism due to lingering concerns regarding their legality, security and structure.
MIT Technology Review has, for example, revealed it considers it a bad idea to trust the masses with important financial decisions. While MIT shared its thoughts back in 2016, the organization appears to have never changed its mind on DAOs — at not least publicly. The DAO hack also raised security concerns, as flaws in smart contracts can be hard to fix even after they are spotted.
DAOs can be distributed across multiple jurisdictions, and theres no legal framework for them. Any legal issues that may arise will likely require those involved to deal with numerous regional laws in a complicated legal battle.
In July 2017, for example, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission issued a report in which it determined that The DAO sold securities in the form of tokens on the Ethereum blockchain without authorization, violating portions of securities law in the country.
## Examples of DAOs
Decentralized autonomous organizations have gained traction over the last few years and are now fully incorporated into many blockchain projects. The decentralized finance (DeFi) space uses DAOs to allow applications to become fully decentralized, for example.
To some, the Bitcoin (BTC) network is the earliest example of a DAO there is. The network scales via community agreement, even though most network participants have never met each other. It also does not have an organized governance mechanism, and instead, miners and nodes have to signal support.
However, Bitcoin is not seen as a DAO by todays standards. By current measures, Dash would be the first true DAO, as the project has a governance mechanism that allows stakeholders to vote on the use of its treasury.
Other, more advanced DAOs, including decentralized networks built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, are responsible for launching cryptocurrency-backed stablecoins. In some cases, the organizations that initially launched these DAOs slowly give away control of the project to one day become irrelevant. Token holders can actively vote on governance proposals to hire new contributors, add new tokens as collateral for their coins or adjust other parameters.
In 2020, a DeFi lending protocol launched its own governance token and distributed it through a liquidity mining process. Essentially, anyone who interacted with the protocol would receive tokens as a reward. Other projects have since replicated and adapted the model.
Now, the list of DAOs is extensive. Over time, it has become a clear concept that has been gaining traction. Some projects are still looking to achieve complete decentralization through the DAO model, but its worth pointing out they are only a few years old and have yet to achieve their final goals and objectives.
As internet-native organizations, DAOs have the potential to change the way corporate governance works completely. While the concept matures and the legal gray area they operate in is cleared, more and more organizations may adopt a DAO model to help govern some of their activities.
> info from:

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
<h1> Genesis Pool Details </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents </h2>
- [Genesis Pool](#genesis-pool)
- [Genesis Block](#genesis-block)
- [Genesis Block Value](#genesis-block-value)
- [Calculation](#calculation)
- [Genesis Pool Details](#genesis-pool-details)
## Genesis Pool
Genesis pool is the initial capacity with which the network started, was available when the project officially launched (blockchain launch March 2018).
- +-300 computer (all owned by ThreeFold_Dubai)
- Belgium: 117+30 (hosted by BetterToken)
- Dubai: 148 (hosted by TF FZC itself)
- total estimate resource/compute units
- CRU: 4800,
- HRU: 8100000
- MRU: 18600
- SRU: 106000
## Genesis Block
Genesis block is the first block registered in the blockchain. This consists of a number of TFT, in our case 695M TFT.
> Maximum amount of tokens in the ThreeFold Blockchain at launch = 100 Billion (in other words genesis pool < 1% at start of max nr TFT)
### Genesis Block Value
It's hard to define the value of the genesis block when it was calculated, there was no established TFT price.
- If TFT price = USD 0.01: +-7M USD (this token price has not been established but could be 2016-17)
- Summer 2023 the price is back on USD 0.01, which we believe is too low for the value created, lets hope for a better future.
### Calculation
To come up with a reasonable number and show the community that there was hardware available for the genesis block, we made an excel calculation.
- Servers as part of genesis pool calculation
- +-300 computer (all owned by ThreeFold_Dubai)
- Belgium: 117+30 (hosted by BetterToken)
- Dubai: 148 (hosted by TF FZC itself)
- Hardware as used in many years before token launch (March 2018)
- At least 100+ servers over quite some years
- Total estimate resource/compute units
- CRU: 4,800
- HRU: 8,100,000
- MRU: 18,600
- SRU: 106,000
- Cloud Units
- Results in 3,927 CU and 8,225 SU
- The farming rules used were farming/minting rules v1 but with no difficulty level and TFT price 0.01
- Duration
- We took +- 1.5 years in our calculation
- Averaged out, it's for sure not exact science
- But we can say that the amount of capacity listed has been available long enough for our engineers during the pre-launch period. Probably not with those exact listed servers but in general.
- Result: **695M TFT**
_The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate there is a reasoning behind the 695M TFT and computers which have been available. It's not intended as exact proof nor defense. We believe the value given was in line with the situation at that time._
## Genesis Pool Details
- Block 0: [Block 0 on Explorer](
- Genesis Block Code: [Code of Block 0](

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
<h1> Genesis Pool </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents </h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Genesis Pool Token Usage](#genesis-pool-token-usage)
- [Remarks](#remarks)
## Introduction
At the end of March 2018, ThreeFold launched the public blockchain.
ThreeFold developed their own blockchain software called Rivine, which was probably the first proof of blockstake blockchain in the world. We did not like the way how the other blockchains at that time were doing proof of work, which is basically burning a lot of energy to prove the validity of their blockchain.
Rivine is a fork from the blockchain work done by the team of SIA and since then a lot of work has been done on it to fulfill our own requirements. The Rivine blockchain will no longer be used after May 2020.
ThreeFold is the result of more than 20 years of work in the Internet space, over a number of companies.
The technology used at start in March 2018 has been developed mainly out of three companies: ThreeFold_Dubai, BetterToken(bettertoken) and GreenIT Globe. Later in 2018, TF Tech was spun off from our incubator.
TF Tech is a company born out of our Incubator called [Incubaid]( in Belgium.
TF Tech has a purpose to further develop the software and commercialize the capabilities on a global basis, mainly by working together with tech partners.
The public version of our blockchain was started March 2018. The servers used during development and mining tokens already started years before.
Many hundreds of servers have been used to develop the technology which now makes up our ThreeFold_Grid.
+-300 servers are the foundation of our TF Grid.
Most of the servers are in Dubai and in Ghent (Belgium).
- To see the [genesis pool in Ghent, see here](./
- To see the [genesis pool in Dubai, see here](./
All genesis pools were owned by the foundation. Many of those servers are at this point no longer active. The operations were done by ThreeFold_Dubai and BetterToken as Farming Cooperative.
> For information about genesis pool/block, see [here](./
## Genesis Pool Token Usage
- A lot of the genesis pool tokens went to the original shareholders of a company who created a lot of the technology which was the basis at that time for ThreeFold.
- Most of these tokens are locked up and are not tradeable.
- This was a deal made mid 2018 and provided the ThreeFold Dubai with technology and a global engineering team.
- The other part went to ThreeFold Dubai, to allow the Foundation to promote & further grow the project.
> [See Token Overview](./token_overview/ for more details.
The tokens were used from out of ThreeFold_Dubai to create value for the ThreeFold Grid.
- Initial funding: sell TFT as future IT capacity
- IT capacity delivered amongst others from the computers deployed by genesis pools (+300 servers)
- grants to community, bounties for coders, evangelists, ...
- max bounty given to contributors/founders = 2.5m TFT
- funding for projects like coding, marketing, ...
- There is a token grant program, but not really active yet.
- Fund the day-to-day operation of threefold_dubai
- Fund some development projects for our open source technology
- Public exchange fees
- Operational costs of keeping the genesis pool operational (engineers, data center, bandwidth, ...)
- Reward for the ThreeFold larger community and contributors
## Remarks
- ThreeFold_Dubai is run as a [not-for-profit organization](../legal/
- All (future) profits generated, tokens=IT capacity sold are used to promote and grow the ThreeFold Project.
- None of the potential profits generated go to the shareholders of the company.
- Investments and loans given will of course be paid back to the relevant investors.

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## The Genesis Pool Dubai
Read more about ThreeFold Dubai [here](./

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## The Genesis Pool (Ghent)

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<h1> Governance </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Project History](#project-history)
- [Type of Token](#type-of-token)
- [Governance Process](#governance-process)
- [Organic Growth](#organic-growth)
- [Genesis Pool](#genesis-pool)
- [Decentralized and Open-Source](#decentralized-and-open-source)
## Introduction
We introduce the ThreeFold governance and provide some context around ThreeFold in general.
## Project History
The project is grateful of the support of its community and the commercial entity TFTech.
ThreeFold is fundamentally a decentralized initiative. Within this framework, ThreeFold Dubai plays a pivotal role in championing and advancing the ThreeFold Grid and the broader movement.
For more information, read the [ThreeFold History](./
## Type of Token
The regulators and legal advisors believe that we are a payment token with some flavor of a utility token (hybrid).
We conducted research and obtained legal counsel in multiple jurisdictions:
- Switzerland
- Belgium
- Dubai
- Singapore
For more information, [read the legal opinions](
## Governance Process
To make sure that all our funds are used properly and that decisions are taken for the benefit of ThreeFold and its community as a whole, we make use of different tools and features, such as multi-signature wallets, the [ThreeFold DAO](./dao/ and the [ThreeFold Forum](
## Organic Growth
We never organized a pump and dump or any other synthetic mechanism to boost the token price and benefit from this. We believe in organic growth and TFT going up as result of utilization and grid expansion.
## Genesis Pool
The Genesis pool was based on real hardware located in Dubai and Ghent.
The tokens out of this pool are safe and well managed. We are acquiring a lot of them with ThreeFold Cloud (ThreeFold Dubai).
For more information on the Genesis pool, [read this section](./
## Decentralized and Open-Source
In essence, ThreeFold is a decentralized and open-source project. We invite everyone to contribute and participate within the ThreeFold ecosystem.
You can read the code on the [ThreeFold Tech GitHub repository](

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<h1> Mazraa </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [History](#history)
- [Mission](#mission)
## Introduction
Mazraa is a brand name of [ThreeFold Dubai](./ You can read about ThreeFold Dubai for more details.
## History
Mazraa was established in early 2016 in the United Arab Emirates and was one of the first provider's of Peer2Peer Internet capacity on the ThreeFold Grid. Currently, Mazraa's capacity pool of storage and compute capacity can be accessed for workload development on the TF Capacity Explorer.
## Mission
Mazraa supports ThreeFold Foundation's mission to create a responsible Internet for all, one that is accessible, affordable and environmentally conscious. Mazraa is a founding capacity farmer on the ThreeFold Network and actively supports the expansion and adoption of ThreeFold's P2P Cloud. Mazraa's focus is to provide P2P Cloud capacity for developers, nodes for new and existing farmers, as well as, providing over the counter access to TFT's to enable reservations of Internet capacity. Additionally, Mazraa supports the promotion and growth of the ThreeFold Network, through marketing resources and funding contributions. We believe it's time for the internet to have a major upgrade to empower people and protect our planet.

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# Organisation Structure
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Governance](./
- [ThreeFold Companies](./
- [ThreeFold Dubai](./
- [ThreeFold VZW](./
- [ThreeFold AG](./
- [Mazraa](./
- [BetterToken](./
- [DAO](./dao/
- [ThreeFold DAO](./dao/
- [TFChain](./

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# ThreeFold Grid Release Notes
We're delighted to have you here as we explore the latest updates and enhancements to our decentralized grid ecosystem. In these release notes, you'll discover a wealth of information about the exciting features, bug fixes, performance optimizations, and new functionalities that have been introduced in each release.
Whether you're a developer, a farmer, a user, or simply curious about the cutting-edge advancements happening in the world of distributed computing, these release notes will provide you with valuable insights and keep you up to date with our progress. So dive in, explore the details, and join us in shaping the future of the ThreeFold Grid!
## ThreeFold TFGrid v3.x Release Notes
- [TFGrid v3.10.0](./
- [TFGrid v3.9.0](./
- [TFGrid v3.8.0](./
- [TFGrid v3.7.0](./
- [TFGrid v3.6.1](./
- [TFGrid v3.6.0](./
- [TFGrid v3.0.0 Alpha-5](./
- [TFGrid v3.0.0 Alpha-4](./
- [TFGrid v3.0.0 Alpha-2](./
- [TFGrid v3.0.0](./

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# TFGrid release 3.0
TFGrid 3.0 will be released gradually during Q3/Q4 2021.
## What's new ?
TFGrid 3.0 is a full redesign of the ThreeFold Grid architecture. The main purpose of this redesign is to decentralize all the components that the Grid is built with.
### TFChain 3.0
A decentralised chain holding all information on entities that make up the ThreeFold Grid. It runs on Parity Substrate blockchain infrastructure.
Features :
- Your identity and proofs/reputation on our blockchain
- All info about TFGrid (nodes, farmers, …)
- A Graphql interface to be able to query the blockchain
- Support of side chains (unlimited scalability, allow others to run their own blockchain)
- TFT exists now also on TFChain (allows us to work around Stellar scalability issues)
- Bridge between TFT on Stellar and TFT on TFChain (one way to start)
- Blockchain based provisioning process
- TFChain API (javascript, golang, vlang)
- Support for 'Infrastructure as Code' : IAC frameworks
- Terraform
- Kubernetes, Helm, Kubernetes
- Ansible (planned for Q4 2021)
- Use RMB = peer2peer secure Reliable Message Bus to communicate with Zero-OS
### Proof of Utilization
- Resource utilisation is captured and calculated on hourly basis
- Resource utilisation stored in TFChain
- An automated discount system has been put in place, rewarding users who pre-purchased their cloud needs. Price discounts are applied, in line with amount of TFT you have in your account and the period you are holding these TFT.
E.g. if you have 12 months worth of TFT in your account in relation to the last hour used capacity you get 40% discount, 36 months results in 60% discount.
### New Explorer UI
- An updated User Interface of the TF Grid Explorer, nicer and easier to use
- It uses the Graphql layer of TFChain
## Roadmap
The feature overview split over different releases can be found [here](
More info and announcements on Grid 3.0 to be found on our [forum](

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# ThreeFold Release Notes TFGrid 3.0.0 Alpha 2 (Live on testnet)
## TFChain v1.0.0
- DAO Requests
- Becoming council member
- Becoming a validator node
- Pricing changes
- Upgrading tfchain
- Changing farming rewards
## Admin Portal v3.0.1-rc1
- Terms and conditions support
- Fix reasking for activation when the balance reaches 0
- Show amount of bridge deposit/withdraw fee
- Get more TFT button when connected to devnet
## tfchain explorer v3.0.0-rc19
- certification type filter
- adding certification type to nodes
- add zos version to node details
- update map to reflect the selected node
- UX fixes for filters and data sorting
- include version of tfchain, explorer, grid proxy
- showing available resources
- showing online / offline nodes
- showing number of available IPs in a farm
- adding favicon
- statistics page improvements
## ZOS v3.0.4
- public IPv6 support
- Min rootfs for more than 1 CU = 2GB, and anything less will be 500MB
- Mainnet image
- Fix IPv6 rules that broke SLAAC
- Update SRU calculation
- bug don't wait for QSFS shutdown
- Update traefik version
- Fixing crashes caused by slow disks
- Avoid lsblk blocking for QSFS
- Decommission on too many QSFS metric fetches failure
## Terraform v0.1.20
- Support for public IPv6
- Support planetary option for k8s
## grid3_client_ts v1.0.3
- Cert type for nodes
- public IPv6 support
- TwinServer command to be used from other langauges
## Weblets v1.2.0
- Support peertube
- Support funkwhale
- Remove rootfs specification from machine
- Support adding/deleting workers in kubernetes
- Add more images ubuntu, alpine, centos
- Updating the balance periodically
- Adding access for nodes by default for hidden nodes issues
- Resolving issues
### detailed projects list
## gridproxy v1.0.0-rc8
- generic performance improvements
- reduce caching time
- enable CORS in version
- include certification types in nodes
- fix regression on nodes query
## Known Issues 3.0.0 Alpha 2
Following list is incomplete but gives some issues to think about.
- Weblets [limitations](
- QSFS integration is a work in progress
- ZOS and SSD performance [issue](
- Threefold Connect having [issues](
- Docker & ZOS containers [differences](
- ZOS workloads upgrade [issue](
- Terraform projects [don't reflect in the weblets](
- Can't detach public IP from a VM and removing it from a contract [issue](, please note you can still create each in separate contracts.
# ThreeFold Release Notes TFGrid 3.0.0 Alpha 1 (Live on mainnet)
- [TFgrid 3.0 announcement](
- [Whats new in TFGrid 3.0](
- [Roadmap](
## TFChain
- Staking support (as the moment of this writing it's only on devnet now)
- KeyValue store support
- Bridging tokens from stellar to tfchain
- Smart contract for IT
- Billing
- Consumption Reports
- Discounts support
## Admin Portal
- Creation of twins
- Bridge from and to Stellar
- Farm Management
## Tfchain explorer
- Nodes view
- Gateways listing
- Farms information
- Resources/utilization
- Better filtering
## ZOS
- zmachine support
- Integration with latest subtsrate client event types
- public ipv6 support in VMs
- planetary support in VMs
- upgrade to new file system RFS
- support for QSFS
- support for gateways
- capacity reporting to the blockchain support
- Support of SR25519
- Improvements in .zosrc creation
- Safer mechanism for environment variables and init arguments
- improvments in cleaning unused mounts
## Terraform
- Support ZMachine
- Support Kubernetes
- Support QSFS
- Support Capacity Planning
- Support Gateways
## grid3_client_ts
- Support ZMachine
- Support Kubernetes
- Support QSFS
- Support Capacity Planning
- Support Gateways
## Weblets
- Support Profile manager
- Support Virtual machine
- Support CapRover
- Support Kubernetes
- Capacity planning deployment
- [TFgrid 3.0 announcement](
- [Whats new in TFGrid 3.0](
- [Roadmap](
## Known Issues 3.0.0 Alpha 1
Following list is incomplete but gives some issues to think about.
- Weblets [limitations](
- Public IP6 [support]( in ZOS
- QSFS integration is a work in progress
- ZOS and SSD performance [issue](
- Threefold Connect having [issues](
- Docker & ZOS containers [differences](
- ZOS workloads upgrade [issue](
- Terraform projects [don't reflect in the weblets](
- Can't detach public IP from a VM and removing it from a contract [issue](, please note you can still create each in separate contracts.

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# ThreeFold Grid v3.0.0 Alpha - 4 Release Note
## TFConnect v3.4.0
### TFConnect Backend Services Migration
We moved ThreeFold Connects backend services from a data storage in Lochristi to TFGrid. From TF Wallet, to TF account, and TFNews, all active services are migrated by using Helm charts.
## TFPlay v1.1.4
### Listed Mattermost as Deployable Solution
On this release, we added Mattermost as one of our deployable decentralised solutions.
Mattermost is a secure, open source platform for communication, collaboration, and workflow orchestration across tools and teams.
### Separated TFPlay into 3 different networks
Node upgrades could happen anytime, and it could make solution deployments on different networks incompatible. Therefore, we separated TFPlay into 3 different networks:
- Deployment on TFGrid Mainnet:
- Deployment on TFGrid Testnet:
- Deployment on TFGrid Devnet:
This way, if some nodes on one network are being upgraded, deployments on the other nets should not be affected.
## Minting v3.0
### Minting V3 code
There was a change the way how the CU/SU are calculated from the resource units calculations, please see for details.
Therefore, we updated the calculations on the minting code (minting v3), as well as adjusted price calculation for workloads on TFchain.
## GetTFT Shop v1.0.4
### Minor UX / UI improvements
On this release we created minor UX improvements on the existing GetTFT Shop website that create a better experience for our customers, such as improved interactivity, fixed embedded media, revised UX content, improved screen responsiveness, and many more.
## TF Capacity Explorer v0.1.0
### An all-in-one Unified Capacity Explorer
Currently we have a few separate capacity explorers for both TFGrid v2 Explorer and TFGrid v3 Explorer. On this release we unified all versions and networks into one explorer, where users can find capacity information on both TFGrid v2 and v3 mainnet, testnet, and devnet. This all-in-one unified Capacity Explorer will be hosted under the domain
## TF Farm Management v1.1
On TFGrid v3, node and farm management are also moved to substrate-based blockchains. A farm can be managed by making calls directly to the blockchain using objects created in TFChain called Twins. TFWallet app can reuse the wallet keypair to support a twin. A twin is also associated with a Planetary Network address that is supported by the Threefold Connect App.
Therefore we added a Farm Management feature on the TFConnect App that would enable farmers to list their farms and create new ones directly on the mobile app. The Farm Management feature will allow users to create new farms, list farms, as well as migrate their farms from TFGrid v2 to TFGrid v3.

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# ThreeFold Grid v3.0.0 Alpha - 5 Release Note
This is the release note of TFGrid v3.0.0 Alpha 5. It includes updates, improvements and fixes of numerous grid components as described below.
## TFT Shop v1.1.0
On the first initial release of TFT Shop v1.0.0, we have made it easier for users to buy TFT by BTC on the [TFT Shop website](
On this v1.1.0 release, we are giving users another **option to buy TFT by using fiat currency**. This is made possible by integrating []( (third-party) widget onto the shop. By buying TFT using TFT Shop, you confirm that you have read and agree to [ThreeFolds terms and conditions](
## ZOS v3.1.0
### Performance Improvements
This new feature release of ZOS v3.1.0 includes a lot of improvements such as **improvements on performance issues** (disk and IO), grid events handling, and improvement on the current yggdrasil network by start and maintaining our public peers.
### ZOS Supoort Dedicated Nodes
To empower community-driven decentralization on the TFGrid, we would like to soon invite anyone to deploy their own solutions on the TFGrid. This is feasible to do by allowing any external developers to** deploy their own workloads on** **dedicated nodes** and provide the deployment documentation. By choosing to deploy on dedicated nodes, a user can reserve an entire node, then use it exclusively to deploy solutions for themselves or for other customers. Therefore on this release we are happy to announce that we are supporting dedicated nodes deployment, apply the dedicated node contracts on TFChain and support mechanism on ZOS' next release.
## TF Playground v3.0.0 Alpha-5
### New community and blockchain solutions
On the last release, we have added new deployable community solutions on [TF Playground](, such as Peertube, Funkwhale and Taiga, Mattermost as well as some developer tools like CapRover, Virtual Machine, Kubernetes and Owncloud.
On this release, we have added **community and blockchain solutions** such as Discourse (forum), Presearch Node and Casperlabs validator node.
## Uhuru v1.1 (beta)
### Uhuru Backend Changes
[Uhuru]( is a digital product on top of a the TFGrid that enhance collaboration with features such as chat, videocall, office tools, and file storage, all in one platform.
## ThreeFold Wallet v3.0.0
### Add (substrate-based) TFChain Wallet
TFGrid v3 is powered by substrate-based blockchain. A TFT is moveable from Stellar blockchain to TFChain through the use of a bridge.ThreeFold Wallet now has successfully **added (substrate-based) TFChain Wallet in order to support the bridge transaction**.
However, TFT is still the native currency on TFChain. As such, there is no need for an external service to transfer tokens on TFChain. A transaction fee is charged (currently 0.01 TFT) for every transaction/extrinsic call.
## TF Farm Management Tool v3.0.2
### Adjust farm management for the latest TFChain upgrade
On the last release of 3 alpha-4, we have released Farm Management Tool v3.0.1 which allows farmers to migrate their farms from v2 to v3 through the TF Connect application.
Recently a change was made within the codes of TFChain, thus broke the farm management function in the wallet. Therefore, on the v3.0.2 release, code changes were done on **Farm Management Tool to adapt itself with TFChain changes**. This was done quickly in production.
## TFConnect App v3.5.0
### Generic Frontend and Backend Improvements
This new feature release of TFConnect App includes new features such as **enabling user to sign documents on the app** directly, and many other backend improvements.
### Integrate TFConnect SSO to TFPlay Solutions
We need to simplify peer-to-peer collaboration and how users interact with their TFPlay solutions. On this release, we have eliminated a complicated way of signing up to solutions (emails, username and password) by replacing it using **TFConnect app SSO login**. Therefore on this release, we successfully created TFConnect Native SSO backend environments for the following TFPlay solutions**: Discourse. Mattermost, and Gitea, that will allow users to sign in and start using the solutions with just few clicks.
## TFChain v1.2.0
### ThreeFold DAO Pt. 2: Adjoint Validator-Council member request
From version 3.0 on, [ThreeFold Grid operates as a DAO]( On the last release of TFChain v1.0.0, we have successfully implemented The first TF-DAO that allows users to request to become DAO council members.
On this release we also have successfully implemented **ThreeFold DAO Request part 2 where any user could request to become an adjoint validator-council member**: by running a a validator node, not only that they become a validator, they would also gain a seat as DAO council member that give them the right to vote for organizational changes.
### ThreeFold DAO Pt. 2: Enable Validator Application
On this release we implemented ThreeFold DAO Request part 2 any user could **apply to become a validator **and register the validator application on-chain if they meet the validator requirements.

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# ThreeFold Grid v3.10.0 Release Note
Release Note of ThreeFold Grid v3.10.0.
- Deployed on Mainnet on 3rd July 2023.
## Components and Services
The following components and services have been upgraded in this release:
- TFChain
- Terraform
- TF Gridclient
- TF Gridproxy
- TF Weblets
- TF Playground
- TF-Grid-CLI
- Gridify
## Upgrades and Improvement Highlights
Below are some of the key highlights of the TFGrid v3.10.0 component upgrades and improvements.
### TFChain 2.4.0
- Addressed syncing issues.
- Introduced the attachment of solution provider IDs to contracts.
- Enabled the bonding of a stash account to a twin.
- Implemented various bug fixes.
### ZOS 3.7.1
- Restructured the capacity to enhance dynamism.
- Added support for proxying traffic to private networks using WireGuard-based gateways.
- Introduced support for cloud-based consoles.
- Resolved various issues related to error messages, user validations, and error handling.
### Terraform 1.9
- Added support for WireGuard-based gateway options.
- Implemented proper timeout handling for deployments.
- Introduced gateway node validation before submitting deployments.
- Resolved various bugs and issues.
### TFGrid-SDK-GO 0.8.0
- Consolidated multiple Go projects into a single repository for simplified administration and quicker releases.
- Extracted reusable code from the Terraform project and created a standalone library for creating new platforms or plugins.
#### Grid-Client
- Enhanced the grid client to serve as the foundation layer for the Terraform plugin, enabling deployment of networks, virtual machines, and Kubernetes.
#### Grid-Proxy
- Added support for standby status for nodes powered off by the farmerbot.
- Enabled farm filtering based on requested resources.
#### RMB
- Improved the direct client's resilience to recover from close connections.
#### TF-Grid-CLI
- Introduced a simple tool for creating virtual machines and Kubernetes clusters. Note that `TF-Grid-CLI` is now `TFCMD`.
- Get started [here](../../../../documentation/developers/tfcmd/
#### Gridify
- An experimental project that allows developers to deploy their projects on ThreeFold as a platform with a single command, "gridify," using a Procfile in their code repository.
- Currently supported platforms include:
- Go 1.18
- Python 3.10.10
- Node 16.17.1
- NPM 8.10.0
- Caddy
- Learn more [here](
### TFGrid-SDK-TS 2.0.0
- Consolidated all components targeting web/TypeScript developers and frontend efforts into a single repository for easier management and rapid releases.
- Moved gridclient, dashboard, statistics websites, and other TypeScript-based projects to the new repository [here](
#### Grid-Client
- Gateways now support WireGuard backends.
- Added support for hex secrets.
- Various fixes are detailed [here](
#### TF Dashboard
- Added support for IPv4 pricing in the resources calculator.
- Included TFT/USD exchange rate in the dashboard navbar.
- Introduced new standby status for nodes powered off by the farmerbot.
- In the explorer, a node monitoring page is now available.
- Fixed high CPU usage in the DAO Pages.
- Tracking improperly set serial number on nodes with a clear message.
#### TFGrid Weblets
- We are phasing out the TFGrid Weblets for a newer playground rewritten in vue3, however, we introduced some maintenance bugfixes.
- [Support umbrel on the grid](
### TF Playground v2.0.0
This release introduces a new playground with a more consistent user experience. Some components have been reworked for consistency.
- Simplified the profile manager, requiring only the provision of a mnemonic and a password for encryption on the device. Mnemonics are never shared or sent across the network.
- Real-time calculation of deployment costs.
- Ability to generate WireGuard configurations.
- Direct link to the monitoring page of a deployments hosting node.
## RMB 1.0.5
- Deprecated seed flag.

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# ThreeFold Grid v3.6 Release Note
Release Note of ThreeFold Grid v3.6. It includes updates, improvements and fixes of numerous grid components as described below.
## TFPlayground v1.4.3
- Updated Farming Calculator
- Better node-filtering mechanism by adding 'capacity' filter
- Simplified K8s solution deployment by eliminating 'add ssh key' part
- Improved UX for manual solution deployment on dedicated nodes
- Fixed solution's post-deployment bad gateway issue.
- Validation enhancements
## Uhuru v1.2 (beta)
- Tackled the UI/UX issues and bugs.
- Added many features except for main missing things such as 'logout' option.
## ThreeFold Wallet v3.1.0
- Enable token unlocking feature
- Allow users to unlock their locked tokens via TFwallet.
- Improvements and fixes included, including usability supports for iOS devices that will be greatly improved.
## TFConnect App v3.6.0
- Better usability and user experience through the app workflow improvements as well as
- Improved design and interface, look and feel.
## TF Planetary Network v0.3.0
TF Planetary Network is an application that allows users to access[ Peer To Peer end2end encrypted global network]( which lives on top of the existing internet or other Peer To Peer networks created. This release's improvements:
- New P2P functionalities on Desktop Client
- Improved the desktop clients for planetary network by adding support for M1 version of Mac.
- Allowed the application to refresh the list of peers, allowing extra peers to be added by TF org
- Debugged multiple account issues on Mac.
## TFTShop (GetTFT) v1.1.1
- Better usability and user experience through the app workflow improvements
- Improved design and interface, look and feel, such as Improvement on TFT purchase flows on all BTC-TFT, and FIAT-TFT transactions
## TFGrid Proxy v1.5.0
TFGrid Proxy is a REST API-based server used to interact with TFGridDB (Database) in order to access all available node-related information. This release's improvements:
- Added querying for dedicated nodes support in gridproxy API.
- Added support for twins and contracts.
- Added filter for dedicated nodes
- Added missing queries on farms
- Added country API for node distribution
## ZOS v3.1.0
- Support pausing workloads to allow grace period before canceling contract.
- Enabled log streaming from VMs/Containers to a remote logs aggregation server.
## TFNode-Pilot v0.1.0
Pocket Network is a blockchain data platform built for applications that use cost-efficient economics to coordinate and distribute data at scale, enabling seamless interactions between blockchains and applications. This release's content:
- Reverse-engineered the Pokt node pilot into Node Pilot Light.
- Deployed first version of PoktNetwork with TF Terraform Grid Provider.
## TFChain v1.12
- DAO support
- Dedicated nodes support
- General stability improvement
- Reworked farming policies
- Introduction of contract grace periods
- Farm certificaation through DAO
- New bridge code

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# ThreeFold Grid v3.6.1 Release Note
Release Note of ThreeFold Grid v3.6.1 It includes updates, improvements and fixes of numerous grid components as described below.
## TFGrid 3.6.1 components
- testnet tfchain 1.12.1
- substrate client (go) release for type change
- tfchain client (JS) release for type change
- graphql 2.3.3
- tfchain bridge v2.1.0
- ZOS 3.1.0-rc1
- weblets 1.4.3-rc1
- terraform 1.2.1
- gridproxy v1.5.1
- explorer 3.2.2
- tfgrid_dashboard 1.0.6
## Component Upgrades
### TFPlayground v1.4.3
- Updated Farming Calculator
- Better node-filtering mechanism by adding 'capacity' filter
- Simplified K8s solution deployment by eliminating 'add ssh key' part
- Improved UX for manual solution deployment on dedicated nodes
- Fixed solution's post-deployment bad gateway issue.
- Validation enhancements
### ThreeFold Wallet v3.1.0
- Enable token unlocking feature
- Allow users to unlock their locked tokens via TFwallet.
- Improvements and fixes included, including usability supports for iOS devices that will be greatly improved.
### TFConnect App v3.6.0
- Better usability and user experience through the app workflow improvements as well as
- Improved design and interface, look and feel.
### TF Planetary Network v0.3.0
TF Planetary Network is an application that allows users to access[ Peer To Peer end2end encrypted global network]( which lives on top of the existing internet or other Peer To Peer networks created. This release's improvements:
- New P2P functionalities on Desktop Client
- Improved the desktop clients for planetary network by adding support for M1 version of Mac.
- Allowed the application to refresh the list of peers, allowing extra peers to be added by TF org
- Debugged multiple account issues on Mac.
### TFTShop (GetTFT) v1.1.1
- Better usability and user experience through the app workflow improvements
- Improved design and interface, look and feel, such as Improvement on TFT purchase flows on all BTC-TFT, and FIAT-TFT transactions
### TFGrid Proxy v1.5.0
TFGrid Proxy is a REST API-based server used to interact with TFGridDB (Database) in order to access all available node-related information. This release's improvements:
- Added querying for dedicated nodes support in gridproxy API.
- Added support for twins and contracts.
- Added filter for dedicated nodes
- Added missing queries on farms
- Added country API for node distribution
### ZOS v3.1.0
- Support pausing workloads to allow grace period before canceling contract.
- Enabled log streaming from VMs/Containers to a remote logs aggregation server.
### TFNode-Pilot v0.1.0
Pocket Network is a blockchain data platform built for applications that use cost-efficient economics to coordinate and distribute data at scale, enabling seamless interactions between blockchains and applications. This release's content:
- Optimized node pilot by Threefold.
- Deployed first version of PoktNetwork with TF Terraform Grid Provider.
### TFChain v1.12
- DAO support
- Dedicated nodes support
- General stability improvement
- Reworked farming policies
- Introduction of contract grace periods
- Farm certificaation through DAO
- New bridge code
### TFgrid Dashboard
Tfgrid Dashboard is the mainhighlight of this release. We aim to have a simpler workflow for our Threefold users and more unified experience. The supported functionalites for this release are:
- Farm management
- Twin management
- Dedicated nodes
- Tfchain DAO
- Transferring money to TFChain accounts
- Swapping tokens on Binance and stellar
- Exploring farms
- Explorring nodes
- Grid statistics
service is deployed on
### Uhuru v1.4.0 (beta)
- Improved mobile View
- Improved multiple screen size views
- Added support and usability for more browsers (Firefox, Safari, etc)
- Added features on chat group management
- Full backend rewrite for improved performance, stability and security
### TFConnect App v3.6.0
- UX rewrite on for userflows like the welcome screen, registration screen, planetary network and many more
- Added Planetary network for iOS users

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# ThreeFold Grid v3.7.0 Release Note
Release Note of ThreeFold Grid v3.7.0.
It includes updates, improvements and fixes of numerous grid components as described below.
## Component Upgrades
### ThreeFold Wallet v3.7.0
- Include the option to show transaction details (Sender, Receiver, Memo, Blockchain hash, Amount, Asset, Date
- Added Farmer types details
- GraphQL types fix
- Enabled wallet deletion
- Wallet Cache fixes
- Bugs fixes and generic improvements
### ThreeFold Connect v3.7.0
- Improved loading of webpages
- Released the IOS version of planetary network
- Improved login flow (backend)
- Removed the concept of .3bot from the app registration and other display
- Re-enable TFChain bridge after twin changed
- Backend: Upgraded from Vue v2 to Vue v3
- Backend: Full kubernetes test deploy stack.
- Frontend: Add typescript, tailwind. Removed the use of vuetify
- Generic Bug fixes
### ThreeFold Grid Proxy Client v1.5.9
- Initial Grid Proxy Client implementation
- Includes the gridproxy API client along with API-specific information
- Includes classes that represent entities in the context of the API in the sub-module model (for making conversions between JSON objects and V objects).
- Added CI pipeline to run tests
### ThreeFold Chain v2.1.0
- Improved Validation for Public Config (Node) by Implementing a maximum size on all types that are filled in by the user or ZOS tfchain
- Improved Validation for Interfaces (Node) by Implementing a maximum size on all types that are filled in by the user or ZOS tfchain
- Improved Validationfor Public IPs (Farm)
- Improved Validation for Twin IPs
- Reworked public IPs on Contract, they are now shown as a list with the actual public IP object
- Executed billing in a transactional operation tfchain
- Added Restriction of deployment hash length (32 bytes)
### Planetary Network v.3.7.0
- Added support for M1 Mac.
- Refresh list of peers.
- Allow extra peers to be added by TF org.
- Fix UI crashing/lags
- Build for Ubuntu, Windows, Build for Mac
### Freeflow Twin Beta 1.5
- Major Rebranding from Uhuru to Freeflow Twin
- Generic Bug fixes
- Enabled tagging people in chats
- Improved dev setup
- Improved staging+production link setup.
- Self-deploy improvements.
- PWA support
- Add info labels
- HTML encoding of messages
- Overflow handling
- Remember login session
- Chat: Added File upload progress view
- Chat: Added Link preview
- Chat: Adding more search options
### TFGrid Dashboard v1.1.4
- UX/UI : Updated Color Palette
- Updated Font styles
- Updated sidebar menu UX to include TF Portal, TF Explorer
- Enabled day/night mode
- TFGrid Explorer: Added Nodes page, Statistic Page, and Farms page ON TFGrid Explorer
- TFGrid Explorer: Added category of listed nodes as (dedicated, rented, and arentable)
- TFGrid Stats: Updated Minting Details on TF Dashboard
- TFGrid Stats: show receipts of previous nodes
- TFGrid Stats: Added Calendar UI
- Clickable Live Support Chat Popup
### TF Playground v1.4.4
- UX/UI : Updated Color Palette
- Updated Fonts.
- New Deployment/Solutions Icons in the sidebar.
- New Actions Icons in the deployment list.
- Added Solution Categories
- Enabled custom Presearch instance deployment
- New Capacity Filter
- Add IPv4 Planetary Network Filter for specific instance deployments
- Newly improved Capacity Management for solution deployment: enabling the setting of a full VM as the default Virtual Machine for deployment,
- Easily fund a deployment profile / ID by scanning your ID wallet QR Code
- Profile Manager: Avoid losing deployment with Grace Period Listing
- provide a simple list where you can select one of the online Grid gateways
- Profile Management: Add Confirmation popup before deleting a deployment profile
- Added an Identifier for the current network in the sidebar (main/test/devnet)
- TF Playground Wallet: show unlocked/locked tokens in balance
- Profile Management: allow a user to create a profile with no SSH key.
- TFGrid Client TS supports Algorand, Stellar, and TFChain Modules.
- NEW Node Pilot Instance Deployment
- NEW Subsquid Solution

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# ThreeFold Grid v3.8.0 Release Note
Release Note of ThreeFold Grid v3.8.0.
Live on Testnet 02/02/2023
This release note includes updates, improvements and fixes of numerous grid components as described below:
## The Components
- TFChain v2.2.0
- ZOS v3.4.0
- TF Weblets v1.6.0
- TF Dashboard v1.3.0
- TFGrid Client v1.5.0
- TFGrid Proxy v1.6.5
- Terraform v1.6.0
## Upgrades and Improvements
### TFChain v2.2.0
- Added [Third Party Billing Services](, allowing defining contracts between TFChain users for a service and the billing.
- Reworked billing flow, see [details here](
- Infrastructure wise, we have integrated [Firesquid](, which is showing promising improvements in regards of the storage and data syncing.
- Added Bugfixes around data validations and improving migrations
### ZOS v3.4.0
This release was mainly focused on the stabilization of ZOS, Monitoring Support, upgrading components and fixing bugs as described below:
- Vector and Node-exporter support for [monitoring](
- Bugfixes / hardening around uptime reports, capacity reports and QSFS workloads cleanup
- Added fixes for Grace Period regression
- Added fixes for ZOS Nodes Recovery after Network Outages
- Uptime reports rework: allowing it to happen every 40 minutes, instead of evey 2 hours
- Added Grace Period Workload Regression fixes
[3.4 milestone]( for more details
### TF Weblets v1.6.0
- Support [Algorand]( solution deployment
- Simplified Weblet's Profile Manager
- Support [Mastodon]( solution deployment
- Upgraded [Discourse]( solution deployment support
- Various bugfixes and [UI Improvements](
For more detailed information on this component release, please see [TF Weblets v1.6.0 Milestone](
### TF Dashboard v1.3.0
- Fixed broken 'Filter by Farm ID'
- Added fixes on HRU Filter
- Added Validation function on recipient's TFT address
- Added updates to sidebar icons
- Improved new farm addition function
- Added node filters validations fix
- Support filtering nodes by farm name
- Added Monitoring dashboard
For more detailed information on this component release, please see [TF Dashboard v1.3.0 Milestone](
### TFGrid Client 1.5.0
- Added ZLogs workload support
- Added documentation updates
### Terraform 1.6.0
- Capacity planning upgrade
- Added Kubernetes token validation function
## TFGrid Proxy v1.6.5
- Added fixes on dedicated nodes reservation
- Added fixes on TCP connection leaks
- Added Swagger Docs fixes
- Added Updates to stats endpoint
- Added new queries for total resources
- Added more parameters to /nodes enpoint for filter by twin_id and node_id
For more detailed information on this component release, please see [TFGrid Proxy v1.6.5 Milestone](

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# ThreeFold Grid v3.9.0 Release Note
Release Note of ThreeFold Grid v3.9.0.
- Live on Mainnet 12/04/2023
- Live on Testnet 23/03/2023
This release is mainly around power management/capacity planning orchestrated by the farmerbot based on Wake-on Lan (WOL) and the reliable message bus (RMB) and the toolings update to utilize both. It also includes several other updates, improvements and fixes of numerous grid components as described below:
## The Components
- TFChain v2.3.0
- ZOS v3.6.0
- TF Farmerbot v1.0.0
- TF Weblets v1.7.0
- TF Dashboard v1.4.0
- TF Gridclient v2.0.0
- TF Gridproxy v1.7.0
- Terraform v1.8.x
- RMB-RS v1.0.2
- TFChain-GraphQL v2.9.0
## Upgrades and Improvement Highlights
Below are some of the highlights of TFGrid v3.9.0 component upgrades and improvements.
Feel free to check [TFGrid v3.9.0 Project]( for a more detailed overview of the TFGrid v3.9.0 release.
### RMB-RS v1.0.2
Reliable Message Bus Relay (RMB-RS) is a secure communication panel that allows bots to communicate together in a chat-like way. It makes it very easy to host a service or a set of functions to be used by anyone, even if your service is running behind NAT.
- Guarantee authenticity of the messages. You are always sure that the received message is authentic from the sender.
- End-to-end encryption support.
- Support for third-party hosted Relays. Anyone can host a Relay and people can use it safely since there is no way messages can be inspected while using e2e. That's similar to home servers by matrix.
See [Specifications]( for more information.
> Below is the list of the __Public Relay Addresses__ hosted by Threefold:
- Dev: wss://
- QA: wss://
- Test: wss://
- Main: wss://
__Impacted Clients:__
### TFChain v2.3.0
On this release, we modified the twin objects on TFChain and removed the notion of an `IP`. We added 2 fields (`Relay` and `PK`) onto the twins.
- __Relay__: an RMB Relay Address which a client can connect to (See RMB changes)
- __PK__: a public key for an encryption key which can be used to encrypt messages on the Public Relay, if not set, traffic will be unencrypted.
__Impacted Clients:__
- [Grid3_Client_RS](
### TFChain-GraphQL v2.9.0
An important note for users, that multiple steps would be required to upgrade your TFChain-GraphQL into the latest v2.9.0 release, as described below:
1. Restart the ingester from scratch using the new config
2. Restart the processor from scratch using the new code
Please make sure all data is wiped before restarting both services.
### TF Famerbot v1.0.0
TF Farmerbot is a new component that aim as a power management solution that would allow farmer to setup to enable Wake-on-LAN mechanism on their farms.
## Other Component Changelogs
### TFChain v2.3.0
- Fixed locked balances
- Added extra field to twin for publickey
- Fixed serial number validation was blocking nodes from registration
- Added fixes on Farming policies on Testnet
- Allow farms to Add public IP ranges
- Support power management and capacity planning
- Fixed TFT price on mainnet
- Reworked migrations
- Set node's last uptime when the node send an uptime event
- Disable twin deletion
- Bug fixes around data validations, and more.
Please follow [this milestone]( for more.
### ZOS v3.6.0
- Support Switching dhcpd from udhcpd
- WOL support
- Power Management support
- Fixed gateways backend validation
- Added number of workloads and deployments to zos reported statistics
- Support the new RMB and Relay
- Provide clearer messaging during twin registration
Please follow [this milestone]( for more details
### TF Farmerbot v1.0.0
- Initial Release
- Added Support for Power Management feature
- Added Support for Capacity Planning feature
### TF Weblets v1.7.0
- NEW Wordpress solution
- NEW Umbrel solution
- Added live button support
- Better error reporting mechanism
- Support Mnemonics field editing
- Removed flash messages after successfull deployment
Please follow [this milestone]( for more details
### TF Dashboard v1.4.0
- Public IP validation
- RenameD 'Swap' page to 'Bridge'
- Support setting Relay and Public Key
- Added filter by Country validation
- Filter farms by pricing policy support
- Resource pricing calculator discount distinction between shared and dedicated nodes
Please follow [this milestone]( for more details
### TF GridClient v2.0.0
- Added Support for RMB and Public Key of Twins
- Added Support for Farmerbot
- Added pricing calculator module
- Support service contracts
- Added size property to QSFS model
- HTTP server mode allows configuration file for user credentials
- Added fixes on 'Filter nodes by farmID' featue
### Terraform v1.8.x
- Added Support for RMB and RMB Relay
- Added Support for deployment using direct client
- Added Support for parallel deployment of resources
- Expand resources and data sources documentation
Please follow [this milestone]( for more details
## RMB v1.0.2
The new version of RMB written in Rust
- Added Federation support
- Added Signing and end-to-end encryption
- RMB-Peer for compatibility
- Added Ratelimiting support
## TFGrid Proxy v1.7.0
- Removed the proxying features, obsoleted by the new RMB.
Please follow [this milestone]( for more details

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# ThreeFold Grid and Product Roadmap
Welcome to ThreeFold's product roadmap! We are thrilled to have you on board as we journey towards a decentralized and sustainable future. Our product roadmap outlines the innovative solutions and technologies we are developing to revolutionize the way we compute, store data, and connect. Here, you will find a comprehensive overview of our latest and upcoming releases, enhancements, and advancements across our ecosystem.
> Click [here](../../technology/concepts/ to see the complete TFGrid Component List
## Table of Contents
- [TFGrid v3.x Announcement (Aug 2021 - Forum)](
- [What's new on TFGrid v3.x](../../technology/concepts/
- [Release Notes](./releasenotes/

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<h1> TFChain </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [TFChain Uses](#tfchain-uses)
## Introduction
TFChain is a blockchain based on Parity Substrate which manages the TFGrid 3.x.
TFChain is a combination of TFChain nodes.
## TFChain Uses
This blockchain is used for:
- storing information as needed on the ThreeFold Grid
- identity information of entities (person and company)
- 3node phone book, where are the 3nodes, how much capacity, which farmer
- TF Farmer's, where are they based, how long active, reputation
- DigitalTwin Phonebook, registry of all digital_twins, where are they, public key, unique id, ... (\*1)
- Reputation information : how good is a farmer, uptime of a 3Node (\*2)
- Account_Metadata which is information about a digital currency wallet/account needed for vesting, locking, ...
- backend for Consensus_Engine.
- smartcontract_it layer (how to provision workloads on top of TFGrid)
- the backend for TFChainDB

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<h1> ThreeFold Switzerland </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Some Plans](#some-plans)
## Introduction
ThreeFold Switzerland is officially called ThreeFold AG.
While there are activities done at this time, we are preparing for future activities.
## Some Plans
- Promotion of ThreeFold, specifically in Zug Communities (CH).

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<h1> ThreeFold Related Companies </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Companies Overview](#companies-overview)
## Introduction
The following companies are related parties to ThreeFold. Our terms and conditions apply.
## Companies Overview
| --------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [ThreeFold Dubai or ThreeFold Cloud](./ | Promotion of TFGrid + Delivery of ThreeFold Cloud |
| [Threefold_Tech](./ | Belgium-based tech company owns IP (Intellectual Property) of tech, is open source |
| [ThreeFold_VZW](./ | Non for profit organization in BE, intented to be used for grants work. |
| [ThreeFold_AG](./ | ThreeFold in Zug, Switzerland |
| TF Hub Limited | ThreeFold in BVI |
| Codescalers | Egypt-based software development team, creates a lot of code for ThreeFold |
| ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ |
| [Mazraa](./ | A farmer in Middle East who is part of ThreeFold_Dubai |
| [BetterToken](./ | BetterToken is the very first ThreeFold Farming Cooperative in Europe |
| ------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Green Edge | Early ThreeFold Farmer providing decentralized compute & storage |
| Bancadati | Large ThreeFold Farmer in Switzerland |
| Moresi | A neutral, technologically advanced data center in Switzerland |
| there are many more | ... |
> Please note, ThreeFold Grid 3.x operates as a [DAO](./dao/ every party who wants to participate with the ThreeFold Grid uses the [TFChain](./ and our Forums.
> [Click here for more info about our DAO](./dao/

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<h1> ThreeFold Dubai </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents </h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Responsibilities](#responsibilities)
- [NEW 2023](#new-2023)
- [Some memories from 2015+](#some-memories-from-2015)
- [Structure: Oct 2021 - Dec 2022](#structure-oct-2021---dec-2022)
- [Official License](#official-license)
## Introduction
ThreeFold Dubai is the original team of ThreeFold operated from Dubai and Belgium. We started in 2016.
## Responsibilities
- Promote ThreeFold Grid and the ThreeFold Token
- Work with [ThreeFold Tech](./ for the creation and maintenance of the technology.
- Legal: signing party with all T&C (terms and conditions) with all future farmers
- Work with many people and companies around the world to grow the threefold ecosystem
- Look for partners who are willing to grow the threefold ecosystem
## NEW 2023
ThreeFold Dubai = ThreeFold DMCC and will launch a commercial business on top of the TFGrid.
See more info in [this google doc](
## Some memories from 2015+
At one point in time we had our office on the 74th floor of a building close to the Dubai International Airport. It was a cool spot with a great view, but we also realized the importance of being located closer to the ground. We only stayed there for just a little more than 1 year.
Our main office was and still is in Al Jadaf which is, interestingly enough, a boat shipyard. This is where a lot of the ideas and work has been done to make ThreeFold possible.
The tower on the left in the photo above is where our office was. The place behind (to the right) is called Al Jadaf. We decided to do something different compared to most. No office in a fancy office building. Instead we have our office next to the water in a very old shipyard. Very unique, and it much more cost effective as well. (-:
Still today there are more than 100 servers located there in our testlab, and the ThreeFold Dubai was run from there.
## Structure: Oct 2021 - Dec 2022
- ThreeFold Dubai is our operational HQ from where all Foundation activities are coordinated.
- ThreeFold Dubai was mainly funded from TFTech (during 2019-2022), this will now change in 2023
- ThreeFold Dubai sometimes uses ThreeFold Labs IT which is a Dubai onshore company for when we need onshore activities like visa's for our people, workpermits, invoicing, ... ThreeFold Labs IT is just a services company to deal with some of these practical elements.
Adnan Fatayerji is the managing director and shareholder, in the future the shares of ThreeFold Dubai will be 100% owned by The OurWorld Venture Creator
## Official License
Please see below the ThreeFold DMCC license:

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<h1> ThreeFold History </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [History](#history)
- [ThreeFold Project Funding Total](#threefold-project-funding-total)
- [Status](#status)
- [Genesis Pool](#genesis-pool)
- [History of Tokens](#history-of-tokens)
## Introduction
The project, now in its sixth year and is gratefulf or the support of its community and commercial entity [ThreeFold Tech](
ThreeFold is fundamentally a decentralized initiative. Within this framework, ThreeFold Dubai plays a pivotal role in championing and advancing the ThreeFold Grid and the broader movement.
Our founders have largely retained their tokens, with only minimal sales, if any. Their intent is clear: they plan to hold onto their tokens until the grid achieves global recognition and the token value surpasses 0.2 USD.
## History
In the earlier days of ThreeFold, there were multiple teams collaborating, but the two core teams were located in Dubai and Belgium.
A group of early supporters bought IT capacity (through buying TFT) from our Genesis pool and our early farmers. These buyers could use their TFT to buy IT capacity from [ThreeFold Dubai](./ or [BetterToken](./ BV until April 2020, or from the TF Grid directly in a fully decentralized way starting May 2020.
The ThreeFold Grid is the result of many farmers using the open source technology of ThreeFold Tech.
Originally, the technology used was created by three companies: GreenIT Globe, ThreeFold Dubai & ThreeFold Tech. The last two still actively participate in the creation of tech components or content as used by all ThreeFold Farmers today.
## ThreeFold Project Funding Total
How much funding was used to make the ThreeFold project possible?
> +- 50M USD
- +20M USD for all farming (thank you farmers)
- 15M USD in ThreeFold Tech as convertible loan (by 50+ investors)
- 5M USD in early IT capacity purchases (as TFT)
- +10M USD funding from Incubaid/Kristof (estimate)
- ThreeFold Tech was established Oct 2018, from out of Incubaid
- Related to people related to [Incubaid](
- Over quite some years, multiple companies/projects
## Status
We have worked with multiple regions over the years to look for appropriate structures, we realize we need more funding as such we have launched a venture creator in mauritius who will hopefully invest 7.5m EUR in TFTech as well as in TF Dubai.
See our [overview of our companies](./
## Genesis Pool
To kickstart the ThreeFold Grid back in 2017 the foundation committed large amounts of capacity to the grid. This was called the [Genesis Pool](./ and the tokens sold as mentioned could be used to use capacity from this pool and more.
## History of Tokens
For more info about history of tokens, see [token history](./

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<h1> ThreeFold Tech </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents </h2>
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Location](#location)
## Overview
Company developing & promoting software for self-healing, self-driving cloud & blockchain workloads. Has developed most of the software as used in the ThreeFold_Grid.
- TFTech is working together with industry partners to sell its software
- Major partners: HPE, Solidaridad, Kleos (learn more on [](
- Income - License and OEM agreements involving the TFTech technology: - License fees can be in the form of a revenue share on commercial products being developed on top of the TF platform. - With respect to the TF Grid, a fee of 10% of revenue generated is charged
for as a license fee for certified edge Internet Capacity registered on the TF Grid
- Investors to this point:
- Self-funded by founders & current funding round
We believe that doing good for the world and growing a successful software company can go hand in hand.
ThreeFold Tech is a Belgium-based for-profit software company that believes that doing good for the world and building a successful company can go hand-in-hand. They are responsible for the technology behind the ThreeFold_Grid.
ThreeFold Tech business wise focusses on
- [X] sell licenses to companies and/or governments to deploy private versions of our cloud technology.
- [X] create an antidote for the Cyberpandemic, help customers to protect themselves against this huge threat.
The company is 80% engineering centric today.
> TFTech has no links to tokens, at this point (March 2021) does not own any of them either. All Token & TFGrid activities are coordinate from ThreeFold Dubai.
## Location

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<h1> ThreeFold VZW </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Functions](#functions)
- [Some History](#some-history)
- [Belgium Official Doc](#belgium-official-doc)
## Introduction
ThreeFold VZW is a non for profit organization based in Belgium.
A **VZW** has no shareholders, only members.
<!-- [filename](structure/images_threefold_vzw.html ':include :type=iframe width=100% height=550px frameBorder="0" scrolling="no" align="center"')
## Functions
- owner of the wisdom_council
- eventuallly ThreeFold VZW will own some decentralized organizations as operating in the ThreeFold world e.g. [TF Dubai](./
## Some History
We all started in Belgium from Korenlei 22, a super old building in the middle of the town. It dates back to 1731.
Now the foundation has another address in Lochristi.
Todo: Find/create wisdom council page
The **VZW** is home to the [Wisdom Council](wisdom_council) -->
## Belgium Official Doc
<!-- see [threefold_vzw_be_book_20067539.pdf]() -->
See also

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<h1> Token History </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents </h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Quick History Overview](#quick-history-overview)
- [Organic Growth](#organic-growth)
- [Farming Model Improvements](#farming-model-improvements)
- [TFT Versions](#tft-versions)
- [Migration](#migration)
- [Migration from TFTv1 Rivine to TFTv1 Stellar (2020)](#migration-from-tftv1-rivine-to-tftv1-stellar-2020)
- [Migration from TFTv1 Stellar (Staking Pool=TFTA) to TFTv2 Stellar (Trading or Production Pool=TFT)](#migration-from-tftv1-stellar-staking-pooltfta-to-tftv2-stellar-trading-or-production-pooltft)
- [Technical Information](#technical-information)
## Introduction
We present the ThreeFold token history and the path from TFT v1 towards TFT v2.
## Quick History Overview
- More than 10 years ago, this project started from out of our incubator (see [Incubaid](
- More than 6 years ago TF Foundation started deploying capacity for development purposes
- This became our ([our genesis pool](./, which is the beginning of farming
- In 2017-18, value of the genesis pools were about 7m USD in TFT (tokens did not exist yet)
- Genesis pools are owned by ThreeFold Dubai (ThreeFold_Dubai).
- March 2018 our first-generation blockchain for the ThreeFold_Token saw daylight
- The TFT v1 was launched on a blockchain called Rivine (PTO)
- The genesis pool resulted in the first batch initial TFT
- The blockchain nodes were hosted by +30 different parties completely unrelated to each other
- In Q2 2019, ThreeFold_Dubai launched our generation 1 of our TF Grid
- April 2020 ThreeFold_Dubai launched the TFGrid v2.0 which is now public and usable by the world
- ThreeFold has a new website and a new wiki
- The farmers & TFT holders have at their own will upgraded their wallets, zero-nodes, ...
- May 2020: ThreeFold_Dubai launched our 2nd version of our token called TFT but this time on Stellar
- The original TFTv1 kept all same properties and benefits and is now called TFTA also on Stellar (is technology choice), anyone can move from TFTv1 to TFTv2
- TF Foundation Dubai has provisioned the TFTv1 & TFTv2 on Stellar blockchain, but has no influence or access to any of the wallets or for that matter the 3Nodes (the boxes providing IT capacity)
- See below for more info, this was the result of 12 months of work with our community and of-course consensus to do this.
## Organic Growth
We didn't artificially pump the value of the tokens.
We did not issue (print) tokens and go out onto an exchange to offer these tokens to the market. This is referred to as a public ICO. Some ICOs were not very clean in how they created hype and convinced people to invest. Because of our decision not to do a public ICO, we have not been able to raise much money, but we feel that this was more aligned with our values.
We have sold some TFT over the counter but please note every buyer could at any point in time use these TFTs to buy IT capacity, this makes these TFT purposeful, even from the very start.
## Farming Model Improvements
In Q2 2020 we were launching TF Grid 2.0 with updated minting rules. As part of these farming rules the max number of tokens became 4 billion, which changes the optics of the original size of the genesis token pool.
In Q3 2021 we launched TF Grid 3.0 which has again brought improvement to the farming model. Its up to the farmers to choose if they want to change to the new farming model or not.
### TFT Versions
| | version 1 Rivine | version 1 Stellar | version 2 Stellar |
| ------------------------------- | --------------------------- | ----------------- | --------------------------- |
| blockchain tech | Rivine, proof of blockstake | Public, Stellar | Public, Stellar |
| on public blockchain | march 2018 | 2020 May | 2020 May |
| farmed since | +-2017 | 2020 May | tbd |
| freely transferable (\*) | YES | YES | YES |
| complete blockchain feature set | YES | YES | YES |
| decentralized exchange | YES (atomic swap) | YES (Stellar) | YES (Stellar) |
| public exchange | BTC Alpha till Dec 2019 | Stellar | Stellar, BTC Alpha & Liquid (until August 2022) |
| freely tradable on exchange | YES | YES | YES |
| Name on Blockchain | TFT | TFTA | TFT |
| Purpose | v1 token | Staking Pool | Trading Pool |
## Migration
### Migration from TFTv1 Rivine to TFTv1 Stellar (2020)
- TF Tech decided to no longer support development of Rivine, at this time there are better technologies available as blockchain
- The Foundation investigated many blockchain platforms & recommended to use Stellar
- Jimber (company which maintains the wallet, which is open source code), has made the changes in the wallet to be able to support this new blockchain
- The conversation had to be a mandatory one, because otherwise there would be the potential of double-spending problems over both simultaneously-active blockchains
- What happened here can be compared to a website deciding to change the database backend (change from e.g. MS Sql to Oracle). The users of the website should not have to be aware of this migration
- Every user had to do the transaction themselves, no developer or anyone else had control over this migration step. This was an automatic step
- Everyone can use the validation scripts available to check the correct conversion between two blockchain technologies. The validation scripts prove that every transaction in the conversion happened well
### Migration from TFTv1 Stellar (Staking Pool=TFTA) to TFTv2 Stellar (Trading or Production Pool=TFT)
- See [TFTA to TFT](../legal/terms_conditions/
### Technical Information
[TFTA TrustLine](
Accounts that got initial balances migrated them from the previous blockchain, [rivine](
To validate this, each migration transaction contain hash of the rivine lock transaction in their memo in hex format.
[Rivine block explorer]( can be used for validation purposes.
> Important note: The ThreeFold Token (TFT) is not an investment instrument. TFTs represent IT capacity on the ThreeFold Grid, farmers create TFT, developers use TFT.

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<h1> ThreeFold Special Wallets </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Exchange and OTC Wallets](#exchange-and-otc-wallets)
- [ThreeFold Contribution Wallets](#threefold-contribution-wallets)
- [Wisdom Council Wallets](#wisdom-council-wallets)
- [Important Note](#important-note)
- [Remarks](#remarks)
## Introduction
We present special wallets that hold a given amount of TFT.
## Exchange and OTC Wallets
| **Description** | **TFT Balance** | **Address** |
| ------------------ | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Liquid Exchange #1 | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GA7OPN4A3JNHLPHPEWM4PJDOYYDYNZOM7ES6YL3O7NC3PRY3V3UX6ANM]( |
| Liquid Exchange #2 | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GDSKFYNMZWTB3V5AN26CEAQ27643Q3KB4X6MY4UTO2LIIDFND4SPQZYU]( |
| | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GBQHN7RL4LSRPR2TT74ID2UJPZ2AXCHQY2WKGCTDLJM3NXVJ7GQHUCOD]( |
| BTC-Alpha Exchange | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GBTPAXXP6534UPC4MLNGFGJWCD6DNSRVIPPOZWXAQAWI4FKTLOJY2A2S]( |
## ThreeFold Contribution Wallets
| **Description** | **TFT Balance** | **Address** |
| ------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| TF DAY2DAY operations | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GB2C5HCZYWNGVM6JGXDWQBJTMUY4S2HPPTCAH63HFAQVL2ALXDW7SSJ7]( |
| TF Promotion Wallet | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GDLVIB44LVONM5K67LUPSFZMSX7G2RLYVBM5MMHUJ4NAQJU7CH4HBJBO]( |
| TF Grants Wallet | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GDKXTUYNW4BJKDM2L7B5XUYFUISV52KUU4G7VPNLF4ZSIKBURM622YPZ]( |
| ThreeFold Carbon Credit Funding | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GDIJY6K2BBRIRX423ZFUYKKFDN66XP2KMSBZFQSE2PSNDZ6EDVQTRLSU]( |
| TF Team Wallet | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GCWHWDRXYPXQAOYMQKB66SZPLM6UANKGMSL4SP7LSOIA6OTTOYQ6HBIH]( |
## Wisdom Council Wallets
| **Description** | **TFT Balance** | **Address** |
| --------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Liquidity/Ecosystem Contribution Wisdom | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GBV734I2SV4YDDPVJMYXU3IZ2AIU5GEAJRAD4E4BQG7CA2N63NXSPMD6]( |
| TF Promotion Wisdom | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GAI4C2BGOA3YHVQZZW7OW4FHOGGYWTUBEVNHB6MW4ZAFG7ZAA7D5IPC3]( |
| TF Grants Wisdom | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GCEJ7DMULFTT25UH4FAAGOZ6KER4WXAYQGJUSIITQD527DGTKSXKBQGR]( |
| TF Team Wisdom | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GAQXBLFG4BZGIVY6DBJVWE5EAP3UNHMIA2PYCUVLY2JUSPVWPUF36BW4]( |
| Wisdom Council Locked | {{#include ./wallet_data/}} | [GAUGOSYLCX7JZTQYF2K7RIMHFWKSA3WSI2OQ4IRKXMDMVE6ABJIJMFQR]( |
## Important Note
ThreeFold DMCC (Dubai) is in the process of acquiring a substantial number of tokens. While these tokens possess liquidity from a technical standpoint, they are not currently accessible or traded on the open market. This reserve of tokens has been allocated for our upcoming commercial rollout, and their governance will be managed through consensus based system with input from the community.
## Remarks
- All wisdom council wallets are protected by multisignature of the members of the wisdom council
- All foundation wallets are protected by members of the foundation (4 on 6 need to sign)
- Signatures can be checked by going to detail of account and then to the stellar link
- The foundation will never spend tokens if the markets cannot support it and all proceeds are 100% used for the benefit of the ThreeFold project.

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<h1> ThreeFold Token Overview </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents </h2>
- [Introduction to TFT](#introduction-to-tft)
- [Proof-of-Capacity](#proof-of-capacity)
- [Proof-of-Utilization](#proof-of-utilization)
- [Proof-of-Utility Distribution Flow](#proof-of-utility-distribution-flow)
- [TFT Distribution](#tft-distribution)
- [TFT Marketcap and Market Price](#tft-marketcap-and-market-price)
- [Complemetary Information](#complemetary-information)
- [Disclaimer](#disclaimer)
## Introduction to TFT
ThreeFold tokens, or TFTs, are exclusively generated when new capacity is added to the TF Grid. There are no centralized issuers. Tokens have not been created out of thin air.
While the ThreeFold Grid can expand, a maximum of 1 billion TFTs can ever be in circulation. This limit ensures stability of value and incentivization for all stakeholders.
TFT lives on the Stellar Blockchain. TFT holders benefit from a big ecosystem of proven wallets and mediums of exchange.
By employing Stellar technology, TFT transactions and smart contracts are powered by one of the most energy-efficient blockchains available. Furthermore, TFT is the medium of exchange on the greenest internet network in the world. The market for farming, cultivating and trading TFT is open to all.
Anyone with internet connection, power supply and necessary hardware can become a Farmer or trade ThreeFold tokens (TFT).
By farming, buying, holding, and utilizing ThreeFold Tokens, you are actively supporting the expansion of the ThreeFold Grid and its use cases — creating a more sustainable, fair, and equally accessible Internet.
## Proof-of-Capacity
ThreeFold uses proof-of-capacity to mint tokens. Since the genenis pool, all tokens that are being minted are the result of farming. Minting will stop during 2024, to keep the total amount of TFT at 1 billion, instead of the previously planned 4 billion. Read more about this [here](
> For more details, see [Proof of Capacity](../../farming/
## Proof-of-Utilization
TFT is used on the TFGrid to purchase network, compute and storage resources through the proof-of-utilization protocol.
### Proof-of-Utility Distribution Flow
> For more details, see [Proof-of-Utilization](../../farming/
## TFT Distribution
The supply distribution of TFT is as follows:
| Supply Distribution | Qty (Millions) |
| ------------------- | -------------- |
| Total supply | 942 |
| TF Foundation Supply | 162 |
| Circulating supply | 780 |
| Maximum supply | 1000 |
The total supply of TFT is distributed as follows:
| Total Supply Distribution | Qty (Millions) |
| ------------------------------------------- | -------------- |
| TF Foundation: Ecosystem Grants | 22 |
| TF Foundation: Promotion & Marketing Effort | 100 |
| TF Foundation: Ecosystem Contribution & Liquidity Exchanges | 40 |
| Genesis Pool & Farming Rewards | 780 |
## TFT Marketcap and Market Price
The TFT market price and marketcap are as follows:
| **Description** | **Value** |
| ------------------------- | ------------- |
| TFT Market Price | {{#include ../../../values/}} USD |
| TFT Market Cap | {{#include ../../../values/}} USD |
The market cap is equal to the product of the TFT market price and the circulating supply.
> Market Cap = (TFT Market Price) X (TFT Circulating Supply)
The values here are subject to change. Check the current market conditions.
## Complemetary Information
- [ThreeFold History](../../about/
- [Token History](../../about/
- [Special Wallets](./special_wallets/
## Disclaimer
> Important Note: The ThreeFold Token (TFT) is not an investment instrument.
TFTs represent IT capacity on the ThreeFold Grid, farmers create TFT, developers use TFT.

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<h1> Cloud </h1>
This section covers the essential information concerning Cloud utilization.
To deploy on the ThreeFold Grid, refer to the [System Administrators](../../documentation/system_administrators/ section.
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Cloud Units](./
- [Pricing](./pricing/
- [Pricing Overview](./pricing/
- [Staking Discounts](./pricing/
- [Cloud Pricing Compare](./pricing/
- [Grid Billing](./grid_billing/
- [Resource Units](./
- [Resource Units Advanced](./

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<h1>Cloud Units</h1>
<h2> Table of Contents </h2>
- [What are Cloud Units?](#what-are-cloud-units)
- [How is the price of Cloud Units (v4) calculated?](#how-is-the-price-of-cloud-units-v4-calculated)
- [Compute Capacity](#compute-capacity)
- [Storage Capacity](#storage-capacity)
- [Network](#network)
## What are Cloud Units?
Cloud units are the basis for price calculation for anyone intending to use/deploy on the Threefold Grid.
Cloud units are a unified way to account for virtual hardware resources on the ThreeFold Grid. They represent compute, storage and network equivalents to energy (kW - kilowatt). The are three categories of cloud units:
- Compute Unit (CU): The amount of data processing power in terms of virtual CPU (vCPU) cores (logical [CPUs]( and Random Access Momory ([RAM](
- Storage Unit (SU): The amount of storage capacity in terms of Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) and Solid State Drives (SSDs) in Gigabytes (GB).
- Network Unit (NU): The amount of data that travels in and out of storage units or compute units expressed in GB.
> Note: [Resource units](./ are used to calculate SU & CU. Resource Units are used to measure compute and storage capacity produced by hardware.
When a solution is deployed on the ThreeFold Grid, the system automatically gathers the required amount of CU, SU, or NU. It is important to note that users are not billed upon reservation but only when utilizing the actualy CU, SU and NU. TF Certified Farmers can define the price of CU, SU, and NU they make available on the ThreeFold Grid.
## How is the price of Cloud Units (v4) calculated?
The following tables display how cloud units (v4) are calculated on the ThreeFold Grid. The 4th version of cloud units are used since Grid 2.2+ in mid 2020.
### Compute Capacity
| CU (Compute Unit) | | | | |
| ------------------------------------- | --- | --- | ---- | --------------- |
| GB Memory | 4 | 8 | 2 | |
| nr vCPU | 2 | 1 | 4 | |
| Passmark Minimum (expected is double) | 500 | 250 | 1000 | CPU performance |
The passmark (CPU benchmark or alternative) is not measured on the grid yet. It is used in simulators to check the mechanisms and ensure enough performance per CU is delivered.
Example of Compute unit:
- 4 GB memory & 2 virtual CPU (and 50GB of SSD disk space)
- Recommended price on TF Grid = 10 USD
- Alternative cloud price = between 40 USD and 180 USD
See how we compare with the market compute prices [here](./pricing/
### Storage Capacity
| SU (Storage Unit) | HDD | SSD |
| ------------------- | ---- | --- |
| GB Storage Capacity | 1200 | 200 |
HDD is only usable for Zero Database driven storage (e.g. ThreeFold Quantum Safe Storage). 1.2 TB of HDD is provided following the advised storage policy of 16+4 with 20% overhead. So the net usable storage would be 1TB. In other words, the SU corresponds in that case to 1TB of net usable storage and an extra 200GB for redundancy.
Example of Storage unit:
- 1TB of usable storage as provided by the Zero-DBs (the backend storage systems)
- Recommended price on TF Grid for 1 SU = 10 USD
- Alternative cloud price = between 20 USD and 200 USD
See how we compare with market storage prices [here](./pricing/
### Network
| NU (Network Unit = per GB) = NRU per month | GB (NRU) |
| ------------------------------------------ | -------- |
| GB transferred OUT or IN | 1 |
> We use SU-month and CU-month to show SU monthly costs. This can be compared to kilowatts (kW) to see electricity usage per month. Learn more about how this is calculated with [Resource units](./, a way to measure the compute and storage capacity produced by hardware.

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# Cloud Units Advanced
## How is the price of Cloud Units (v4) calculated?
The following tables display how cloud units (v4) are calculated on the ThreeFold Grid. The 4th version of cloud units are used since Grid 2.2+ in mid 2020.
> Note: [Resource units]( are used to calculate SU & CU. Resource Units are used to measure compute and storage capacity produced by hardware.
### Compute Capacity
| CU (Compute Unit) | | | | |
| ------------------------------------- | --- | --- | ---- | --------------- |
| GB Memory | 4 | 8 | 2 | |
| nr vCPU | 2 | 1 | 4 | |
| Passmark Minimum (expected is double) | 500 | 250 | 1000 | CPU performance |
The passmark (CPU benchmark or alternative) is not measured on the grid yet. It is used in simulators to check the mechanisms and ensure enough performance per CU is delivered.
Example of Compute unit:
- 4 GB memory & 2 virtual CPU (and 50GB of SSD disk space)
- Recommended price on TF Grid = 10 USD
- Alternative cloud price = between 40 USD and 180 USD
See how we compare with the market compute prices [here](pricing).
### Storage Capacity
| SU (Storage Unit) | HDD | SSD |
| ------------------- | ---- | --- |
| GB Storage Capacity | 1200 | 200 |
HDD is only usable for Zero Database driven storage (e.g. ThreeFold Quantum Safe Storage). 1.2 TB of HDD is provided following the advised storage policy of 16+4 with 20% overhead. So the net usable storage would be 1TB. In other words, the SU corresponds in that case to 1TB of net usable storage and an extra 200GB for redundancy.
Example of Storage unit:
- 1TB of usable storage as provided by the Zero-DBs (the backend storage systems)
- Recommended price on TF Grid for 1 SU = 10 USD
- Alternative cloud price = between 20 USD and 200 USD
See how we compare with market storage prices [here](pricing).
### Network
| NU (Network Unit = per GB) = NRU per month | GB (NRU) |
| ------------------------------------------ | -------- |
| GB transferred OUT or IN | 1 |
> We use SU-month and CU-month to show SU monthly costs. This can be compared to kilowatts (kW) to see electricity usage per month. Learn more about how this is calculated with [Resource units](resource_units), a way to measure the compute and storage capacity produced by hardware.

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<h1>Grid Billing</h2>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Resources to Update](#resources-to-update)
- [Current TFT Price](#current-tft-price)
- [Current Cloud Units Values](#current-cloud-units-values)
- [Node Contract](#node-contract)
- [Calculating the CU](#calculating-the-cu)
- [Calculating the SU](#calculating-the-su)
- [Calculating the Billing Rate for the Contract](#calculating-the-billing-rate-for-the-contract)
- [Applying the Discounts](#applying-the-discounts)
- [Rent Contract](#rent-contract)
- [Getting the Resources](#getting-the-resources)
- [Calculating the CU](#calculating-the-cu-1)
- [Calculating the SU](#calculating-the-su-1)
- [Calculating the Billing Rate for the Contract](#calculating-the-billing-rate-for-the-contract-1)
- [Applying the Dedicated Node Discount](#applying-the-dedicated-node-discount)
- [Applying the Staking Discount](#applying-the-staking-discount)
- [Name Contract](#name-contract)
- [Applying the Staking Discount](#applying-the-staking-discount-1)
- [Public IP](#public-ip)
- [Applying the Staking Discount](#applying-the-staking-discount-2)
- [Network Usage](#network-usage)
- [Data Usage](#data-usage)
- [NU Value](#nu-value)
- [Applying the Staking Discount](#applying-the-staking-discount-3)
- [Billing History](#billing-history)
## Introduction
In this section, we explain how the billing works on the TFGrid by showing different examples such as node, rent and name contracts as well as public IP and network usage.
(We can add this when 3.13 is released)
This documentation can be used in parallel with the [TFGrid Pricing Calculator]( available on the Dashboard.
## Resources to Update
Some of the used resources should be updated whenever you try to do these calculations, these resources are the TFT price and the cloud units (SU and CU).
### Current TFT Price
TFT price can be retrieved directly through [Stellar]([]=TFT-GBOVQKJYHXRR3DX6NOX2RRYFRCUMSADGDESTDNBDS6CDVLGVESRTAC47-1&filter=markets&market=USDC-GA5ZSEJYB37JRC5AVCIA5MOP4RHTM335X2KGX3IHOJAPP5RE34K4KZVN-1) or from the [Dashboard](, through the price available in the header.
### Current Cloud Units Values
The current cloud units values can be retrieved directly from TChain with the [Polkadot UI]( and the current chain state.
- On the page `Chain State`, select `tfgridModule` as the `selected state query`
- Select `pricingPolicies(u32): Option<PalletTfgridPricingPolicy>`
- Enter the value of the default pricing policy, which is `1`, or enter the value of any other policy if you need to use a custom one
- Press `Enter`
> Note: Values on chain are expressed as "units USD per hour", where "1 unit USD" == 10.000.000 (or 1e7)
## Node Contract
For this example, we will assume that the resources for this deployment are the following:
CRU: 2
MRU: 2
SRU: 15
HRU: 0
### Calculating the CU
Let's calculate the CU of this deployment.
For our example, the CU value is `10 mUSD/h`. Make sure that this value is updated according to the current values.
CU = min( max(MRU/4, CRU/2), max(MRU/8, CRU), max(MRU/2, CRU/4) )
= min( max(2/4, 2/2), max(2/8, 2), max(2/2, 2/4) )
= min( max(0.5, 1), max(0.25, 2), max(1, 0.5) )
= min( 1, 2, 1 )
= 1
CU cost/hour = CU * CU pricing
= 1 * 10 mUSD/h
= 10 mUSD/h
### Calculating the SU
Let's calculate the SU of this deployment.
The current SU value is `5 mUSD/h`. Make sure that this value is updated according to the current values.
SU = HRU/1200 + SRU/200
= 0/1200 + 15/200
= 0 + 0.075
= 0.075
SU cost/hour = SU * SU pricing
= 0.075 * 5 mUSD/h
= 0.375 mUSD/h
### Calculating the Billing Rate for the Contract
Let's calculate the billing rate by combining the CU and SU from above.
For this example, the current TFT value is `0.011 USD`. Make sure that this value is updated according to the current TFT value.
Contract cost/hour = CU cost/hour + SU cost/hour
= 10 mUSD/h + 0.375 mUSD/h
= 10.375 mUSD/h
= 0.010375 USD/h
= 0.010375 * 24 * 30
= 7.47 USD/month
= 679.090909 TFT/month
= 0.943182 TFT/hour
### Applying the Discounts
Before assuming that the price above is the final price, check first if your twin is eligible for any of the available staking discount levels. To understand more about discount levels, please read [this section](../pricing/
For this example, we assume that this twin has 18 months worth of TFTs staked, so the user will be eligible for a Gold discount level (60% discount).
The 60% discount is thus equivalent to paying only 40% of the total price, as shown below:
Cost with 60% discount = 0.943182 * 0.4
= 0.377273 TFT/hour
## Rent Contract
### Getting the Resources
You can get the resources of a node using different methods. You can use Grid Proxy, GraphQL and the Polkadot UI.
- Using Grid Proxy
- Grid Proxy API
- Go to the section [nodes endpoint](
- Click on `Try it out`
- Write the node ID
- Click on `Execute`
- Grid Proxy URL
- You can use the following URL and replace <node_id> by the node ID:
- Using GraphQL
Navigate to [ThreeFold's GraphQL](, then use the following query and replace the node id with the desired node id.
query MyQuery {
nodes(where: {nodeID_eq: 83}) {
resourcesTotal {
- TFChain and Polkadot UI
- On the page Chain State of the [polakdot UI](, select `tfgridModule` as the `selected state query`
- Select `nodes(u32): Option<TfchainSupportNode>`
- Enter the node ID
- Press `Enter`
For our example, these are the resources for node `83` that will be used for the calculations.
CRU = 4
SRU = 119.24
HRU = 1863
MRU = 15.55
### Calculating the CU
Let's calculate the CU of this deployment.
For our example, the CU value is `10 mUSD/h`. Make sure that this value is updated according to the current values.
CU = min( max(MRU/4, CRU/2), max(MRU/8, CRU), max(MRU/2, CRU/4) )
= min( max(15.55/4, 4/2), max(15.55/8, 4), max(15.55/2, 4/4) )
= min( max(3.8875, 2), max(1.94375, 4), max(7.775, 1) )
= min( 3.8875, 4, 7.775 )
= 3.8875
CU cost/hour = CU * CU pricing
= 3.8875 * 10 mUSD/h
= 38.875 mUSD/h
### Calculating the SU
For our example, the SU value is `5 mUSD/h`. Make sure that this value is updated according to the current values.
SU = HRU/1200 + SRU/200
= 1863/1200 + 119.24/200
= 1.5525 + 0.5962
= 2.1487
SU cost/hour = SU * SU pricing
= 2.1487 * 5 mUSD/h
= 10.7435 mUSD/h
### Calculating the Billing Rate for the Contract
For our example, the current TFT value is `0.011 USD`. Make sure that this value is updated according to the current values.
Contract cost/hour = CU cost/hour + SU cost/hour
= 38.875 mUSD/h + 10.7435 mUSD/h
= 49.6185 mUSD/h
= 0.0496185 USD/h
= (0.0496185 * 24 * 30)
= 35.72532 USD/month
= 3247.75636 TFT/month
### Applying the Dedicated Node Discount
There's a default `50%` discount for renting a node, this discount is not related to the staking discount. For more information on dedicated node discounts, please [read this section](../../../documentation/dashboard/deploy/
Cost with 50% discount = 35.72532 * 0.5
= 17.86266 TFT/month
### Applying the Staking Discount
Before assuming that the price above is the final price, check first if your twin is eligible for any of the available staking discount levels. To understand more about discount levels, please read [this section](../pricing/
For this example, let's assume that this twin has 18 months worth of TFTs staked, so the user will be eligible for a Gold discount level (60% discount).
Cost with 60% discount = 17.86266 * 0.4
= 7.145064 TFT/month
## Name Contract
Let's calculate the cost of a name contract.
For our example, we use the following value from the Pricing Policy.
This value can then be converted to USD.
uniqueName in USD = 2500 / 10000000
= 0.00025 USD/hour
Since the current TFT conversion rate is `1 USD = 100 TFT`, we have the following:
uniqueName in TFT = 0.00025 * 100
= 0.025 TFT/hour
### Applying the Staking Discount
Before assuming that the price above is the final price, check first if your twin is eligible for any of the available staking discount levels. To understand more about discount levels, please read [this section](../pricing/
For this example, let's assume that this twin has 18 months worth of TFTs staked, so the user will be eligible for a Gold discount level (60% discount).
Cost with 60% discount = 0.025 * 0.4
= 0.01 TFT/hour
## Public IP
Let's calculate the cost of public IPs.
For our example, we use the following value from the Pricing Policy.
This value can then be converted to USD.
Public IP in USD = 40000 / 10000000
= 0.004 USD/hour
Since the current TFT conversion rate is `1 USD = 100 TFT`, we have the following:
Public IP in TFT = 0.004 * 100
= 0.4 TFT/hour
### Applying the Staking Discount
Before assuming that the price above is the final price, check first if your twin is eligible for any of the available staking discount levels. To understand more about discount levels, please read [this section](../pricing/
For this example, let's assume that this twin has 18 months worth of TFTs staked, so the user will be eligible for a Gold discount level (60% discount).
Cost with 60% discount = 0.4 * 0.4
= 0.16 TFT/hour
> Note: This value gets added to the billing rate of your deployment.
## Network Usage
Network Usage is calculated for deployments with public IPs. It's reported every hour and its cost can be calculated approximately as follows, where the data usage is the value of data sent and received:
network usage = data usage * NU value
### Data Usage
To start, let's calculate the data usage. This can be tracked with a network tool like [nload](, where the total amount of data sent and received can be displayed.
### NU Value
Let's find the NU value of this deployment.
For our example, we use the following value from the Pricing Policy.
This value can then be converted to USD.
NU price in USD = 15000 / 10000000
= 0.0015 USD/hour
Since in our example the current TFT conversion rate is `1 USD = 100 TFT`, we have the following:
NU price in TFT = 0.0015 * 100
= 0.15 TFT/hour
### Applying the Staking Discount
Before assuming that the price above is the final price, check first if your twin is eligible for any of the available staking discount levels. To understand more about discount levels, please read [this section](../pricing/
For this example, let's assume that this twin has 18 months worth of TFTs staked, so the user will be eligible for a Gold discount level (60% discount).
Cost with 60% discount = 0.15 * 0.4
= 0.06 TFT/hour
As an example, let's assume that we used a total of 10GB in the last hour, so the next hour the billing rate should be updated to:
Total network usage = 10GB * 0.06 TFT/hour
= 0.6 TFT/hour
The billing rate in the next hour should be the following:
hourly billing rate = actual cost of the deployment + total network usage
> Note: The calculated value will always be an approximation since it's not possible to manually calculate the exact value of the data used.
## Billing History
Since the billing rate gets updated hourly, you can check the billing history from [GraphQL]( using the following query. Make sure to enter the proper contract ID.
query MyQuery {
contractBillReports(where: {contractID_eq: ""}) {

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<h1>Price comparison Cloudorado</h1>
<h2> Table of Contents </h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Compute](#compute)
- [Compute Conclusion](#compute-conclusion)
- [Storage](#storage)
- [Storage Conclusion](#storage-conclusion)
## Introduction
We compare cloud pricing with Cloudorado. Note that the information here can be subject to change and might not reflect current market prices.
## Compute
A ThreeFold Compute Unit is (CU)
- 4 GB memory
- 2 virtual CPU cores
A good site to compare is Cloudorado:
![](img/cloudorado_compute_choices.jpg ':size=600x240')
| Compute | Compute |
| --------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| ![](img/cloudorado_compute_1.jpg) | ![](img/cloudorado_compute_2.jpg) |
### Compute Conclusion
> Our price can easily be < 10 USD for 1 compute unit (CU) <BR>
> In market, this is between 36 and 202 USD
## Storage
A ThreeFold Storage Unit is (SU)
- 1 TB of storage
Again, a good site to compare is Cloudorado:
![](img/cloudorado_storage_choices.jpg ':size=600x270')
![](img/cloudorado_storage_1.jpg ':size=500x610')
### Storage Conclusion
> Our price can easily be < 8 USD for 1 storage unit (CU) <BR>
> In market, this is between 19 and 154 USD
<!-- TODO: Update with current market and add generated_on -->

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## Cloud Unit Pricing
| Cloud Units | description | mUSD | mTFT |
| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------ | ------------------ |
| Compute Unit (CU) | typically 2 vcpu, 4 GB mem, 50 GB storage | $CU_MUSD_HOUR/hour | $CU_MTFT_HOUR/hour |
| Storage Unit (SU) | typically 1 TB of netto usable storage (*) | $SU_MUSD_HOUR/hour | $SU_MTFT_HOUR/hour |
| Network Unit (NU) | 1 GB transfer, bandwidth as used by TFGrid users | $NU_MUSD_GB/GB | $NU_MTFT_GB/GB |
| Network Addressing | description | mUSD | mTFT |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------ | --------------------- | --------------------- |
| IPv4 Address | Public Ip Address as used by a TFGrid user | $IP_MUSD_HOUR/hour | $IP_MTFT_HOUR/hour |
| Unique Name | Usable as name on webgateways | $NAME_MUSD_HOUR/hour | $NAME_MTFT_HOUR/hour |
| Unique Domain Name | Usable as dns name on webgateways | $DNAME_MUSD_HOUR/hour | $DNAME_MTFT_HOUR/hour |
- mUSD = 1/1000 of USD, mTFT = 1/1000 of TFT
- TFT pricing pegged to USD (pricing changes in line with TFT/USD rate)
- **current TFT to USD price is $TFTUSD** , calculated on $NOW
- pricing is calculated per hour for the TFGrid 3.0
<!-- - pricing of capacity of certified farmers is 25% more (x 1.25) (future development) -->
### Pricing Expressed Per Month
| Cloud Units | description | USD NO DISCOUNT | USD 60% DISCOUNT |
| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| Compute Unit (CU) | typically 2 vcpu, 4 GB mem, 50 GB storage | $CU_USD_MONTH/month | $CU_USD_MONTH_DISCOUNT/month |
| Storage Unit (SU) | typically 1 TB of netto usable storage (*) | $SU_USD_MONTH/month | $SU_USD_MONTH_DISCOUNT/month |
| Network Unit (NU) | 1 GB transfer, bandwidth as used by TFGrid users | $NU_USD_GB/GB | $NU_USD_MONTH_DISCOUNT/GB |
| IPv4 Address | Public Ip Address as used by a TFGrid user | $IP_USD_MONTH/month | $IP_USD_MONTH_DISCOUNT/month |
> Please check pricing calculator on
### Dedicated Servers
Starting April 2022, the TFGrid 3.0/a5 has support for dedicated servers. You can reserve a full server and the server is only usable for you, a minimum of 70% discount is given for this usecase.
- Dedicated Node, 192 GB mem, 24 cores, 1000 GB SSD = 75 USD per month (max discount, 3Y staking)
- Dedicated Node, 32 GB mem, 8 cores, 1000 GB SSD = 31 USD per month (max discount, 3Y staking)
Above example was with generous 5TB of bandwidth used per node per month, which is huge.
These nodes are ideal to deploy blockchain nodes, or other high demanding workloads. Dedicated nodes leads to amazing pricing.
To use a dedicated node, you will have to reserve a 3node for yourself in your admin portal of TFGrid, only you can then deploy on this node and there is no additional cost.
> Please check pricing calculator on
### How to buy and use capacity
- More info about [how to use the grid see here](grid_use)
- See our manual how to get started.
- [TFT's can be bought on multiple locations](how_to_buy).
### More Info
- See [here for more info about planet positive certification](certified_farming)
- Pricing is done based on cloud units, see [cloudunits](cloudunits)
!!!def alias:tfpricing,cloudunit_pricing,threefold_pricing

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<h1> Cloud Unit Pricing </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Pricing Policy](#pricing-policy)
- [Pricing Expressed Per Month](#pricing-expressed-per-month)
- [Operation Fees](#operation-fees)
- [Certified Capacity](#certified-capacity)
- [Dedicated Nodes](#dedicated-nodes)
- [Staking Discount](#staking-discount)
- [Example for 40% discount (Silver)](#example-for-40-discount-silver)
## Pricing Policy
- The current prices are for resources usage on mainnet (testnet get 50% discount)
- A month is considered as 30 days (720 hours)
| Cloud Units | Description | mUSD | mTFT |
| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------ | ------------------ |
| Compute Unit (CU) | typically 2 vcpu, 4 GB mem, 50 GB storage | {{#include ../../../values/}}/hour | {{#include ../../../values/}}/hour |
| Storage Unit (SU) | typically 1 TB of netto usable storage (*) | {{#include ../../../values/}}/hour | {{#include ../../../values/}}/hour |
| Network Unit (NU) | 1 GB transfer, bandwidth as used by TFGrid users | {{#include ../../../values/}}/hour | {{#include ../../../values/}}/hour |
| Network Addressing | Description | mUSD | mTFT |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------ | --------------------- | --------------------- |
| IPv4 Address | Public Ip Address as used by a TFGrid user | {{#include ../../../values/}}/hour | {{#include ../../../values/}}/hour |
| Unique Name | Usable as name on webgateways | {{#include ../../../values/}} | {{#include ../../../values/}}/hour |
| Unique Domain Name | Usable as dns name on webgateways | {{#include ../../../values/}}/hour | {{#include ../../../values/}}/hour |
- mUSD = 1/1000 of USD, mTFT = 1/1000 of TFT
- TFT pricing pegged to USD (pricing changes in line with TFT/USD rate)
- The current TFT to USD price is {{#include ../../../values/}} USD
- pricing is calculated per hour for the TFGrid 3.0
> Please check our [Cloud Pricing for utilization sheet]( for more details.
## Pricing Expressed Per Month
| Cloud Units | description | USD NO DISCOUNT | USD 60% DISCOUNT |
| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| Compute Unit (CU) | typically 2 vcpu, 4 GB mem, 50 GB storage | 22.00/month | 8.80/month |
| Storage Unit (SU) | typically 1 TB of netto usable storage | 14.00/month | 5.60/month |
| Network Unit (NU) | 1 GB transfer, bandwidth as used by TFGrid users | 0.05/GB | 0.03/GB |
| IPv4 Address | Public Ip Address as used by a TFGrid user | 5.00/month | 3.00/month |
## Operation Fees
Operations on TFChain have a base fee of 0.001 TFT. Creating and destroying deployments usually includes several operations.
## Certified Capacity
Renting capacity on certified nodes is charged 25% extra (x 1.25).
## Dedicated Nodes
Since April 2022, TFGrid has introduced dedicated server support. With dedicated servers, you can reserve a full server exclusively for your use. This comes with 50% discount, making it a cost-effective option.
Here are two examples of dedicated nodes and their prices, with maximum staking discount level (Gold => -60%) for 18 months staking:
- Dedicated Node 1: 192 GB memory, 24 cores, 1000 GB SSD = $75 per month
- Dedicated Node 2: 32 GB memory, 8 cores, 1000 GB SSD = $31 per month
> Please check our [Cloud Pricing for utilization sheet]( for more details.
These dedicated nodes come with a generous 5TB bandwidth usage per node per month. They are well-suited for deploying blockchain nodes or other resource-intensive workloads. Using a dedicated node requires reserving a 3node in your TFGrid admin portal. Once reserved, you have exclusive deployment rights for that node, and there are no additional costs.
When renting a dedicated node, you receive a 50% discount for the entire node. However, it's important to note that you will still be required to pay for the entire node, even with the discount applied. This means that while you enjoy the discount, the cost of the dedicated node is not prorated based on the resources you utilize.
## Staking Discount
| Type | Pricing Level | Nr months of TFT linked to account |
| ---------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| No staking | - 0% | 0 |
| Default | - 20% | 1.5 months |
| Bronze | - 30% | 3 months |
| Silver | - 40% | 6 months |
| Gold | - 60% | 18 months |
TFChain charges users for proof of utilization on an hourly basis. The discount applied is determined by the amount of TFT (ThreeFold Token) available in the user's TFChain account. It's important to note that the discount is calculated based on the TFT balance in the TFChain account, not on other supported blockchains like Stellar.
This discount mechanism operates automatically, and users don't need to take any specific actions to avail themselves of this benefit. However, it's worth mentioning that the maximum discount for network-related services is 40%.
### Example for 40% discount (Silver)
Let's break down the example for a 40% discount on Internet Capacity consumption:
- Suppose your consumption on the ThreeFold Grid is worth 10 TFT per hour.
- To be eligible for a 40% discount, you need to have a minimum of 43,200 TFT in your account, calculated as 10 TFT * 24 hours * 30 days * 6 months.
- Similarly, to be eligible for a 60% discount, you would need a minimum of 129,600 TFT in your account, calculated as 10 TFT * 24 hours * 30 days * 18 months.
- If you have 60,000 TFT in your TFChain account, you would receive a 40% discount.
- However, since you don't have enough tokens to qualify for the 60% discount, it won't be applicable.
- With the 40% discount, your effective payment for the consumption would be 6 TFT per hour, as long as the amount of TFT in your account falls within the range of 43,200 to 129,600 (as calculated above).
Keep in mind that these calculations are based on the example provided and the specific discount levels mentioned.

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# Pricing
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Pricing Overview](./
- [Staking Discounts](./
- [Cloud Pricing Compare](./
- [Grid Billing](../grid_billing/

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- [**Home**](@threefold_home)
- [Cloud Pricing](@pricing)
- [Cloud Pricing Compare](@cloud_pricing_compare)

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<h1>Staking Discount Levels</h1>
<h2> Table of Contents </h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Table of Discounts](#table-of-discounts)
- [Example for 40% discount](#example-for-40-discount)
## Introduction
By staking TFT on their TFChain wallet, TFGrid users can benefit to discounts up to 60%.
## Table of Discounts
| type | pricing level | nr months of TFT linked to account |
| ---------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| no staking | - 0% | 0 |
| default | - 20% | 3 months |
| bronze | - 30% | 6 months |
| silver | - 40% | 12 months |
| gold | - 60% | 36 months |
TFChain charges the user for proof_of_utilization every hour. TFChain will calculate the discount based on amount of TFT available in the account of the user on TFChain (not on Stellar or any of the other blockchains we also support). This is an automatic form of staking, the user does not have to do anything to have this benefit. For network related services its max 40% discount.
## Example for 40% discount
- I've used 10 TFT worth of Internet Capacity on tf_grid for the last hour.
- 10TFT * 24 * 30 * 12 = I would need 86,400 TFT for one year
- 10TFT * 24 * 30 * 36 = I would need 259,200 TFT for 3 year
- I have 120,000 TFT in my account on TF_Chain, this means that I will get 40% discount.
- I don't have enough tokens to get to 60% discount.

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| type | pricing level | nr months of TFT linked to account |
| ---------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| no staking | - 0% | 0 |
| default | - 20% | 3 months |
| bronze | - 30% | 6 months |
| silver | - 40% | 12 months |
| gold | - 60% | 36 months |
TFChain charges the user for proof_of_utilization every hour. TFChain will calculate the discount based on amount of TFT available in the account of the user on TFChain (not on Stellar or any of the other blockchains we also support). This is an automatic form of staking, the user does not have to do anything to have this benefit. For network related services its max 40% discount.
### Example for 40% discount
- I've used 10 TFT worth of Internet Capacity on tf_grid for the last hour.
- 10TFT * 24 * 30 * 12 = I would need 86,400 TFT for one year
- 10TFT * 24 * 30 * 36 = I would need 259,200 TFT for 3 year
- I have 120,000 TFT in my account on TF_Chain, this means that I will get 40% discount.
- I don't have enough tokens to get to 60% discount.

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<h1> Resource Units </h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Resource Units Overview](#resource-units-overview)
- [Compute](#compute)
- [Storage](#storage)
- [Storage cost price verification Dec 2021](#storage-cost-price-verification-dec-2021)
- [Change Log](#change-log)
- [Remarks](#remarks)
## Resource Units Overview
The threefold Zero-OS and TFChain software translates resource units (CRU, MRU, HRU, SRU) into cloud units (CU, SU) for farming reward purposes.
Resource units are used to measure and convert capacity on the hardware level into cloud units: CU & SU.
| Unit Type | Description | Code |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------ | ---- |
| Core Unit | 1 Logical Core (Hyperthreaded Core) | CRU |
| Mem Unit | 1 GB mem | MRU |
| HD Unit | 1 GB | HRU |
| SSD Unit | 1 GB | SRU |
| Network Unit | 1 GB of bandwidth transmitted in/out | NRU |
These are raw capacities as measured by the ThreeFold software running on Zero-OS.
To learn how they convert into cloudunits see [here](./
### Compute
For farming, 1 CU equals:
- 2 virtual CPUs with a maximum over subscription of 4 CPUs and minimum required memory of 4GB.
- An over subscription of 4 CPUs remains still gentle as we understand many other providers use more.
- There needs to be at least 50GB SSD per CU, if not there is penalty for nr of CU, reasoning is that otherwise people cannot deploy their VM's or Containers if there would not be minimal SSD.
cu = min((mru - 1) / 4, cru * 4 / 2, sru / 50)
- 1 GB of memory is subtracted for the operating system to function.
- please note minimal passmark per CU (with 4GB mem), needs to be 1000 passmark at farming side, this is not being checked today but might be done in future. If your chosen CPU has less than 1000 passmark per CU (of 4 GB mem), it could be your final CU's will be lower once that feature is introduced.
<!-- > NOTE 17 Jan: some possible abuse has been found, we will do research how to adjust calculations to avoid this. -->
### Storage
For farming, 1 SU equals to:
- 1.2 TB of HD capacity (which can deliver 1 TB of net usable storage)
- 200 GB of SSD capacity with a buffer of 20%
su = hru / 1200 + sru * 0.8 / 200
#### Storage cost price verification Dec 2021
- price for 16 TB HDD = 300 USD
- 16000 / 1200 = 13.3 SU
- 1 SU costs = 300 / 13.3 = 22.5 for HDD
- price for 2 TB SSD = 200 USD
- 2000 * 0.8 / 200 = 8 SU
- 1 SU costs 200 / 8 = 25 for SSD
<!-- !!!include:staking_farmed_tft -->
## Change Log
- original non final specs from Summer 2021, was mentioned its not final.
- Dec 2021 update for launch v3.x
- there need to be at least 50 GB SSD capacity per CU
- was in the specs of farming reward but formula above did not take it into consideration, in others nonconsistenty between specs & formula.
- sru division to 200, was 300, to be more in line with HDD vs SSD pricing, this check needs to be done +- every 6 months, results in slightly more SU, which is good for farmers.
- Jan 2022 update for launch v3.x
- reverted change done in Dec, sru does not have to be deducted from cpu, results in increase of farming rewards, in other words good for farmers. Also good formula more easy.
- Introduced warning about minimum CPU requirements in relation to passmark.
## Remarks
- There seems to be issue in simulator, will check asap (17-jan)
- We are checking all numbers & the DAO is coming life in Jan/Feb 2022, once we have the DAO every change of the specs needs to be approved by DAO voting members. For now we use the forum to notify and ask feedback and make sure farming reward goes up for the changes if possible. There ia already a minimal DAO life, the blockchain TFChain validators (L1) need to find consensus to upgrade code.

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## Resource Units
Resource units are used to measure and convert capacity on the hardware level into cloud units: CU & SU.
| Unit Type | Description | Code |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------ | ---- |
| Core Unit | 1 Logical Core (Hyperthreaded Core) | CRU |
| Mem Unit | 1 GB mem | MRU |
| HD Unit | 1 GB | HRU |
| SSD Unit | 1 GB | SRU |
| Network Unit | 1 GB of bandwidth transmitted in/out | NRU |
These are raw capacities as measured by the ThreeFold software running on Zero-OS.
To learn how they convert into cloudunits see [here](./

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<h1>Resource Units Calculation</h1>
<h2> Table of Contents </h2>
- [Calculation from resource units to CU/SU for farming purposes](#calculation-from-resource-units-to-cusu-for-farming-purposes)
- [Compute](#compute)
- [Storage](#storage)
- [Storage cost price verification Dec 2021](#storage-cost-price-verification-dec-2021)
## Calculation from resource units to CU/SU for farming purposes
The threefold Zero-OS and TFChain software translates resource units (CRU, MRU, HRU, SRU) into cloud units (CU, SU) for farming reward purposes.
## Compute
For farming, 1 CU equals:
- 2 virtual CPUs with a maximum over subscription of 4 CPUs and minimum required memory of 4GB.
- An over subscription of 4 CPUs remains still gentle as we understand many other providers use more.
- There needs to be at least 50GB SSD per CU, if not there is penalty for nr of CU, reasoning is that otherwise people cannot deploy their VM's or Containers if there would not be minimal SSD.
cu = min((mru - 1) / 4, cru * 4 / 2, sru / 50)
- 1 GB of memory is subtracted for the operating system to function.
- please note minimal passmark per CU (with 4GB mem), needs to be 1000 passmark at farming side, this is not being checked today but might be done in future. If your chosen CPU has less than 1000 passmark per CU (of 4 GB mem), it could be your final CU's will be lower once that feature is introduced.
## Storage
For farming, 1 SU equals to:
- 1.2 TB of HD capacity (which can deliver 1 TB of net usable storage)
- 200 GB of SSD capacity with a buffer of 20%
su = hru / 1200 + sru * 0.8 / 200
### Storage cost price verification Dec 2021
- price for 16 TB HDD = 300 USD
- 16000 / 1200 = 13.3 SU
- 1 SU costs = 300 / 13.3 = 22.5 for HDD
- price for 2 TB SSD = 200 USD
- 2000 * 0.8 / 200 = 8 SU
- 1 SU costs 200 / 8 = 25 for SSD
<!-- ## Change Log
- original non final specs from Summer 2021, was mentioned its not final.
- Dec 2021 update for launch v3.x
- there need to be at least 50 GB SSD capacity per CU
- was in the specs of farming reward but formula above did not take it into consideration, in others nonconsistenty between specs & formula.
- sru division to 200, was 300, to be more in line with HDD vs SSD pricing, this check needs to be done +- every 6 months, results in slightly more SU, which is good for farmers.
- Jan 2022 update for launch v3.x
- reverted change done in Dec, sru does not have to be deducted from cpu, results in increase of farming rewards, in other words good for farmers. Also good formula more easy.
- Introduced warning about minimum CPU requirements in relation to passmark.

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name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: ''
## Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
## To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. See error
## Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
## Screenshots
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

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<h1> Code of Conduct</h1>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- [Introduction: Collaboration Manifest](#introduction-collaboration-manifest)
- [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct)
- [Forum \& Chat Rules](#forum--chat-rules)
- [Moderation Rights](#moderation-rights)
- [Contribution](#contribution)
- [Keep It Simple and Relevant](#keep-it-simple-and-relevant)
- [Content Verification Guidelines](#content-verification-guidelines)
- [Freedom of Speech.](#freedom-of-speech)
- [Contribution Guidelines](#contribution-guidelines)
- [This is a Civilized Place for Public Discussion](#this-is-a-civilized-place-for-public-discussion)
- [Improve the Discussion](#improve-the-discussion)
- [Be Agreeable, Even When You Disagree](#be-agreeable-even-when-you-disagree)
- [Your Participation Counts](#your-participation-counts)
- [If You See a Problem, Flag It](#if-you-see-a-problem-flag-it)
- [Always Be Civil](#always-be-civil)
- [Keep It Tidy](#keep-it-tidy)
- [Post Only Your Own Stuff](#post-only-your-own-stuff)
- [Powered by You](#powered-by-you)
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- [Important Terms](#important-terms)
- [Your Permission to Use the Forum)](#your-permission-to-use-the-forum)
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- [Disputes](#disputes)
- [General Terms](#general-terms)
- [Contact](#contact)
- [Changes](#changes)
# Introduction: Collaboration Manifest
FreeFlow nation created this collaboration manifest which can be freely used by any organization who finds them useful. If you would like to see any changes to this document please email to ****.
We at ThreeFold want to follow these guidelines.
This document has been created honoring the [FreeFlow Nation Manifesto](
# Code of Conduct
## Forum & Chat Rules
We are committed to making participation a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality.
Examples of unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to:
* Use of sexualized language or imagery
* Personal attacks
* Trolling or insulting/derogatory comments
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing private information without explicit permission (e.g. physical or electronic address)
## Moderation Rights
Content moderators have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject all posts, comments, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct. They may also suspend or ban any forum member for behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
By adopting this Code of Conduct, moderators commit themselves to fairly and consistently applying these principles to every aspect of managing this community. Moderators who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct may be permanently removed from the moderation team.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by flagging the post or comment in question. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response deemed both necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. Moderators are obligated to maintain confidentiality regarding the identity of the reporting party.
The forum is a place where we bring people together that share the same values and want to make the world a better place. Positive feedback is well appreciated but must always stay respectful and helpful. Moderators thus have the right to remove any posts spreading negativity and/or attacking the project and its founders.
## Contribution
We welcome everyone to contribute and thank you for your content contribution.
Content can be chat, questions, answers, blogs, articles, knowledge base information, tutorials, …
The more people collaborate the more relevant set of information will be created.
Creating content constitutes your agreement to release submitted content as public domain ([CC0 10 4](
## Keep It Simple and Relevant
Overload of information is maybe even worse as not enough information.
Please keep your discussions and contributions information-rich. If your signal-to-noise ratio gets too low, you will be muted or banned from the forum or relevant chat. This is up to the discretion of ThreeFold moderators.
## Content Verification Guidelines
We believe its in the best interest of our community to know the origin and authenticity of any information contributed. We want to do everything possible to verify the authenticity of the content created (e.g. messages, knowledge-base, chats, etc.). As such its our right to block a contributor from creating any content if identity cannot be verified.
## Freedom of Speech.
We believe in freedom of speech as long as its not in contradiction with our Content Verification Guidelines.
# Contribution Guidelines
## This is a Civilized Place for Public Discussion
Please treat this discussion forum with the same respect you would a public park. We, too, are a shared community resource — a place to share skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation.
These are not hard and fast rules, merely guidelines to aid the human judgment of our community and keep this a clean and well-lighted place for civilized public discourse.
## Improve the Discussion
Help us make this a great place for discussion by always working to improve the discussion in some way, however small. If you are not sure your post adds to the conversation, think over what you want to say and try again later.
The topics discussed here matter to us, and we want you to act as if they matter to you, too. Be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said.
One way to improve the discussion is by discovering ones that are already happening. Spend time browsing the topics here before replying or starting your own, and youll have a better chance of meeting others who share your interests.
## Be Agreeable, Even When You Disagree
You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. Thats fine. But remember to criticize ideas, not people. Please avoid any of the following:
* Name-calling
* Ad hominem attacks
* Responding to a posts tone instead of its actual content
* Knee-jerk contradiction
Instead, provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation.
## Your Participation Counts
The conversations we have here set the tone for every new arrival. Help us influence the future of this community by choosing to engage in discussions that make this forum an interesting place to be — and avoiding those that do not.
The forum we use (Discourse) provides tools that enable the community to collectively identify the best (and worst) contributions: bookmarks, likes, flags, replies, edits, and so forth. Use these tools to improve your own experience, and everyone elses, too.
Lets leave our community better than we found it.
## If You See a Problem, Flag It
Moderators have special authority: they are responsible for this forum, but so are you. With your help, moderators can be community facilitators, not just janitors or police.
When you see bad behavior, dont reply. It encourages bad behavior by acknowledging it, consumes your energy, and wastes everyones time. Just flag it. If enough flags accrue, action will be taken, either automatically or by moderator intervention.
In order to maintain our community, moderators reserve the right to remove any content and any user account for any reason at any time. Moderators do not preview new posts: the moderators and site operators take no responsibility for any content posted by the community.
## Always Be Civil
Nothing sabotages a healthy conversation like rudeness:
* Be civil. Dont post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech.
* Keep it clean. Dont post anything obscene or sexually explicit.
* Respect each other. Dont harass or grief anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information.
* Respect our forum. Dont post spam or otherwise vandalize the forum.
These are not concrete terms with precise definitions — avoid even the appearance of any of these things. If youre unsure, ask yourself how you would feel if your post was featured on the front page of the New York Times.
This is a public forum, and search engines index these discussions. Keep the language, links, and images safe for family and friends.
## Keep It Tidy
Make the effort to put things in the right place, so that we can spend more time discussing and less time cleaning up.
In brief:
* Dont start a topic in the wrong category.
* Dont cross-post the same thing in multiple topics.
* Dont post no-content replies.
* Dont divert a topic by changing it midstream.
* Dont sign your posts — every post has your profile information attached to it.
* Rather than posting “+1” or “Agreed”, use the Like button. Rather than taking an existing topic in a radically different direction, use Reply as a Linked Topic.
## Post Only Your Own Stuff
You may not post anything digital that belongs to someone else without permission. You may not post descriptions of, links to, or methods for stealing someones intellectual property (e.g. software, video, audio, images, etc.), or for breaking any other law.
## Powered by You
This site is operated by your friendly local staff and you, the community. If you have any further questions about how things should work here, open a new topic in the site feedback category and lets discuss! If theres a critical or urgent issue that cant be handled by a meta topic or flag, contact us via the support live chat.
## Terms of Service
Yes, legalese is boring, but we must protect ourselves and by extension, you and your data against unfriendly folks. We have a Terms of Service describing your (and our) behavior and rights related to content, privacy, and laws. To use this service, you must agree to abide by our TOS. See below for more information on this.
# Terms of Service (TOS)
These terms include a number of important provisions that affect your rights and responsibilities, such as the disclaimers in Disclaimers, limits on the companys liability to you in Limits on Liability, your agreement to cover the company for damages caused by your misuse of the forum in Responsibility for Your Use, and an agreement to arbitrate disputes in Disputes.
Please read:
To use this forum, or any other collaboration/communication tool of ThreeFold you must agree to these terms with threefold, the company that runs the forum or any other tool (FreeFlow Pages and others).
The company may offer other products and services, under different terms. These terms apply only to use of the forum.
## Important Terms
These terms include a number of important provisions that affect your rights and responsibilities, such as the disclaimers in [Disclaimers](#disclaimers), limits on the companys liability to you in [Limits on Liability](#limits-on-liability), your agreement to cover the company for damages caused by your misuse of the forum in [Responsibility for Your Use](#your-responsibility), and an agreement to arbitrate disputes in [Disputes](#disputes).
## Your Permission to Use the Forum)
Subject to these terms, the company gives you permission to use the forum. Everyone needs to agree to these terms to use the forum.
## Conditions for Use of the Forum
Your permission to use the forum is subject to the following conditions:
1. You must be at least thirteen years old.
2. You may no longer use the forum if the company contacts you directly to say that you may not.
3. You must use the forum in accordance with [Acceptable Use](#acceptable-use) and [Content Standards](#content-standards).
## Acceptable Use
1. You may not break the law using the forum.
2. You may not use or try to use anothers account on the forum without their specific permission.
3. You may not buy, sell, or otherwise trade in user names or other unique identifiers on the forum.
4. You may not send advertisements, chain letters, or other solicitations through the forum, or use the forum to gather addresses or other personal data for commercial mailing lists or databases.
5. You may not automate access to the forum, or monitor the forum, such as with a web crawler, browser plug-in or add-on, or other computer program that is not a web browser. You may crawl the forum to index it for a publicly available search engine, if you run one.
6. You may not use the forum to send e-mail to distribution lists, newsgroups, or group mail aliases.
7. You may not falsely imply that youre affiliated with or endorsed by the company.
8. You may not hyperlink to images or other non-hypertext content on the forum on other webpages.
9. You may not remove any marks showing proprietary ownership from materials you download from the forum.
10. You may not show any part of the forum on other websites with \<iframe\>.
11. You may not disable, avoid, or circumvent any security or access restrictions of the forum.
12. You may not strain infrastructure of the forum with an unreasonable volume of requests, or requests designed to impose an unreasonable load on information systems underlying the forum.
13. You may not impersonate others through the forum.
14. You may not encourage or help anyone in violation of these terms.
## Content Standards
1. You may not submit content to the forum that is illegal, offensive, or otherwise harmful to others. This includes content that is harassing, inappropriate, or abusive.
2. You may not submit content to the forum that violates the law, infringes anyones intellectual property rights, violates anyones privacy, or breaches agreements you have with others.
3. You may not submit content to the forum containing malicious computer code, such as computer viruses or spyware.
4. You may not submit content to the forum as a mere placeholder, to hold a particular address, user name, or other unique identifier.
5. You may not use the forum to disclose information that you dont have the right to disclose, like others confidential or personal information.
## Enforcement
The company may investigate and prosecute violations of these terms to the fullest legal extent. The company may notify and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting violations of the law and these terms.
The company reserves the right to change, redact, and delete content on the forum for any reason. If you believe someone has submitted content to the forum in violation of these terms, [contact us immediately](#contact).
## Your Account
You must create and log into an account to use some features of the forum.
To create an account, you must provide some information about yourself. If you create an account, you agree to provide, at a minimum, a valid e-mail address, and to keep that address up-to-date. You may close your account at any time by e-mailing ****.
You agree to be responsible for all action taken using your account, whether authorized by you or not, until you either close your account or notify the company that your account has been compromised. You agree to notify the company immediately if you suspect your account has been compromised. You agree to select a secure password for your account, and keep it secret.
The company may restrict, suspend, or close your account on the forum according to its policy for handling copyright-related takedown requests, or if the company reasonably believes that youve broken any rule in these terms.
## Your Content
Nothing in these terms gives the company any ownership rights in intellectual property that you share with the forum, such as your account information, posts, or other content you submit to the forum. Nothing in these terms gives you any ownership rights in the companys intellectual property, either.
Between you and the company, you remain solely responsible for content you submit to the forum. You agree not to wrongly imply that content you submit to the forum is sponsored or approved by the company. These terms do not obligate the company to store, maintain, or provide copies of content you submit, and to change it, according to these terms.
Content you submit to the forum belongs to you, and you decide what permission to give others for it. But at a minimum, you license the company to provide content that you submit to the forum to other users of the forum. That special license allows the company to copy, publish, and analyze content you submit to the forum.
When content you submit is removed from the forum, whether by you or by the company, the companys special license ends when the last copy disappears from the companys backups, caches, and other systems. Other licenses you apply to content you submit, such as [Creative Commons]( licenses, may continue after your content is removed. Those licenses may give others, or the company itself, the right to share your content through the forum again.
Others who receive content you submit to the forum may violate the terms on which you license your content. You agree that the company will not be liable to you for those violations or their consequences.
## Your Responsibility
You agree to indemnify the company from legal claims by others related to your breach of these terms, or breach of these terms by others using your account on the forum. Both you and the company agree to notify the other side of any legal claims for which you might have to indemnify the company as soon as possible. If the company fails to notify you of a legal claim promptly, you wont have to indemnify the company for damages that you could have defended against or mitigated with prompt notice. You agree to allow the company to control investigation, defense, and settlement of legal claims for which you would have to indemnify the company, and to cooperate with those efforts. The company agrees not to agree to any settlement that admits fault for you or imposes obligations on you without your prior agreement.
## Disclaimers
You accept all risks of using the forum and content on the forum. As far as the law allows, the company and its suppliers provide the forum as is, without any warranty whatsoever.
The forum may hyperlink to and integrate forums and services run by others. The company does not make any warranty about services run by others, or content they may provide. Use of services run by others may be governed by other terms between you and the one running service.
## Limits on Liability
Neither the company nor its suppliers will be liable to you for breach-of-contract damages their personnel could not have reasonably foreseen when you agreed to these terms.
As far as the law allows, the total liability to you for claims of any kind that are related to the forum or content on the forum will be limited to $50.
## Feedback
The company welcomes your feedback and suggestions for the forum. See the [Contact](#contact) section below for ways to get in touch with us.
You agree that the company will be free to act on feedback and suggestions you provide, and that the company wont have to notify you that your feedback was used, get your permission to use it, or pay you. You agree not to submit feedback or suggestions that you believe might be confidential or proprietary, to you or others.
## Termination
Either you or the company may end the agreement written out in these terms at any time. When our agreement ends, your permission to use the forum also ends.
The following provisions survive the end of our agreement: [Your Content](#your-content), [Feedback](#feedback), [Your Responsibility](#your-responsibility), [Disclaimers](#disclaimers), [Limits on Liability](#limits-on-liability), and [General Terms](#general-terms).
## Disputes
The governing law will govern any dispute related to these terms or your use of the forum.
You and the company agree to seek injunctions related to these terms only in state or federal court in the city for disputes. Neither you nor the company will object to jurisdiction, forum, or venue in those courts.
Other than to seek an injunction or for claims under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, you and the company will resolve any dispute by binding American Arbitration Association arbitration. Arbitration will follow the AAAs Commercial Arbitration Rules and Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes. Arbitration will happen in the city for disputes. You will settle any dispute as an individual, and not as part of a class action or other representative proceeding, whether as the plaintiff or a class member. No arbitrator will consolidate any dispute with any other arbitration without the companys permission.
Any arbitration award will include costs of the arbitration, reasonable attorneys fees, and reasonable costs for witnesses. You and the company may enter arbitration awards in any court with jurisdiction.
## General Terms
If a provision of these terms is unenforceable as written, but could be changed to make it enforceable, that provision should be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. Otherwise, that provision should be removed.
You may not assign your agreement with the company. The company may assign your agreement to any affiliate of the company, any other company that obtains control of the company, or any other company that buys assets of the company related to the forum. Any attempted assignment against these terms has no legal effect.
Neither the exercise of any right under this Agreement, nor waiver of any breach of this Agreement, waives any other breach of this Agreement.
These terms embody all the terms of agreement between you and the company about use of the forum. These terms entirely replace any other agreements about your use of the forum, written or not.
## Contact
You may notify the company under these terms, and send questions to the company, at ****.
The company may notify you under these terms using the e-mail address you provide for your account on the forum, or by posting a message to the homepage of the forum or your account page.
## Changes
The company last updated these terms on Aug, 2020, and may update these terms again. For updates that contain substantial changes, the company agrees to e-mail you, if youve created an account and provided a valid e-mail address. The company may also announce updates with special messages or alerts on the forum.
Once you get notice of an update to these terms, you must agree to the new terms in order to keep using the forum.

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<h1> Collaboration </h1>
ThreeFold strongly believes in the power of open-source projects and community-driven collaboration. The following documentation is ideal for anyone who wants to know ways to collaborate to the ThreeFold ecosystem.
To become a farmer, a developer or a sysadmin on the ThreeFold, read the [documentation](../../documentation/
<h2>Table of Contents</h2
- [How to Contribute](./
- [Development Process](./
- [Collaboration Tools](./collaboration_tools/
- [How to Test](./testing/
- [Code of Conduct](./

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