- 3.3% For liquidity providing (DEX, marketmakers, ...)
- 11.5% for the technology creators
- ThreeFold and INCA is the result of technology developed in a teh company, which got acquired many years ago, this resulted in a token grant for the stakeholders of that company
The following table shows planned release, some of the mechanisms and details are still being worked on.
<!--*Accelerated Vesting means: if INCA gets above 0.5 CHF per INCA (50%), the vesting accelerates in proportion to the percentage (e.g. 0.6 CHF per INCA = 60$ acceleration). At 1 CHF per INCA (100%) and more, the acceleration is 100%.* -->
For more information about our gen3 token see [here called TFT](tft.md)