Our aim is to have millions of nodes in the field to evingly create the biggest network of Cloud & Internet Capacity in the world, depending the amount of nodes in a TFGrid Cell.
> For a [simulation based on twins with storage and bandwidth check here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D6Q3Yav_SS356zAILwN4SrmqwYfLibT3E6oWrVPU4c8/edit#gid=170998100)
If a farmer uses a farming pool he/she will have to give a part of their reward to the farming pool, each farming pool can decide how much that needs to be.
The more advanced farmers can chose to define compute boxes in their node. A compute box is an amount of CPU, MEM, GPU, SSD as specified by farmer. When users select a node to deploy a VM on they can use one or more of these compute boxes.
- 6.4 logical CPU core (oversubscription of 4, which means user can max use 4x CPU capacity if system allows)
- when a user choses the full machine, then he/she will have reserved all compute boxes capacity which means the machine is now dedicated reserved for the user, the hoster specifies the discount for this typically 50%. On a dedicated machine the user has full access to the GPU.
- min 1GB always needs to be left as buffer for memory and 10% of SSD capacity
- When a developer wants to deploy a virtual machine, he/she needs to define the required capacity and will be able to make a choice based on these compute boxes, each compute box has different base specs (mem, ssd, gpu, cpu) and reputation, the developer can now make a selection of how many of these compute boxes need to be given to the virtual machine. This defines the monthly price which will have to be paid as well as capacity available to the VM.
If a farmer lacks this capability, their TFNode will connect to a neighboring TFNode with good internet connectivity and public incoming access. In this case, the neighbor farmer will earn money from the internet traffic, while the farmer will continue to earn rewards for compute and storage."