- Set up a VM, see [here](vm.md). It is recommended to reserve a fix IP. You can also try out the planetary network (so reserve a VM without public IP), as long as the node you select is connected to the internet through an IPv4 address that isn't used yet for a Presearch node, you don't explicitly need to reserve a public IPv4 address. However, the planetary network is still in beta phase and might generate performance issues.
- 1 CPU is enough for a PRE node. As we still need to install Docker on the VM before deploying a PRE node, please choose 8192 memory size.
- Once your VM is set up, SSH into our machine.

For the VM having an IP address you can enter the terminal command
ssh root@
If you didn't reserve a public IPv4 address, you can ssh into your machine using the IPv6 address. Peopl doing this, should however first set up their identity in the Planetary Network with Yggdrasil. See [here](yggdrasil_client) to know how to do this.
ssh root@300:aa1b:e91b:720f:ae5f:8991:6df8:1ec9
Now you have an empty VM, also Docker still needs to be installed.