import os import net.http import term import json import x.json2 const token_file = os.join_path(os.home_dir(), '.config', 'tfhubtoken') const binary_location = if os.user_os() == 'windows' { 'C:\\Program Files\\flist\\flist.exe' } else { '/usr/local/bin/flist' } struct FlistItem { name string } struct Payload { username string } struct Response { payload Payload } fn error_message(msg string) { println('\nError: ') + msg) println(term.yellow("Run 'flist help' for usage information.\n")) } fn success_message(msg string) { println('\n' + msg + '\n')) } fn info_message(msg string) { println('\n' + msg + '\n')) } fn create_box(content []string, padding int) string { mut max_width := 0 for line in content { clean_line := term.strip_ansi(line) if clean_line.len > max_width { max_width = clean_line.len } } max_width += padding * 2 separator := '━'.repeat(max_width + 2) // +2 for left and right borders mut box_content :='┏${separator}┓') + '\n' for line in content { clean_line := term.strip_ansi(line) padding_left := ' '.repeat(padding) padding_right := ' '.repeat(max_width - clean_line.len) box_content +='┃') + padding_left + line + padding_right +'┃') + '\n' } box_content +='┗${separator}┛') return box_content } fn install() { info_message('Installing Flist CLI...') current_exe := os.executable() if os.exists(current_exe) { os.mkdir_all(os.dir(binary_location)) or { panic(err) } os.cp(current_exe, binary_location) or { panic(err) } os.chmod(binary_location, 0o755) or { panic(err) } success_message('Flist CLI has been installed to ' + binary_location) info_message("You can now use it by running 'flist help'") } else { error_message('Cannot find the executable file') exit(1) } } fn uninstall() { info_message('Uninstalling Flist CLI...') if os.exists(binary_location) { os.rm(binary_location) or { panic(err) } success_message('Flist CLI has been removed from ' + binary_location) } else { info_message('Flist CLI is not installed at ' + binary_location) } } fn login() { mut token_exists := os.exists(token_file) if !token_exists { tfhub_token := os.input('Please enter your tfhub token: ') os.write_file(token_file, tfhub_token) or { panic(err) } success_message('Token saved in ' + token_file) } else { info_message('Your Flist Hub token is already saved.') } result := os.system('sudo docker login') if result == 0 { info_message('\nYou are already logged in to Docker.') } success_message('Login process completed.') } fn logout() { if os.exists(token_file) { os.rm(token_file) or { panic(err) } success_message('Your Flist Hub Token has been removed') } else { info_message('Your Flist Hub Token was already not present.') } exit_code := os.system('sudo docker logout') if exit_code != 0 { error_message('Failed to log out from Docker Hub.') } success_message('You are now logged out of Docker Hub and your Flist Hub token has been removed.') } fn get_docker_credential() !string { // Try to get the Docker credential automatically credential := get_docker_credential_auto() or { // If automatic retrieval fails, prompt the user for input println(term.yellow("\nCouldn't find your Docker username automatically.")) username := os.input('Please enter your Docker username and press ENTER: ') if username.trim_space() == '' { return error('No Docker username provided') } return username.trim_space() } return credential } fn get_docker_credential_auto() !string { // First, try to get the Docker username using the system info command system_info_result := os.execute("sudo docker system info | grep 'Username' | cut -d ' ' -f 3") if system_info_result.exit_code == 0 && system_info_result.output.trim_space() != '' { return system_info_result.output.trim_space() } // If the above method fails, proceed with the current method // Read the Docker config file config_path := os.join_path(os.home_dir(), '.docker', 'config.json') config_content := os.read_file(config_path) or { return error('Failed to read Docker config file: ${err}') } // Parse the JSON content config := json2.raw_decode(config_content) or { return error('Failed to parse Docker config: ${err}') } // Extract the credsStore value creds_store := config.as_map()['credsStore'] or { return error('credsStore not found in Docker config') }.str() // Execute the docker-credential command cred_helper := 'docker-credential-${creds_store}' cred_output := os.execute('${cred_helper} list') if cred_output.exit_code != 0 { return error('Failed to execute ${cred_helper}: ${cred_output.output}') } // Parse the credential list cred_list := json2.raw_decode(cred_output.output) or { return error('Failed to parse credential list: ${err}') } // Find the first entry for key, value in cred_list.as_map() { if key.contains('') { return value.str() } } return error('No credential found') } fn push(tag string) { docker_user := get_docker_credential() or { error_message('Failed to get Docker username: ${err}') exit(1) } info_message('Docker username: ${docker_user}') full_tag := '${docker_user}/${tag}' tfhub_token := os.read_file(token_file) or { error_message("No token found. Please run 'flist login' first.") exit(1) } info_message('Starting Docker build') if os.system('sudo docker buildx build -t ${full_tag} .') != 0 { error_message('Docker build failed') exit(1) } info_message('Finished local Docker build, now pushing to Docker Hub') if os.system('sudo docker push ${full_tag}') != 0 { error_message('Docker push failed') exit(1) } info_message('Converting Docker image to Flist now...') url := '' data := 'image=${full_tag}' mut config := http.FetchConfig{ url: url method: .post data: data header: http.new_header( key: .authorization value: 'bearer ${tfhub_token}' ) } config.header.add_custom('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') or { error_message('Add custom failed: ${err}') exit(1) } response := http.fetch(config) or { error_message('HTTP POST request failed: ${err}') exit(1) } if response.status_code == 200 { hub_user := get_hub_username(tfhub_token) or { error_message('Failed to get hub username') exit(1) } flist_name := tag.replace(':', '-') + '.flist' flist_url := '${hub_user}/${docker_user}-${flist_name}' success_content := [ term.bold('Success!') + ' Your Flist has been created and pushed to the TF Hub.'), '', term.bold('Flist Details:'), term.yellow('Name: ') + flist_name, term.yellow('User: ') + hub_user, term.yellow('URL: ') + flist_url, '', 'You can access your Flist using the URL above.', 'To manage your Flists, use the following commands:', term.yellow(' flist ls ') + '- List all your Flists', term.yellow(' flist delete') + '- Delete an Flist', term.yellow(' flist rename') + '- Rename an Flist', ] println(create_box(success_content, 2)) } else { error_message('Request failed with status code: ${response.status_code}') println('Response body:') println(response.body) exit(1) } } fn delete(flist_name string) { tfhub_token := os.read_file(token_file) or { error_message("No token found. Please run 'flist login' first.") exit(1) } info_message('Deleting Flist: ' + flist_name) url := '' + flist_name config := http.FetchConfig{ url: url method: .delete header: http.new_header(key: .authorization, value: 'bearer ' + tfhub_token) } response := http.fetch(config) or { error_message('Failed to send delete request: ' + err.msg()) exit(1) } if response.status_code == 200 { success_message('Deletion request sent successfully.') } else { error_message('Deletion request failed with status code: ' + response.status_code.str()) } } fn rename(flist_name string, new_flist_name string) { tfhub_token := os.read_file(token_file) or { error_message("No token found. Please run 'flist login' first.") exit(1) } info_message('Renaming Flist: ' + flist_name + ' to ' + new_flist_name) url := '' + flist_name + '/rename/' + new_flist_name config := http.FetchConfig{ url: url method: .get header: http.new_header(key: .authorization, value: 'bearer ' + tfhub_token) } response := http.fetch(config) or { error_message('Failed to send rename request: ' + err.msg()) exit(1) } if response.status_code == 200 { success_message('Rename request sent successfully.') } else { error_message('Rename request failed with status code: ' + response.status_code.str()) } } fn get_hub_username(tfhub_token string) ?string { url := '' config := http.FetchConfig{ url: url method: .get header: http.new_header( key: .authorization value: 'bearer ${tfhub_token}' ) } response := http.fetch(config) or { error_message('Failed to fetch hub username: ${err}') return none } if response.status_code != 200 { error_message('Failed to fetch hub username. Status code: ${response.status_code}') return none } parsed_response := json.decode(Response, response.body) or { error_message('Failed to parse JSON response: ${err}') return none } if parsed_response.payload.username != '' { return parsed_response.payload.username } error_message('Username not found in response') return none } fn ls(show_url bool) { tfhub_token := os.read_file(token_file) or { error_message("No token found. Please run 'flist login' first.") exit(1) } hub_user := get_hub_username(tfhub_token) or { error_message('Failed to get hub username') exit(1) } url := '${hub_user}' config := http.FetchConfig{ url: url method: .get header: http.new_header( key: .authorization value: 'bearer ${tfhub_token}' ) } response := http.fetch(config) or { error_message('Failed to fetch data: ${err}') exit(1) } if response.status_code != 200 { error_message('Failed to fetch data. Status code: ${response.status_code}') exit(1) } data := json.decode([]FlistItem, response.body) or { error_message('Failed to parse JSON: ${err}') exit(1) } mut content := [term.bold('Flists for user ' + + ':')] for item in data { if show_url { content << term.yellow('> ') + '' + hub_user + '/' + } else { content << term.yellow('> ') + } } println(create_box(content, 2)) } fn help() { welcome_msg := term.bold('Welcome to the Flist CLI!')) println(create_box([welcome_msg], 2)) println('This tool turns Dockerfiles and Docker images directly into Flists on the TF Flist Hub, passing by the Docker Hub.\n') println(term.bold('Available commands:')) println(' install ') + '- Install the Flist CLI') println(' uninstall ') + '- Uninstall the Flist CLI') println(' login ') + '- Log in to Docker Hub and save the Flist Hub token') println(' logout ') + '- Log out of Docker Hub and remove the Flist Hub token') println(' push ') + '- Build and push a Docker image to Docker Hub, then convert and push it as an Flist to Flist Hub') println(' delete ') + '- Delete an Flist from Flist Hub') println(' rename ') + '- Rename an Flist in Flist Hub') println(' ls ') + '- List all Flists of the current user') println(' ls url ') + '- List all Flists of the current user with full URLs') println(' help ') + '- Display this help message\n') println(term.bold('Usage:')) println(term.yellow(' sudo ./flist install')) println(term.yellow(' sudo flist uninstall')) println(term.yellow(' flist login')) println(term.yellow(' flist logout')) println(term.yellow(' flist push :')) println(term.yellow(' flist delete ')) println(term.yellow(' flist rename ')) println(term.yellow(' flist ls')) println(term.yellow(' flist ls url')) println(term.yellow(' flist help\n')) } fn main() { if os.args.len == 1 { help() return } match os.args[1] { 'install' { install() } 'uninstall' { uninstall() } 'push' { if os.args.len == 3 { push(os.args[2]) } else { error_message("Incorrect number of arguments for 'push'.") exit(1) } } 'login' { login() } 'logout' { logout() } 'delete' { if os.args.len == 3 { delete(os.args[2]) } else { error_message("Incorrect number of arguments for 'delete'.") exit(1) } } 'rename' { if os.args.len == 4 { rename(os.args[2], os.args[3]) } else { error_message("Incorrect number of arguments for 'rename'.") exit(1) } } 'ls' { if os.args.len == 2 { ls(false) } else if os.args.len == 3 && os.args[2] == 'url' { ls(true) } else { error_message("Incorrect usage of 'ls'. Use 'ls' or 'ls url'.") exit(1) } } 'help' { help() } else { error_message('Unknown command: ' + os.args[1]) exit(1) } } }