Engineering Circle Meeting 2024-09-09

Table of Contents

- [Attendees](#attendees) - [Main Content](#main-content) - [Minting Issue (July)](#minting-issue-july) - [Mycelium](#mycelium) - [TODO - Next Meeting](#todo---next-meeting) --- ## Attendees - Scott - Mik - Lee - Sabrina ## Main Content > Notes: Some of the content has been put in the next meeting section, for info and to be discussed on Thursday - The GEP on new way to vote on GEP has been decided: - - dev team in egypt - work being done - to get zos 4 to get on mainnet - devs on it - fixes on billing, 50% utilization, done - no new issues when testing - working on tf connect app - reviewed client - had small blockage with node 14 not running - ops fixed it in meantime - work done: enabled kyc for users ### Minting Issue (July) - farmerbot minting issue - payout file has been distributed across signers - 70 nodes affected - doesn't get compensation - but reminting with the period in mind with update - other issue - will be discussed by Scott on next call ### Mycelium - mycelium UI - Erwan working on it - working on MacOS version - submitted to testfly for MacOS - first step - set it to Apple App Store - will be easier for users - timeframe - not yet - needs to be tested ## TODO - Next Meeting - To discuss - Farmerbot-farmer-minting issue - scott will present the issue and we can discuss with Thabet, Jan and Kristof on the call - for now the consensus is: - make sure it doesn't happen again - check with the team who implemented the changes - ZOS team - can't compensate from treasury - can't remint - not fair for non-fbot-farmer compared to fbot-farmer - Mycelium updates in the manual, to be confirmed with Thabet - is it OK to wait until updates arew done for info_grid mycelium updates? or we push the current draft PR now - Manual transfer - from github to gitea - Discuss how to proceed to officially transfer manual from github to gitea - info_grid: - info_tfgrid: - check the ops process for gitea - make sure the process is effective and can be done by different person to avoid bottleneck/SPOF - e.g. - DNS websites projectinternetcapacity need to be removed as the project moved to - as of now we ask Kristof but it's a lot for one person - Farmers deploying on their own nodes - for now they can get up to 90% discount - 50% utilization rewards - 50% dedicated node - 60% staking discount - 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.4 = 0.1 - If TFT price goes up, farmers can rent their full node and still farm TFT - not sustainable - starting from 2 cents tft - farmers can make more money by renting the whole node and still farm - Discussion - how can we make sure this isn't happening for ZOS v4 - we'd need a GEP to change the discount and rewards - GEP on GEP method - we have a consensus on the GEP - when do we pass it? - Comms circle will create a post announcing the GEP - then we take questions, etc. - once it's clear, we submit the GEP, with 15 days to vote