TF Gateways: Distribution + Documentation #193

opened 2025-02-26 00:03:13 +00:00 by scott · 0 comments


Currently we have +/- 10 mostly in Europe and operated by TF. We need more gateways on the grid, with clear documentation for both farmers and users: how to deploy gateways, how to use gateways.


  • Are there enough gateways on the grid?
  • Can a farmer set up a gateway easily? (Do we have the proper docs?)
  • Can a user deploy a workload with a gateway easily? (Do we have the proper docs?)
  • Are there sufficient incentives for farmers to set up gateways? (Should we have grants?)
  • How should we announce grant programs if we go this route?
  • Can ops deploy more gateways (e.g. on Hetzner)?
  • Can we bring zoslite VM nodes as gateways in cloud environments?
  • Is there sufficient documentation on how to deploy zoslite as a gateway in a cloud environment?
  • Are gateways reliably monitored?
## Description Currently we have +/- 10 mostly in Europe and operated by TF. We need more gateways on the grid, with clear documentation for both farmers and users: how to deploy gateways, how to use gateways. ## Requirements - [ ] Are there enough gateways on the grid? - [ ] Can a farmer set up a gateway easily? (Do we have the proper docs?) - [ ] Can a user deploy a workload with a gateway easily? (Do we have the proper docs?) - [ ] Are there sufficient incentives for farmers to set up gateways? (Should we have grants?) - [ ] How should we announce grant programs if we go this route? - [ ] Can ops deploy more gateways (e.g. on Hetzner)? - [ ] Can we bring zoslite VM nodes as gateways in cloud environments? - [ ] Is there sufficient documentation on how to deploy zoslite as a gateway in a cloud environment? - [ ] Are gateways reliably monitored?
scott added this to the tfgrid_3_16 project 2025-02-26 00:03:13 +00:00
mik-tf modified the project from tfgrid_3_16 to tfgrid_3_17 2025-02-27 15:59:47 +00:00
mik-tf changed title from Enough gateways around the world to TF Gateways: Distribution + Documentation 2025-02-27 16:55:02 +00:00
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#193
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