Optimize Service Offering of Current Tech to Reach Market for Dev/Test Workloads #177

opened 2025-02-11 20:32:48 +00:00 by mik-tf · 8 comments


  • Dev/test workloads done by enterprise can easily be as high as 1M $ invested in e.g. AWS and others per year
  • The level of the current grid is sufficient for dev/test workloads
  • We cap tap into this demand by making sure
    • Docs are clear for this type of workload
    • We reach out to the target audience and listen to their feedback


  • We currently have the knowledge and tech to do it, we just need to adjust and have a clear service offering, then reach out to this audience


We have all the necessary parts in terms of knowledge and available resources.

  • Tech part
    • Create specific docs (hero docusaurus) for the specific audience (from current manual, less is more), and adjust as we get feedback (knowledge base)
    • Maintain grid v3 as effective as possible (devops expertise
  • Marketing part
    • Create a list of all potential enterprises, e.g. from 100K USD yearly on dev/test workloads and onward (biz+marketing expertise)
    • Reach out to them
    • Offer credits from TF Treasury to test the grid
    • Train support team to be as effective as possible with this target audience
    • Offer paid services to maintain the farm for them (support+ops expertise)

Nothing New

  • We just offer to the market what we currently have
    • Decentralized cloud infrastructure for test/dev workloads
# Situation - Dev/test workloads done by enterprise can easily be as high as 1M $ invested in e.g. AWS and others per year - The level of the current grid is sufficient for dev/test workloads - We cap tap into this demand by making sure - Docs are clear for this type of workload - We reach out to the target audience and listen to their feedback # Status - We currently have the knowledge and tech to do it, we just need to adjust and have a clear service offering, then reach out to this audience # Parts We have all the necessary parts in terms of knowledge and available resources. - Tech part - Create specific docs (hero docusaurus) for the specific audience (from current manual, less is more), and adjust as we get feedback (knowledge base) - Maintain grid v3 as effective as possible (devops expertise - Marketing part - Create a list of all potential enterprises, e.g. from 100K USD yearly on dev/test workloads and onward (biz+marketing expertise) - Reach out to them - Offer credits from TF Treasury to test the grid - Train support team to be as effective as possible with this target audience - Offer paid services to maintain the farm for them (support+ops expertise) # Nothing New - We just offer to the market what we currently have - Decentralized cloud infrastructure for test/dev workloads
mik-tf added the
label 2025-02-11 20:32:48 +00:00
mik-tf self-assigned this 2025-02-11 20:32:48 +00:00
mik-tf added this to the tfgrid_3_17 project 2025-02-11 20:32:48 +00:00
mik-tf added the due date 2025-04-11 2025-02-11 20:33:18 +00:00


  • The basic pitch website is done: https://threefold.info/decloud
    • Once we have the list, we can send this ebook and offer free consultation time (e.g. 30 min meeting to pitch TF as alternative to their dev/test workloads)


  • Create specific on-hands quick guide
    • For more info, they can consult the manual

TODO Comms

  • Start list of potential dev/test workloads enterprises
# Update - The basic pitch website is done: https://threefold.info/decloud - Once we have the list, we can send this ebook and offer free consultation time (e.g. 30 min meeting to pitch TF as alternative to their dev/test workloads) # TODO Docs - Create specific on-hands quick guide - For more info, they can consult the manual # TODO Comms - Start list of potential dev/test workloads enterprises


  • CTA: deploy on the grid your dev/test workloads
  • Pitch/Pros: we have the decentralised cloud platform to do it and the support team to give human support, and the devs to fix issues as they arise and improve the product as we get feedback, we will give you priority in support and listen to your feedback closely


TF Products

We have 2 main products:

  • The decentralized cloud for dev/test workloads is the "actual/current" product we have
  • The AI component is the upcoming product.

We focus on both, in parallel. That's the green grass + blue sky strategy: green grass = accessible, what we have now (dev/test environment cloud), blue sky = amazing new feature we're building (AI)

# Update - CTA: deploy on the grid your dev/test workloads - Pitch/Pros: we have the decentralised cloud platform to do it and the support team to give human support, and the devs to fix issues as they arise and improve the product as we get feedback, we will give you priority in support and listen to your feedback closely @Florian # TF Products We have 2 main products: - The decentralized cloud for dev/test workloads is the "actual/current" product we have - The AI component is the upcoming product. We focus on both, in parallel. That's the green grass + blue sky strategy: green grass = accessible, what we have now (dev/test environment cloud), blue sky = amazing new feature we're building (AI)


  • Discussing with Scott, we have a clear way to approach the companies:
  • Most importantly, we must fill their needs, so we should ask directly what they need:
    • what are the needs and requirements of those companies to do dev/test workloads on the grid?
  • we have to be honest and state the current state of the grid, and build from there if they need more
    • we present what we have
    • we ask them if they need something more
    • we work from there
# Update - Discussing with Scott, we have a clear way to approach the companies: - Most importantly, we must fill their needs, so we should ask directly what they need: - what are the needs and requirements of those companies to do dev/test workloads on the grid? - we have to be honest and state the current state of the grid, and build from there if they need more - we present what we have - we ask them if they need something more - we work from there


  • Proposition of how to proceed
    • Mik
      • sets up free services on grid to showcase to enterprises (ops have budget to run servers, some servers are already available, TF Treasury can give TFT to run the workloads)
    • Flo
      • reach out to companies with dev/test workloads and offer them to deploy on the grid
      • Ask them what they need as services
        • If we don't have it yet, make feature requests and ask devs to add to the grid
      • can give access to the services so they can test
    • Marie
      • do marketing around dev/test workloads for enterprises
        • promote with: free services on grid to target audience
        • CTA: reach out to Florian for more info
          • Flo asks Mik for tech stuff if needed
    • Support
      • Mik will let them know enterprises might have queries for support when doing dev/test workloads
    • Devs
      • Mik will let them know enterprises might have queries for feature requests and issues
# Update - Proposition of how to proceed - Mik - sets up free services on grid to showcase to enterprises (ops have budget to run servers, some servers are already available, TF Treasury can give TFT to run the workloads) - add links to pitch book: https://threefold.info/decloud/docs/introduction - Flo - reach out to companies with dev/test workloads and offer them to deploy on the grid - Ask them what they need as services - If we don't have it yet, make feature requests and ask devs to add to the grid - can give access to the services so they can test - Marie - do marketing around dev/test workloads for enterprises - promote with: free services on grid to target audience - CTA: reach out to Florian for more info - Flo asks Mik for tech stuff if needed - Support - Mik will let them know enterprises might have queries for support when doing dev/test workloads - Devs - Mik will let them know enterprises might have queries for feature requests and issues

Overview of Steps to Achieve the Project

We had a meeting on the 25-02-13 with @Florian , Marie (@itsacryptoworld), @scott and @mik-tf . It was very relevant.

# Overview of Steps to Achieve the Project We had a meeting on the 25-02-13 with @Florian , Marie (@itsacryptoworld), @scott and @mik-tf . It was very relevant. - Potential parties list - We create a list of enterprises that would be interested in our dev/test environment product - Basic list template to get started: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kJxh1FBAEN_-6-llqMzIurRQfmwmd3isnCahEA2juZM/edit?usp=sharing - Document for CI/CD info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tXEepmm2FyHqESFw0ikN5Jh57FFEz3AcSBG-mDXXrXc/edit?tab=t.0 - We manage the list with Hubspot or we do it on a google sheet (free) - We have an introductory book for potential parties - URL of current book - https://threefold.info/decloud - Inspiration of content book to show to potential parties - - https://super-stop-f4d.notion.site/ThreeFold-Strategic-Round-ext-14b49d69a17180f7a3b3fc6dfbd225bc - We present a clear service offering - We offer support - We're attentive to feedback and feature requests - If the enterprise is willing to give e.g. 100K USD+ per month of deployment - We can get 24/7 support for them - We showcase apps publicly available on the grid - We have a list of URLs to access: - Wordpress - Static website - Nextcloud - All dashboard app - We provide links to the manual - We have an easy CTA - Get a meeting with the team for more info (Calendly) - Format - Quick chat - 15 min - Demo - 30 min - Sale - 30 min - Participant - TF - Sale - Flo - Tech - Mik or Scott - Interested partie - Who they want - TF Pitch - We present the project as it is - We ask if it's sufficient for them - If not, we ask what more they need - We work on it on the devs side and get back to them with their features


  • We'll have a meeting with Support team and Amanda next week to start to create the list of potential parties

@thabeta Do you think you can align us/give us some feedback on which types of enterprises to reach out? Since you are working directly in devops I think your feedback would be highly relevant. If you want to ask your dev team too if they have ideas of enterprises to reach out to, it would be amazing. @sabrinasadik same thing for ops, maybe ops team have ideas of enterprises to reach out to! Thanks :D

# Update - We'll have a meeting with Support team and Amanda next week to start to create the list of potential parties @thabeta Do you think you can align us/give us some feedback on which types of enterprises to reach out? Since you are working directly in devops I think your feedback would be highly relevant. If you want to ask your dev team too if they have ideas of enterprises to reach out to, it would be amazing. @sabrinasadik same thing for ops, maybe ops team have ideas of enterprises to reach out to! Thanks :D


  • Discussed with @thabeta and @sabrinasadik (eng meeting)
    • We can focus on CI/CD workloads for now
    • Will check with TF Support team to do research on potential companies that would need CI/CD deployments on the grid
# Update - Discussed with @thabeta and @sabrinasadik (eng meeting) - We can focus on CI/CD workloads for now - Will check with TF Support team to do research on potential companies that would need CI/CD deployments on the grid


  • Had a great workshop/meeting with Support team (+Amanda!)
  • We will meet again in early March see what we have


TODO Support team + Amanda

The work is in two parts: find info on CI/CD, then find potential customers on the grid (companies who would deploy CI/CD workloads on the grid).

  • Find info on
    • What is CI/CD
    • How the TFGrid is fitting for CI/CD workloads
  • Find potential customers to deploy on the grid
    • Can search the web, read forum posts, e.g. reddit cloud etc.


  • Once we have more info on CI/CD + why deploying CI/CD on the grid, I will add a page on the decloud website

  • Once we have publicly available apps, I will add a page with links to try them out on the decloud website

# Update - Had a great workshop/meeting with Support team (+Amanda!) - We will meet again in early March see what we have # Links - CI/CI Info Doc to fill in: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tXEepmm2FyHqESFw0ikN5Jh57FFEz3AcSBG-mDXXrXc/edit?tab=t.0 - Potential customers list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kJxh1FBAEN_-6-llqMzIurRQfmwmd3isnCahEA2juZM/edit?gid=0#gid=0 - Decloud website: https://threefold.info/decloud/docs/case_decentralization/decentralized_future # TODO Support team + Amanda The work is in two parts: find info on CI/CD, then find potential customers on the grid (companies who would deploy CI/CD workloads on the grid). - Find info on - What is CI/CD - How the TFGrid is fitting for CI/CD workloads - Find potential customers to deploy on the grid - Can search the web, read forum posts, e.g. reddit cloud etc. # TODO Mik - Once we have more info on CI/CD + why deploying CI/CD on the grid, I will add a page on the decloud website - Once we have publicly available apps, I will add a page with links to try them out on the decloud website
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#177
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