Buy USDC and TFT using the threefold connect app #140

opened 2024-11-25 08:23:23 +00:00 by thabeta · 6 comments

TFT BUY Features

Purpose is to make it super easy for people to buy TFT for large & small amounts

  • Buy TFT using Stellar
    • Amount of TFT we want to buy expressed in USDC or DGLD
    • Check in their stellar if they don’t have that USDC yet go to Buy USDC
    • Use stellar Dex
    • Show their order they have placed
  • Buy USDC for Stellar
    • Amount of USDC they want to buy
    • If < 10k
      • Give them X choices (tell them % loss)
      • Each choice should link to a page where it's filled in so they just need to use credit card
    • If >10 k
      • Suggest them to go on an exchange e.g. Binance, Kraken and buy USDC there and then transfer to Stellar. We need a super small ebook (docusaurus based building on github, so it's clear this is community based info) for that which is only focussed on that part.
  • Buy DGLD on Stellar
    • Explain in couple sentences that we bring them in contact
    • If < 10k
      • Not possible today
    • If >10k
      • Ask their email, and say we will bring them in contact with a gold supplier which will help to buy gold at the best possible price and that then they can exchange the DGLD to TFT.

Github story:

### TFT BUY Features Purpose is to make it super easy for people to buy TFT for large & small amounts - Buy TFT using Stellar - Amount of TFT we want to buy expressed in USDC or DGLD - Check in their stellar if they don’t have that USDC yet go to Buy USDC - Use stellar Dex - Show their order they have placed - Buy USDC for Stellar - Amount of USDC they want to buy - If \< 10k - Give them X choices (tell them % loss) - Each choice should link to a page where it's filled in so they just need to use credit card - If \>10 k - Suggest them to go on an exchange e.g. Binance, Kraken and buy USDC there and then transfer to Stellar. We need a super small ebook (docusaurus based building on github, so it's clear this is community based info) for that which is only focussed on that part. - Buy DGLD on Stellar - Explain in couple sentences that we bring them in contact - If \< 10k - Not possible today - If \>10k - Ask their email, and say we will bring them in contact with a gold supplier which will help to buy gold at the best possible price and that then they can exchange the DGLD to TFT. Github story:
thabeta added the
label 2024-11-25 12:23:07 +00:00

Related Issue

# Related Issue - Docs Story for USDC + TFT over 10k -
mik-tf was assigned by thabeta 2024-11-28 13:52:12 +00:00
thabeta added this to the tfgrid_3_16 project 2024-11-28 13:52:14 +00:00
thabeta self-assigned this 2024-11-28 15:07:09 +00:00
mik-tf was unassigned by thabeta 2024-11-28 15:07:09 +00:00

stellar DEX requires XLM to be able to place/modify orders. Threefold Services only funds payments transactions and doesn't support DEX operations, however if that gets supported even, tradingbots can drain threefold wallets. Should we ask the user to keep a min balance of XLM? keep in mind that's a TFT app and as a User I shouldn't think of anything else. Swapping also requires XLM and also there's the factor of high fees of XLM

stellar DEX requires XLM to be able to place/modify orders. Threefold Services only funds payments transactions and doesn't support DEX operations, however if that gets supported even, tradingbots can drain threefold wallets. Should we ask the user to keep a min balance of XLM? keep in mind that's a TFT app and as a User I shouldn't think of anything else. Swapping also requires XLM and also there's the factor of high fees of XLM

"that's a TFT app and as a User I shouldn't think of anything else"

I agree with this, but I think we then want to see two levels of the TF App use: (1) a basic TFT-only use of the app as it is now, and (2) a second layer of TFT+XLM+Swap+Dex use of the app.

If a user wants to use the app just for TFT, we leave it as is. But if they want to trade and buy TFT using Stellar, then they will need XLM as you say. So I think it's OK to ask users to get some XLM.

In short, I think it's OK to ask users to keep a min balance of XLM if they want to use the "advanced" features of TF app.
This means they should be able to see XLM assets on the app too.

For the fees, Stellar fees should be very minimal, e.g. StellarX pays back the XLM fees used in transaction, maybe we can use their functionalities? I hope that helps.

"that's a TFT app and as a User I shouldn't think of anything else" I agree with this, but I think we then want to see two levels of the TF App use: (1) a basic TFT-only use of the app as it is now, and (2) a second layer of TFT+XLM+Swap+Dex use of the app. If a user wants to use the app just for TFT, we leave it as is. But if they want to trade and buy TFT using Stellar, then they will need XLM as you say. So I think it's OK to ask users to get some XLM. In short, I think it's OK to ask users to keep a min balance of XLM if they want to use the "advanced" features of TF app. This means they should be able to see XLM assets on the app too. For the fees, Stellar fees should be very minimal, e.g. StellarX pays back the XLM fees used in transaction, maybe we can use their functionalities? I hope that helps.

@thabeta are we moving forward with this for 3.16 or it might be for another release?

@thabeta are we moving forward with this for 3.16 or it might be for another release?


  • If people have time, we can work on it, but it's not blocking anything for 3.16
    • Thus not urgent/rush/not a priority
# Update - If people have time, we can work on it, but it's not blocking anything for 3.16 - Thus not urgent/rush/not a priority


  • I know this has been put aside for now, but I really think this (buy USDC/XLM and swap to TFT directly on TF Connect) and the revisited flow of TF Connect and Dashboard (Sabrina is working on with Thabet) could be a game changer for the way users interact with the grid.
  • @sabrinasadik @thabeta any way we could have resources for this maybe next month? Or at least for 3.17 release? We can discuss next meeting
  • If there's some guidelines on this, I can try and get it going.

Simplified Specs

  • On TFConnect, users can buy XLM and USDC with credit/debit card
  • Then users can swap XLM/USDC for TFT
  • Nothing on DGLD or other specs for now
# Update - I know this has been put aside for now, but I really think this (buy USDC/XLM and swap to TFT directly on TF Connect) and the revisited flow of TF Connect and Dashboard (Sabrina is working on with Thabet) could be a game changer for the way users interact with the grid. - @sabrinasadik @thabeta any way we could have resources for this maybe next month? Or at least for 3.17 release? We can discuss next meeting - If there's some guidelines on this, I can try and get it going. # Simplified Specs - On TFConnect, users can buy XLM and USDC with credit/debit card - Then users can swap XLM/USDC for TFT - Nothing on DGLD or other specs for now
thabeta modified the project from tfgrid_3_16 to tfgrid_3_17 2025-02-13 13:18:00 +00:00
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