Enforce Farmers to use TF Connect to get Email and Phone Verification #127

opened 2024-11-04 19:04:07 +00:00 by mik-tf · 7 comments


  • We should be able to contact farmers

Technical tasks

  • Enforce Farmers to use TF Connect to get email and phone verification


## Situation - We should be able to contact farmers ## Technical tasks - Enforce Farmers to use TF Connect to get email and phone verification ## Related Issues - All closed - [x] KYC in the dashboard https://github.com/threefoldtech/tfgrid-sdk-ts/issues/3678 - [x] KYC in the mobile app https://github.com/threefoldtech/threefold_connect/issues/778 ## References - As explained here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iZCUQK3ZiGwH0H-Ua6xR7ozyQ9TNE2iLfU4Nx0k6mgM/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.442ls16eaduo
mik-tf added the
label 2024-11-04 19:04:07 +00:00
mik-tf added this to the tfgrid_3_16 project 2024-11-04 19:04:07 +00:00
thabeta self-assigned this 2024-11-28 13:54:11 +00:00
thabeta changed title from Way to Contact Farmers: Email Address to KYC Threefold's farmers 2024-11-28 13:54:40 +00:00

Most likely we will just enforce the tel/email checks and if not, will ask the user to load that into the mobile app.

Most likely we will just enforce the tel/email checks and if not, will ask the user to load that into the mobile app.
mik-tf changed title from KYC Threefold's farmers to Enforce Farmers to use TF Connect to get Email and Phone Verification 2025-01-09 18:06:10 +00:00

Good! I updated the story.

Good! I updated the story.

Problem is it's resolved to KYC on farmers and code done on mobile and on the dashboard. needs to be redone if that's the way to proceed

Problem is it's resolved to KYC on farmers and code done on mobile and on the dashboard. needs to be redone if that's the way to proceed

So what is required to achieve that

on threefold connect:

  • We should store the twin ID on the app backend server for each added wallet. (What if the wallet is imported using different identities?)
  • Only allow the verified users to create or manage farms from the app.

on dashboard:

  • Reach the app backend server to ask if the user is email & phone verified
So what is required to achieve that on threefold connect: - We should store the twin ID on the app backend server for each added wallet. (What if the wallet is imported using different identities?) - Only allow the verified users to create or manage farms from the app. on dashboard: - Reach the app backend server to ask if the user is email & phone verified

code reverted for kyc on dashboard and on the phone app. email is enforced, should phone number too be enforced?

However the concerns aren't still resolved to proceed with that, I suggest we remove the farm page from the dashboard even.

code reverted for kyc on dashboard and on the phone app. email is enforced, should phone number too be enforced? However the concerns aren't still resolved to proceed with that, I suggest we remove the farm page from the dashboard even.

Concerning removing the Farm page from the Dashboard, I think of the UX impact of having it solely on the app:

  • Creating farm and setting additional fees are simple with the app
  • Setting the Public Config with the app might be complex, as there is a lot of inputs to enter
  • Also, how would we proceed with the download node receipt button? It would download on the phone?
    • Since we have the email of the farmer, can we send the receipt by email?
      • E.g.
        • Option 1: download on your phone,
        • Option 2: Send the receipt to your email

Of course if it makes the situation simpler, we could go forward by removing farm page from the Dashboard and find ways to make the UX better afterwards.

Maybe we can impose farm creation on the tf connect app, but farmers can manage the farm on the dashboard still?

For the verification, I thought we were going with email + phone. If email is the strict minimum, we can start with this. But I don't think it's a big stretch to ask for the phone.

Concerning removing the Farm page from the Dashboard, I think of the UX impact of having it solely on the app: - Creating farm and setting additional fees are simple with the app - Setting the Public Config with the app might be complex, as there is a lot of inputs to enter - Also, how would we proceed with the download node receipt button? It would download on the phone? - Since we have the email of the farmer, can we send the receipt by email? - E.g. - Option 1: download on your phone, - Option 2: Send the receipt to your email Of course if it makes the situation simpler, we could go forward by removing farm page from the Dashboard and find ways to make the UX better afterwards. Maybe we can impose farm creation on the tf connect app, but farmers can manage the farm on the dashboard still? --- For the verification, I thought we were going with email + phone. If email is the strict minimum, we can start with this. But I don't think it's a big stretch to ask for the phone.

It's enforced on the app, not on the dashboard yet, moving to next milestone to think it properly (we could disable creating farms from the dashboard, and allow configuring them from there.)

It's enforced on the app, not on the dashboard yet, moving to next milestone to think it properly (we could disable creating farms from the dashboard, and allow configuring them from there.)
thabeta modified the project from tfgrid_3_16 to tfgrid_3_17 2025-02-13 13:04:04 +00:00
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#127
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