token based DAO voting #153

opened 2024-12-31 14:25:05 +00:00 by thabeta · 4 comments

From a very highlevel point of view we want to introduce token-based DAO voting instead of farmers based voting. In otder to be more aligned with other ecosystems and also for protecting best interests of threefold's users. e.g decisions to mint and specifying the token value should consider all of people staking their tokens, not just the farmers


  • a GEP needs to pass first so we can proceed with that.
  • DAO voting on chain to consider the amount of tokens held by the twin (for how long?)
  • the rest of the UX should remain the same.
  • Should be able to vote from the mobile app.
From a very highlevel point of view we want to introduce token-based DAO voting instead of farmers based voting. In otder to be more aligned with other ecosystems and also for protecting best interests of threefold's users. e.g decisions to mint and specifying the token value should consider all of people staking their tokens, not just the farmers ## requirements - a GEP needs to pass first so we can proceed with that. - DAO voting on chain to consider the amount of tokens held by the twin (for how long?) - the rest of the UX should remain the same. - Should be able to vote from the mobile app.
thabeta added the
label 2024-12-31 14:25:10 +00:00
thabeta added this to the tfgrid_3_16 project 2024-12-31 14:25:18 +00:00
thabeta self-assigned this 2024-12-31 14:25:22 +00:00

ETA: Can be 2 weeks of work as soon as the GEP passes

ETA: Can be 2 weeks of work as soon as the GEP passes
# Draft - @scott wrote a draft for this GEP: -

Awaiting the GEP to pass, Sameh already started doing the analysis for changes needed

Awaiting the GEP to pass, Sameh already started doing the analysis for changes needed

Won't proceed with that

Won't proceed with that
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_product_management#153
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