ThreeFold website and communication: 12.12.24 and beyond #328

opened 2024-11-27 16:03:18 +00:00 by gosam · 2 comments
  • Create plan for updating the website (needs to include ways to pre-order / buy phone, router, node)
  • Create plan for updating
  • Write announcement: A Roadmap to Web4
  • Write announcement: Web4 Phone
  • Write announcement: Web4 Router
  • Write announcement: Web4 Node
  • Plan 12.12.24 call <-- should we host it on our own tool
- [ ] Create plan for updating the website (needs to include ways to pre-order / buy phone, router, node) - [ ] Create plan for updating - [ ] Write announcement: A Roadmap to Web4 - [ ] Write announcement: Web4 Phone - [ ] Write announcement: Web4 Router - [ ] Write announcement: Web4 Node - [ ] Plan 12.12.24 call <-- should we host it on our own tool
gosam added this to the Nov 18 - Dec 2 project 2024-11-27 16:03:18 +00:00

We should have an x space too for the event as proposed by Nelson

We should have an x space too for the event as proposed by Nelson

All the announcements and website update were done for 12.12.24 - closing this issue to open a new one for the follow up

All the announcements and website update were done for 12.12.24 - closing this issue to open a new one for the follow up
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_22_2#328
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