Plan and announce demos and Q&A for November #310

opened 2024-11-04 09:30:55 +00:00 by gosam · 9 comments
  • Decide on topics
  • Announce
  • Create new stories for each call

Note: Think it's time we do a Q&A ... Let's either do it on 3.15 or on grid 4, how it will come alive, etc.

- [x] Decide on topics - [x] Announce - [x] Create new stories for each call *Note: Think it's time we do a Q&A ... Let's either do it on 3.15 or on grid 4, how it will come alive, etc.*
gosam added this to the Oct 28 – Nov 17 project 2024-11-04 09:30:55 +00:00
Amanda was assigned by gosam 2024-11-06 14:37:21 +00:00

@scott @mik-tf any thoughts on demos yet?

@scott @mik-tf any thoughts on demos yet?
# Ideas - - # Schedule - Not next Tuesday perhaps next Thursday

@scott have an idea for your next demo?

@scott have an idea for your next demo?
  • ThreeFold Demo - Introduction to grid_http_server
    • Set up a Docker container running the TFGrid SDK HTTP server, which provides an API for interacting with the ThreeFold Grid.
  • ThreeFold Demo - How to Create an XRDP Flist
    • Create a VM flist with Ubuntu and XRDP for the ThreeFold Grid. The flist includes a desktop environment (XFCE) and XRDP, allowing for remote desktop access to your deployed VM.
- ThreeFold Demo - Introduction to grid_http_server - Set up a Docker container running the TFGrid SDK HTTP server, which provides an API for interacting with the ThreeFold Grid. - ThreeFold Demo - How to Create an XRDP Flist - Create a VM flist with Ubuntu and XRDP for the ThreeFold Grid. The flist includes a desktop environment (XFCE) and XRDP, allowing for remote desktop access to your deployed VM.

Here's one:

Creating New Style Full VM Images - TheeFold's new style of full VM image is a simple file system archive that doesn't require creating or manipulating disk images. Learn about how to create and deploy them in this demo.

Here's one: Creating New Style Full VM Images - TheeFold's new style of full VM image is a simple file system archive that doesn't require creating or manipulating disk images. Learn about how to create and deploy them in this demo.

@scott @mik-tf can we finalize 2 topics from the above 3 for dates the 19th and 26th Nov/3rd Dec

@scott @mik-tf can we finalize 2 topics from the above 3 for dates the 19th and 26th Nov/3rd Dec
  • 19th November
    • ThreeFold Demo - Introduction to grid_http_server
    • In this demo, we learn how to set up a Docker container running the grid HTTP server. The grid HTTP server provides an API for interacting with the ThreeFold Grid. This can be quite useful when developing dapps on the grid.
  • 3rd Dec
    • Creating New Style Full VM Images
    • TheeFold's new style of full VM image is a simple file system archive that doesn't require creating or manipulating disk images. Learn about how to create and deploy them in this demo.
- 19th November - ThreeFold Demo - Introduction to grid_http_server - In this demo, we learn how to set up a Docker container running the grid HTTP server. The grid HTTP server provides an API for interacting with the ThreeFold Grid. This can be quite useful when developing dapps on the grid. - 3rd Dec - Creating New Style Full VM Images - TheeFold's new style of full VM image is a simple file system archive that doesn't require creating or manipulating disk images. Learn about how to create and deploy them in this demo.

Nov 19th Demo is announced.

Will announce 3rd Dec Demo next week.

Nov 19th Demo is announced. Will announce 3rd Dec Demo next week.

2nd demo is done too.

2nd demo is done too.
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_22_2#310
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