3.15 Release and Farmerbot: Farmers Communication #305

opened 2024-10-24 14:07:09 +00:00 by mik-tf · 6 comments


  • With 3.15 release
    • Fbot will require an update


  • once we know the 3.15 release date
    • tell farmers the procedures to update Fbot


  • Before 3.15 release
    • Wake all their nodes
    • Stop the bot
  • When 3.15 is released with new Fbot available
  • Migrate to new bot
  • Continue using it from there


  • We change how we calculate the balance
## Situation - With 3.15 release - Fbot will require an update ## TODO - once we know the 3.15 release date - tell farmers the procedures to update Fbot ## Procedures - Before 3.15 release - Wake all their nodes - Stop the bot - When 3.15 is released with new Fbot available - Migrate to new bot - Continue using it from there ## Reasons - We change how we calculate the balance
mik-tf added this to the tfgrid_3_15 project 2024-10-24 14:07:09 +00:00
mik-tf modified the project from tfgrid_3_15 to Sep 30 – Oct 13 2024-10-24 14:38:10 +00:00
mik-tf modified the project from Sep 30 – Oct 13 to tfgrid_3_15 2024-10-24 14:38:14 +00:00


I think we can create 2 forum posts:

  • first forum post to explain/prepare farmers on the need to update farmerbot
    • explain the procedures
    • explain they will need to do this at least before the new release
  • second forum post, when we have the 3.15 release date
    • restate the procedures
    • put emphasis on release date so no one gets taken by surprise
@gosam I think we can create 2 forum posts: - first forum post to explain/prepare farmers on the need to update farmerbot - explain the procedures - explain they will need to do this at least before the new release - second forum post, when we have the 3.15 release date - restate the procedures - put emphasis on release date so no one gets taken by surprise
mik-tf modified the project from tfgrid_3_15 to Oct 14 – Oct 27 2024-10-24 14:54:15 +00:00

This is a next sprint story, moving now.

This is a next sprint story, moving now.
gosam modified the project from Oct 14 – Oct 27 to Oct 28 – Nov 17 2024-10-25 15:35:20 +00:00
scott was assigned by gosam 2024-10-28 15:22:33 +00:00

We've agreed with Sabrina and the team to announce mainnet upgrades ±1 week ahead of time. Scott and Mik are working on the announcement which will include the expected release date, how it will affect users, and what action is needed.

We've agreed with Sabrina and the team to announce mainnet upgrades ±1 week ahead of time. Scott and Mik are working on the announcement which will include the expected release date, how it will affect users, and what action is needed.

Minimum 1 week ahead of time****

Minimum 1 week ahead of time****

Talked to Sabrina, if all goes well 3.15 will be released on mainnet on the 12th. So then we would need to announce tomorrow, along with the GEP.

Talked to Sabrina, if all goes well 3.15 will be released on mainnet on the 12th. So then we would need to announce tomorrow, along with the GEP.

Done here https://forum.threefold.io/t/tfgrid-3-15-release-farmerbot/4433/2

with lots of updates and added details by @scott

Done here https://forum.threefold.io/t/tfgrid-3-15-release-farmerbot/4433/2 with lots of updates and added details by @scott
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_22_2#305
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