TF Grid 4: Narrative and communication plan for remainder of year + early next year #284

opened 2024-09-27 14:20:43 +00:00 by gosam · 16 comments
  • Work on a communication plan for the rest of the year
  • Collaborate closely with Florian on this
  • Include CisionOne/PRNewswire (whichever is decided)

  • Develop positioning and plan
  • Stakeholder review
  • Put into motion
- Work on a communication plan for the rest of the year - Collaborate closely with Florian on this - Include CisionOne/PRNewswire (whichever is decided) ----- - [ ] Develop positioning and plan - [ ] Stakeholder review - [ ] Put into motion
gosam self-assigned this 2024-09-27 14:20:43 +00:00
gosam added this to the Sep 30 – Oct 13 project 2024-09-27 14:20:43 +00:00
gosam modified the project from Sep 30 – Oct 13 to Oct 14 – Oct 27 2024-10-14 07:35:41 +00:00

Notes here to take into consideration:

  • Short term: 3.15 release highlights
  • Medium term: Grid 4, what's coming, commercialization
  • Focus on the tech, what makes us unique
  • Also focus on expansion, plans to expand, why to farm (for different audiences)
Notes here to take into consideration: - Short term: 3.15 release highlights - Medium term: Grid 4, what's coming, commercialization - Focus on the tech, what makes us unique - Also focus on expansion, plans to expand, why to farm (for different audiences)

Working on something here but waiting on info from fundraising team and also some answers from the stakeholder meeting later today.

Working on something [here]( but waiting on info from fundraising team and also some answers from the stakeholder meeting later today.

Got some helpful context from Kristof today so can pick this back up next week.

Got some helpful context from Kristof today so can pick this back up next week.
gosam modified the project from Oct 14 – Oct 27 to Oct 28 – Nov 17 2024-10-25 15:36:27 +00:00

See here. @mik-tf can you also link to the notes you took during our call with Kristof?

See [here]( @mik-tf can you also link to the notes you took during our call with Kristof?
gosam changed title from Narrative and communication plan for remainder of year + early next year to TF Grid 4: Narrative and communication plan for remainder of year + early next year 2024-10-25 15:51:45 +00:00

It's all over the place but here it is:

Kristof, Sam and Mik Meeting - Late October

  • Narrative
    • mycelium
      • interconnectivity layer
    • storage + mycelium integrated together
    • CND
      • allow people put content where needed
    • Cloud layer
  • Ability to connect everyone, get data everywhere in the world, data can't be lost
  • Sell threefold nodes
  • V4
    • become farmers
    • first workload is us developer that we use it to finish V4
    • not usable by end user, using for developing
      • max 6 months to finish v4
  • we have v3
    • got so far
  • within 6 months from v4
    • want lots of capacity (by farmers)
    • end of Q2 2025, usable for the rest of the world
    • first 6 months, for devs and hackers to develop on it
  • Make zos v4
    • get in mode to finish development
  • v4
    • first used by us, to develop, and host on it
    • pay farmers fixed fee, to be there early
    • why
      • to get into a positive mood
      • unique combination of network, data, and cloud
        • delivering data
          • shortest path
        • use data for ai
        • use data for storage
          • comes via mycelium, or cloud
        • mechanism to store, publish and deliver content
    • zos only the cloud part
    • in the future, don't need zos to host mycelium
  • in the future, not for now
    • 3 layers: edge, regional, super
      • edge nodes
        • anywhere in the world, linked to a region
          • e.g. edge nodes of zanzibar
      • regional nodes
    • network next to internet with low latency link
  • transit
    • today, 4 $ per TB, more or less
    • dubai, it is 40$ per TB
    • zoom meeting 1 hour is 1 GB
  • app
    • based on price you can change the path of connectivity
      • some paths more expensive, but more performance
  • attach wireless to edge
    • next to the node, we have routers, with mycelium
      • do this by specifying ports
        • e.g. even if users know passwords, can't use it
    • mycelium agent
      • knows where are the nodes
      • todo
        • remember what are the edge node, remembe rpassword, etc.
        • once you're in the wifi it allows you to connect to mycelium nodes
      • e2e
  • narrative
    • combination of
      • zos bare metal
      • cloud
      • data
      • network

    • add intro
      • what are we talking about, what are we doing here
        • this docs guide you to new v4
        • launch Q1 next year
        • can become participant into this thing
    • litepaper is OK
      • change threefold cloud to ?
        • what are we? ThreeFold Internet Engine
      • above litepaper
        • explain what we are
    • make it clear it's a grid v4 resource
      • "This is our knowledge base for ThreeFold Grid v4"
      • if you're looking for preivous release, open source, go to manual
    • intro
      • this is for our next generation
    • tokenomics
      • as users or farmers, don't even need to know about tokenomics
      • put tokenomics in references
    • references
      • tokenomics
        • put there
      • manual --> tf grid 3
        • previous release, link to our stuff
        • remove as it's for V3
        • v3 best effort, previous version
        • state this is FOSS version, no guarantee
  • engineering circle
    • half story cards are wrong
    • dead line in the past
    • stories not stories
    • stories completed when not completed
  • codes
    • on github
  • project management, wiki, etc.
  • node selling
    • we drive traffic to node seller
      • TF to node sellers bring customers
  • website
    • geared to sell/buy v4 nodes, and host them
  • nodes
    • first version not hard disk, got enough hard disks
    • models
      • 64gb mem, 4tb
    • robert defines
  • not about protocols
  • made an agent
    • put agent on your mobile
    • thanks to this agent, get agent on top of internet
    • agent = mycelium
      • allow communication, shortest path, connect to whole internet
        • resolve CDN, fetching information, host anything, anythwere in the wordl
  • TODO
    • put narrative in the Docs
  • step 1
    • end user things
    • instead mycelium
      • laptop, phone
    • nopw all communicate with each other
    • completely private e2e encrypted
  • TODO
    • roadmap
      • step 1
        • cloud capacity done
      • stpe 2
        • e2e overlay network done
      • step 3
        • attaching name to it
      • step 4
        • content delivery
  • 2 kinds
    • steps we took
    • steps users take
  • high level view
    • this is for v4
    • what is v4
    • end-user, video conferencing, host website
    • become
      • participant
        • buy nodes
          • small ones
  • wifi router
    • configure
      • if log with X password, can only go to Y path
      • get paid for people getting over their wireless
      • log in the password, can't go to internet, only to mycelium router
It's all over the place but here it is: # Kristof, Sam and Mik Meeting - Late October - Narrative - mycelium - interconnectivity layer - storage + mycelium integrated together - CND - allow people put content where needed - Cloud layer - Ability to connect everyone, get data everywhere in the world, data can't be lost - Sell threefold nodes - V4 - become farmers - first workload is us developer that we use it to finish V4 - not usable by end user, using for developing - max 6 months to finish v4 - we have v3 - got so far - within 6 months from v4 - want lots of capacity (by farmers) - end of Q2 2025, usable for the rest of the world - first 6 months, for devs and hackers to develop on it - Make zos v4 - get in mode to finish development - v4 - first used by us, to develop, and host on it - pay farmers fixed fee, to be there early - why - to get into a positive mood - unique combination of network, data, and cloud - delivering data - shortest path - use data for ai - use data for storage - comes via mycelium, or cloud - mechanism to store, publish and deliver content - zos only the cloud part - in the future, don't need zos to host mycelium - in the future, not for now - 3 layers: edge, regional, super - edge nodes - anywhere in the world, linked to a region - e.g. edge nodes of zanzibar - regional nodes - network next to internet with low latency link - transit - today, 4 $ per TB, more or less - dubai, it is 40$ per TB - zoom meeting 1 hour is 1 GB - app - based on price you can change the path of connectivity - some paths more expensive, but more performance - attach wireless to edge - next to the node, we have routers, with mycelium - do this by specifying ports - e.g. even if users know passwords, can't use it - mycelium agent - knows where are the nodes - todo - remember what are the edge node, remembe rpassword, etc. - once you're in the wifi it allows you to connect to mycelium nodes - e2e - narrative - combination of - zos bare metal - cloud - data - network - - - add intro - what are we talking about, what are we doing here - this docs guide you to new v4 - launch Q1 next year - can become participant into this thing - litepaper is OK - change threefold cloud to ? - what are we? ThreeFold Internet Engine - above litepaper - explain what we are - make it clear it's a grid v4 resource - "This is our knowledge base for ThreeFold Grid v4" - if you're looking for preivous release, open source, go to manual - intro - this is for our next generation - tokenomics - as users or farmers, don't even need to know about tokenomics - put tokenomics in references - references - - tokenomics - put there - manual --> tf grid 3 - previous release, link to our stuff - remove as it's for V3 - v3 best effort, previous version - state this is FOSS version, no guarantee - engineering circle - half story cards are wrong - dead line in the past - stories not stories - stories completed when not completed - codes - on github - project management, wiki, etc. - - node selling - we drive traffic to node seller - TF to node sellers bring customers - website - geared to sell/buy v4 nodes, and host them - nodes - first version not hard disk, got enough hard disks - models - 64gb mem, 4tb - robert defines - not about protocols - made an agent - put agent on your mobile - thanks to this agent, get agent on top of internet - agent = mycelium - allow communication, shortest path, connect to whole internet - resolve CDN, fetching information, host anything, anythwere in the wordl - TODO - put narrative in the Docs - step 1 - end user things - instead mycelium - laptop, phone - nopw all communicate with each other - completely private e2e encrypted - TODO - roadmap - step 1 - cloud capacity done - stpe 2 - e2e overlay network done - step 3 - attaching name to it - step 4 - content delivery - 2 kinds - steps we took - steps users take - high level view - this is for v4 - what is v4 - end-user, video conferencing, host website - become - participant - buy nodes - small ones - wifi router - configure - if log with X password, can only go to Y path - get paid for people getting over their wireless - log in the password, can't go to internet, only to mycelium router


  • Once this is properly defined, we will be able to update
  • See below for whitepaper / TF Internet Engine ebook proposition to be shared on
# Notes - Once this is properly defined, we will be able to update - See below for whitepaper / TF Internet Engine ebook proposition to be shared on


  • @gosam , @despiegk and I had a meeting on V4
  • We have a very clear roadmap for V4, with things done and things to be done (see Internet Engine section below)
  • Sam shared the TFV4 brainstorm doc above
  • Below I show an excerpt, which contains IMO the perfect overview of what we have done so far and will do in the future
  • It can be seen as a whole, as all the parts are building on each other to provide a system that is new
    • i.e. the way we put all the pieces together, no one did this before. We can call this the ThreeFold Internet Engine
  • IMO, we need to have a clear narrative that explains the whole those parts are completing
    • We can state clearly what has been done, and what is left to be done
      • We take the opportunity to explain why V4 is need, in short V4 is needed to complete our vision
  • TODO: discuss with circle on how to go forward

Coordination with V4 Node Selling


  • We need a series of post on the forum, newsletter, etc. that will explain TFGrid v4, and also explain the TF Internet Engine
  • Once the series of posts is complete, we collect them all and publish at as the TF V4 Whitepaper - TF Internet Engine - Roadmap to the Future of Cloud
  • The first post would present TF Internet Engine overview, and finish with "TFGrid v4" is a major step towards this, more on this in the next post"
  • Second post: explain that tfgrid v4 is the way toward TF Internet Engine completion
  • The 2 following posts would be a more detailed view of:
    • what we have actually (see done below)
    • what we are building (see to be done belo)
  • Then we'd need a series of post on each part of the TF Internet Engine

This would be a major communication campaign that lays out perfectly with details the way forward for TF.

ThreeFold Internet Engine

The ThreeFold Internet Engine is a complete and cohesive system providing a viable and efficient alternative to the current mainstream cloud. The whole is bigger than the sum of its parts with this project, as all components interact together to form a cohesive and complete Internet engine.

  • Done
    • TF Decentralized Cloud
    • Data Storage System which cannot fail
    • Mycelium Global end2end shortest path Network System
    • Mycelium Web2 gateway
    • Mycelium Message Bus
  • To be done
    • Mycelium Naming Services
    • Mycelium Wifi integration
    • Mycelium Video Conferencing
    • Mycelium Chat
    • Mycelium CDN (how to publish any info, websites, movies, files to anywhere in world)
    • Mycelium VPN
    • TF Magic Cloud nodes: Hyper Fast Redundant Nodes (100,000 + IOPS, …)
    • Web3 Out (web3 GW)

Posts as an Ebook

  • Once all the components are explained clearly in different posts, we can make an ebook out of it: ThreeFold Internet Engine - Roadmap to the Future of Cloud
  • The ebook would be available at
  • This ebook would then act as our whitepaper
    • It'd be an dynamic whitepaper, where we can display the state of each component
      • Each component would have:
        • Done, to be done
        • ETA: e.g. Q2 2025, etc.
        • Link to GH docs+code
        • ...
# Update - @gosam , @despiegk and I had a meeting on V4 - We have a very clear roadmap for V4, with things done and things to be done (see Internet Engine section below) - Sam shared the TFV4 brainstorm doc above - Below I show an excerpt, which contains IMO the perfect overview of what we have done so far and will do in the future - It can be seen as a whole, as all the parts are building on each other to provide a system that is new - i.e. the way we put all the pieces together, no one did this before. We can call this the ThreeFold Internet Engine - IMO, we need to have a clear narrative that explains the whole those parts are completing - We can state clearly what has been done, and what is left to be done - We take the opportunity to explain why V4 is need, in short V4 is needed to complete our vision - TODO: discuss with circle on how to go forward # Coordination with V4 Node Selling - This TF v4 story needs to be done having clearly the node selling project in mind (with @RobertJan) - The v4 nodes will be the backbone of the v4 grid - node selling repo project: # Proposition - We need a series of post on the forum, newsletter, etc. that will explain TFGrid v4, and also explain the TF Internet Engine - Once the series of posts is complete, we collect them all and publish at as the TF V4 Whitepaper - TF Internet Engine - Roadmap to the Future of Cloud - The first post would present TF Internet Engine overview, and finish with "TFGrid v4" is a major step towards this, more on this in the next post" - Second post: explain that tfgrid v4 is the way toward TF Internet Engine completion - The 2 following posts would be a more detailed view of: - what we have actually (see done below) - what we are building (see to be done belo) - Then we'd need a series of post on each part of the TF Internet Engine This would be a major communication campaign that lays out perfectly with details the way forward for TF. # ThreeFold Internet Engine The ThreeFold Internet Engine is a complete and cohesive system providing a viable and efficient alternative to the current mainstream cloud. The whole is bigger than the sum of its parts with this project, as all components interact together to form a cohesive and complete Internet engine. - Done - TF Decentralized Cloud - Data Storage System which cannot fail - Mycelium Global end2end shortest path Network System - Mycelium Web2 gateway - Mycelium Message Bus - To be done - Mycelium Naming Services - Mycelium Wifi integration - Mycelium Video Conferencing - Mycelium Chat - Mycelium CDN (how to publish any info, websites, movies, files to anywhere in world) - Mycelium VPN - TF Magic Cloud nodes: Hyper Fast Redundant Nodes (100,000 + IOPS, …) - Web3 Out (web3 GW) # Posts as an Ebook - Once all the components are explained clearly in different posts, we can make an ebook out of it: ThreeFold Internet Engine - Roadmap to the Future of Cloud - The ebook would be available at - This ebook would then act as our whitepaper - It'd be an dynamic whitepaper, where we can display the state of each component - Each component would have: - Done, to be done - ETA: e.g. Q2 2025, etc. - Link to GH docs+code - ...

Thanks @mik-tf – will add more here but for now there is also this presentation sent to me by Kristof this weekend.

Thanks @mik-tf – will add more here but for now there is also [this presentation]( sent to me by Kristof this weekend.

I think @mik-tf did a great job on the above. Just adding some ideas and thoughts here which are coming to mind throughout the day:

  • "How to Build a New Internet" Playbook / Handbook, blueprints, etc ...
  • Show the journey
  • Make it highly visual, inspiration from "Salt Fat Acid Heat"
  • Also "How to Use a New Internet" ... V4 ... Mycelium
  • Define the roles along with the components, make it crystal clear
  • Look at Urbit ...
I think @mik-tf did a great job on the above. Just adding some ideas and thoughts here which are coming to mind throughout the day: - "How to Build a New Internet" Playbook / Handbook, blueprints, etc ... - Show the journey - Make it highly visual, inspiration from ["Salt Fat Acid Heat"]( - Also "How to Use a New Internet" ... V4 ... Mycelium - Define the roles along with the components, make it crystal clear - Look at Urbit ...


  • As discussed with @sabrinasadik, we also need to add in this narrative:
    • what can we do with what we have already (Done section above)
    • what will we be able to do with what is coming (To be done section above)
  • In brief, we need to be clear on what are the use cases of the grid right now, and that are to come
# Update - As discussed with @sabrinasadik, we also need to add in this narrative: - what can we do with what we have already (Done section above) - what will we be able to do with what is coming (To be done section above) - In brief, we need to be clear on what are the use cases of the grid right now, and that are to come

Adding to @mik-tf point, we should state also what are some of the limitations, like a "state of the grid today" ... the grid is being used for a b and c but it can be used for x y and z as well ... here are some of the limitations which we are solving for v4 ...

Adding to @mik-tf point, we should state also what are some of the limitations, like a "state of the grid today" ... the grid is being used for a b and c but it can be used for x y and z as well ... here are some of the limitations which we are solving for v4 ...


  • What it is: ThreeFold is a decentralized Internet infrastructure offering a unified system for data, network, and cloud.
  • One-liner: ThreeFold - Decentralized Internet Infrastructure - Data, Network & Cloud


  • Internet infrastructure refers to the physical and virtual resources that provide the foundation for the Internet to function. It encompasses the hardware, software, protocols, and services that enable connectivity, communication, and the delivery of information across the global network.
# Ideas - What it is: ThreeFold is a decentralized Internet infrastructure offering a unified system for data, network, and cloud. - One-liner: ThreeFold - Decentralized Internet Infrastructure - Data, Network & Cloud # Definitions - Internet infrastructure refers to the physical and virtual resources that provide the foundation for the Internet to function. It encompasses the hardware, software, protocols, and services that enable connectivity, communication, and the delivery of information across the global network.


Kristof uses the term: Self-Healing Data, Network, Cloud Platform. In the document, he uses both terms: platform and system. We can use system when we talk about the tech specifically, and platform when we talk about the overall project.

  • Some sentences we could then use
    • "Project INCA, the fourth iteration of ThreeFold, is a self-healing data, network & cloud platform."
    • "ThreeFold created the first and only self-healing cloud, data and network system."
  • Example of what we have used before:
    • "Project INCA is a decentralized cloud platform that's positioning itself as an alternative to traditional centralized cloud providers"

@gosam I think we could go with that. Kristof didn't like Decentralized Internet Infrastructure also.


  • What is a system in IT world:
    • "In the context of information technology, a system can be seen as the superset that encompasses various components, including protocols, architectures, frameworks, APIs, standards, formats, tools, methodologies, configurations, algorithms, and services."
# Notes Kristof uses the term: Self-Healing Data, Network, Cloud Platform. In the document, he uses both terms: platform and system. We can use system when we talk about the tech specifically, and platform when we talk about the overall project. - Some sentences we could then use - "Project INCA, the fourth iteration of ThreeFold, is a self-healing data, network & cloud platform." - "ThreeFold created the first and only self-healing cloud, data and network system." - Example of what we have used before: - "Project INCA is a decentralized cloud platform that's positioning itself as an alternative to traditional centralized cloud providers" @gosam I think we could go with that. Kristof didn't like Decentralized Internet Infrastructure also. # Definitions - What is a system in IT world: - "In the context of information technology, a system can be seen as the superset that encompasses various components, including protocols, architectures, frameworks, APIs, standards, formats, tools, methodologies, configurations, algorithms, and services."


For fun here's what Google AI Gemini Pro says of ThreeFold:

What is ThreeFold?

ThreeFold is a decentralized cloud platform and internet infrastructure provider. This means that instead of relying on massive centralized data centers like AWS, ThreeFold utilizes a distributed network of independent nodes operated by individuals and businesses across the globe. It aims to create a more:

  • Open: Anyone can join the network and contribute their computing resources.
  • Sustainable: Utilizes energy-efficient hardware and promotes sustainable practices.
  • Secure: Decentralization makes it more resilient to attacks and outages.
  • Privacy-focused: Data is distributed and encrypted, minimizing the risk of centralized control and surveillance.

Key Features of ThreeFold:

  • ThreeFold Grid: The global network of independent nodes that power the platform.
  • ThreeFold Token (TFT): The native cryptocurrency used for transactions within the ecosystem.
  • Zero-OS: A lightweight and energy-efficient operating system designed specifically for cloud computing.
  • Applications: ThreeFold supports a growing ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps) and services.

How ThreeFold Works:

  1. Join the Grid: Individuals and businesses can connect their servers or devices (like a mini-datacenter called a "ThreeFold Farm") to the ThreeFold Grid.
  2. Earn TFT: Node operators earn TFT tokens for providing computing resources and storage to the network.
  3. Deploy Applications: Developers can deploy decentralized applications (dApps) and services on the ThreeFold Grid.
  4. Access Services: Users can access these dApps and services, knowing their data is stored securely and privately.

Who is ThreeFold for?

  • Developers: Looking for a secure, censorship-resistant, and sustainable platform to build and host dApps.
  • Privacy advocates: Those concerned about data privacy and centralized control over the internet.
  • Sustainable tech enthusiasts: Individuals and businesses committed to supporting a more eco-friendly and decentralized future for technology.


  • From this we could say:
    • ThreeFold is a decentralized cloud platform and Internet infrastructure provider who created the first self-healing data, network and cloud system.
# Notes For fun here's what Google AI Gemini Pro says of ThreeFold: **What is ThreeFold?** ThreeFold is a **decentralized cloud platform** and internet infrastructure provider. This means that instead of relying on massive centralized data centers like AWS, ThreeFold utilizes a distributed network of independent nodes operated by individuals and businesses across the globe. It aims to create a more: * **Open:** Anyone can join the network and contribute their computing resources. * **Sustainable:** Utilizes energy-efficient hardware and promotes sustainable practices. * **Secure:** Decentralization makes it more resilient to attacks and outages. * **Privacy-focused:** Data is distributed and encrypted, minimizing the risk of centralized control and surveillance. **Key Features of ThreeFold:** * **ThreeFold Grid:** The global network of independent nodes that power the platform. * **ThreeFold Token (TFT):** The native cryptocurrency used for transactions within the ecosystem. * **Zero-OS:** A lightweight and energy-efficient operating system designed specifically for cloud computing. * **Applications:** ThreeFold supports a growing ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps) and services. **How ThreeFold Works:** 1. **Join the Grid:** Individuals and businesses can connect their servers or devices (like a mini-datacenter called a "ThreeFold Farm") to the ThreeFold Grid. 2. **Earn TFT:** Node operators earn TFT tokens for providing computing resources and storage to the network. 3. **Deploy Applications:** Developers can deploy decentralized applications (dApps) and services on the ThreeFold Grid. 4. **Access Services:** Users can access these dApps and services, knowing their data is stored securely and privately. **Who is ThreeFold for?** * **Developers:** Looking for a secure, censorship-resistant, and sustainable platform to build and host dApps. * **Privacy advocates:** Those concerned about data privacy and centralized control over the internet. * **Sustainable tech enthusiasts:** Individuals and businesses committed to supporting a more eco-friendly and decentralized future for technology. # Proposition - From this we could say: - ThreeFold is a decentralized cloud platform and Internet infrastructure provider who created the first self-healing data, network and cloud system.

Document being worked on here.

Document being worked on [here](

I would close this issue and open a new one with the narrative from 12.12.24 and what needs to happen before 03.03 @gosam

I would close this issue and open a new one with the narrative from 12.12.24 and what needs to happen before 03.03 @gosam
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