May Newsletter #170

opened 2024-05-31 06:00:22 +00:00 by Amanda · 2 comments

Need to create a May newsletter and send it out

  • Create draft

  • Team to review

  • Send it out

The draft is here. Waiting to add yesterday's call recordings and the newsroom links for the community calls.

Need to create a May newsletter and send it out - [x] Create draft - [x] Team to review - [ ] Send it out The [draft ]( here. Waiting to add yesterday's call recordings and the newsroom links for the community calls.
Amanda self-assigned this 2024-05-31 06:00:32 +00:00
Amanda added this to the May 27 – June 09 project 2024-05-31 06:00:52 +00:00
gosam modified the project from May 27 – June 09 to June 10 – June 23 2024-06-10 14:44:04 +00:00

Hi @Amanda

The way it is written now is a bit hard to follow, there’s no introduction, it just goes straight into Community Updates and then a bunch of bullets, so it certainly needs some framing … Each section is like this ... It makes it a bit dry and a LOT of information

Maybe we should do a newsletter every ½ month, so somewhere around the 15th and somewhere around the end of the month, which covers those previous ±2 weeks ...

This can more or less summarize each news update that we send to the Telegram Channel (including summaries of the calls) and then maybe the new blogs (if they haven’t been highlighted in the news channel) and any relevant forum posts. This would make it a bit more straight-forward.

Let me know what you think. If you agree, we can close this issue and create a new one for a newsletter to be sent this Friday / next Monday, and you could start on that one.

If you disagree, please comment here!

Hi @Amanda The way it is written now is a bit hard to follow, there’s no introduction, it just goes straight into Community Updates and then a bunch of bullets, so it certainly needs some framing … Each section is like this ... It makes it a bit dry and a LOT of information Maybe we should do a newsletter every ½ month, so somewhere around the 15th and somewhere around the end of the month, which covers those previous ±2 weeks ... This can more or less summarize each news update that we send to the Telegram Channel (including summaries of the calls) and then maybe the new blogs (if they haven’t been highlighted in the news channel) and any relevant forum posts. This would make it a bit more straight-forward. Let me know what you think. If you agree, we can close this issue and create a new one for a newsletter to be sent this Friday / next Monday, and you could start on that one. If you disagree, please comment here!

We've decided on a new approach. New story coming for next sprint.

We've decided on a new approach. New story coming for next sprint.
gosam closed this issue 2024-06-13 14:11:39 +00:00
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