50 Tweets #117

opened 2024-03-27 07:47:17 +00:00 by gosam · 1 comment

Twitter is the biggest platform we have and we are not spending enough time on it.

Based on this doc:


Let's create 50 strong tweets, ideally in a storytelling approach / storyline, and in a content calendar.

Make sure tweets provide real substance:

  • What have we created
  • How does it work
  • Why is it needed
Twitter is the biggest platform we have and we are not spending enough time on it. Based on this doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JE7ci7wx3CAY6d1qepglQuuE46LcRUJ78rD-PZ5kxRo/edit Let's create 50 strong tweets, ideally in a storytelling approach / storyline, and in a content calendar. Make sure tweets provide real substance: - What have we created - How does it work - Why is it needed
gosam added this to the March 25 - April 07 project 2024-03-27 07:58:06 +00:00

This will be satisfied by #118

This will be satisfied by #118
gosam closed this issue 2024-04-03 17:22:29 +00:00
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Reference: tfgrid/circle_22_2#117
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