ThreeFold Guides: Social Media Accounts and Accesses #1

opened 2024-01-10 11:58:15 +00:00 by gosam · 3 comments

Accounts need to be created and Amanda needs to share with the rest of us how we can become authors.

EDIT with tasks:

Accounts need to be created and Amanda needs to share with the rest of us how we can become authors. EDIT with tasks: - [x] TF Blog - Access: Pull Request to - [ ] TF Newsletter - Access: ? - [x] Medium - Access: (todo: update to ThreeFoldGuides) - [x] Substack - Access: (todo: update to ThreeFoldGuides) - [x] Reddit - Access: todo - [x] LinkedIn - Access: todo - [x] X - Access: TF account
gosam added this to the (deleted) project 2024-01-10 11:58:15 +00:00
Amanda was assigned by gosam 2024-01-10 12:52:08 +00:00
- [x] Substack Page - - [x] Medium Page -

As discussed, we could go with a broader name, ThreeFoldGuides. and maybe not all upper case letters in the name.

As discussed, we could go with a broader name, ThreeFoldGuides. and maybe not all upper case letters in the name.

Thanks @gosam and @Amanda! I think the project will be amazing.

I edited the issue to get tasks. We would need to cover those 7 platforms of distribution, with access to all the accounts.

Will edit the name to reflect this.

Thanks @gosam and @Amanda! I think the project will be amazing. I edited the issue to get tasks. We would need to cover those 7 platforms of distribution, with access to all the accounts. Will edit the name to reflect this.
mik-tf changed title from Create Substack and Medium accounts for ThreeFold Sysadmin campaign to ThreeFold Guides: Social Media Accounts and Accesses 2024-01-10 21:13:30 +00:00
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