title: Muhammed Azmy
weight: 4
description: Senior Software Engineer at ThreeFold Tech
    people: [muhammed_azmy]
    memberships: [team]
    categories: [foundation]
    imgPath: muhamed_amzy.png
    organizations: [threefold_tech]
    countries: [Egypt]
    cities: [Cairo]
    private: 0
    socialLinks: {
        LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/muhamadazmy/,
        github: https://github.com/muhamadazmy,
        websites: https://threefold.tech,

I have been a software engineer even before I realize it, or know what to call it. Since i started copying pieces of code to my first MSX computer. I have the passion to build, I have a passion to save the planet, and the future of my kids. I have passion for art. What I am doing at threefold is combination of all my passions, writing beautiful, almost artistic pieces of software, to build a system to give freedom to the people, reduce carbon emissions, and to save the future.