title: Mahmoud Emad
weight: 4
description: Mahmoud is a young and dynamic Software Engineer who able to work in a multicultural environment with....
  people: [mahmoud_emad]
  memberships: [team]
  categories: [foundation]
  imgPath: mahmoud_emad.jpg
  organizations: [threefold_tech]
  countries: [Egypt]
  cities: [Cairo]
  private: 0
      LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mahmoud-emad-4aa53717a/,
      github: https://github.com/Mahmoud-Emad,
      websites: https://threefold.tech,

Mahmoud is a young and dynamic Software Engineer who able to work in a multicultural environment with the fast ability to learn and expand knowledge & experience to contribute to the overall success of any organization