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@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
id: actually_you_are_the_product
title: Actually, you are the product
image_caption: actually you are the product
description: Now more than ever with this global pandemic happening since late 2019, our lives are being shaped by our interaction with the digital world
date: 2021-01-27
tags: [threefold, sovereignity]
categories: [threefold]
author: alexandre_hannelas
imgPath: actually_you_are_the_product.png
# Actually, you are the product
Now more than ever with this global pandemic happening since late 2019, our lives are being shaped by our interaction with the digital world - work meetings on Zoom followed by Skype or Messenger Video Call with your family before a quick run with your favourite running app and a google search for your next meal. Technologies and services offer us a lot and greatly improve our daily lives. But what's the real cost of these tools we rely on so much? 
A lot of companies, especially those offering free services, collect data about you. It might be data you knowingly and willingly share to enjoy the benefits of the service (name, age, email address,..) or data that you might not realize you are sharing, like your approximate location through your IP address or your social network identifier or apps accessing your contacts. 
While some of this data, and its collection, may appear harmless to some, what happens behind the scenes is a real source of concern as the data collection is only the first step in a long and opaque process. Adtech companies combine this information and create an assumed picture of you that we may call a digital doppelganger - Your "digital secret identity". Actually, you may have hundreds or thousands of different doppelgangers held by companies you've never heard of. 
Our data are so valuable that big tech giants spend so much time and effort building the platform that is useful for us and giving those platforms to us for free. Well, this data is collected for a single purpose: to better predict your behaviour and target you with ads. 
Real example: 
Imagine a person who has never talked about their political views online, never shared anything related to politics, never donated any money and never mentioned anything even in their private emails. Now the algorithms models that had been developed can analyse his/her Facebook likes or the music he/she listen to and with high accuracy can predict their political affiliation, and then being the target of unnecessary ads. 
P.S: This is not only for political affiliation. It stands out for every products and service using these marketing tools. 
Technology isn't just hardware and software; it's a fundamental component of every aspect of our lives and society. Inventions need to be created with social impact in mind. The invention should not be driven solely by profit, and the long-term effects should not be ignored and unknowable. 
If you are not paying for it, you are not the customer. You are the product being sold. It's a powerful phrase, a modern dialogue to get people rethinking their relationship to social media. 
With Digital Twin, regain your freedom where you will live your digital life securely and privately. Now, you will have one and unique digital identity to interact in human-to-human way with your peers, edit, manage and store your documents, publish your web and make automatic payments. 
With Digital Twin, only you own your data and no one else.

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@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
id: an_intro_to_the_threefold_grid
title: "Building a New Internet From the Ground Up Part 1: Introduction"
image_caption: The ThreeFold Grid Peer-to-Peer Technology
description: The first episode in an approachable series on the inner workings of the ThreeFold Grid.
date: 2021-07-19
tags: [threefold,technology,peer_to_peer]
categories: [threefold,farming]
author: scott_yeager
imgPath: an_intro_to_the_threefold_grid.png
## An Intro to the ThreeFold Grid
If you are a farmer or member of the ThreeFold community, you may be wondering about the capacity provided by the ThreeFold Grid and how it's relevant to individuals and businesses who currently rely on centralized corporate clouds. This can be hard to imagine, because the back end infrastructure that makes all of our apps and services tick is generally invisible to us.
This piece will be the first in a series where I'll be working to understand what the technical components are and how ThreeFold provides an alternative with distinct benefits for individuals, businesses, and for the planet as a whole. But don't worry, we'll start from the ground level and build up understanding in a way that's accessible to everyone.
## Infrastructure for a New Internet
So, what is the internet? In short, it is a network of interconnected devices that facilitates communication and commerce. These devices include our mobile phones and personal computers, but also the servers that store and process data to provide the end experiences we enjoy. Currently the vast majority of these servers live in massive data centers controlled by a handful of corporations. ThreeFold is changing this, by allowing anyone to connect computational and storage capacity to an open network that is available for all to use, known as the ThreeFold Grid. Our farmers do include some data centers operating on a smaller scale than major cloud providers, and also many individuals connecting nodes at their home or office all over the world.
On the ThreeFold Grid, servers are known as 3Nodes. A 3Node can be pretty much any modern computer system, offering capacity by running the Zero OS operating system. This is a major distinguishing factor, both from the traditional cloud computing world and also from other projects working to create decentralized networks in this space.
## The OS for a Next Generation Cloud
By starting from the operating system level, ThreeFold is able to provide a network with much stronger security and greater efficiency than anything that came before. Zero OS includes a collection of components, known as "primitives", which provide developers with everything they need. These primitives can be used to migrate existing applications from the legacy cloud and also to create new solutions that leverage the Grids capacity in unique ways.
We're all familiar with operating systems like Windows and MacOS that provide an interface to applications on our personal computers. The OS interacts with the underlying hardware to expose its capabilities in a way that's useful for both the software it hosts and also the humans who utilize it. For example, when you launch an app on your phone, it is the OS that's responsible for connecting it to data networks and providing access to peripherals like cameras or microphones. Things are a little different in the world of servers, where rather than through direct interactions, users benefit through the services provided to the applications we use.
To extend the example, when you open a messaging app it will connect to a server somewhere to check for new messages and relay any messages you are sending to the recipient. Here we can see a central issue that has inspired the design of ThreeFolds technology: when our messages pass through servers controlled by others, it creates an open door for surveillance of all kinds.
ThreeFold farmers, on the other hand, have no administrative access to their nodes. Furthermore, each component offered by the ThreeFold Grid is built with the intention of allowing for secure and private storage, processing, and transmission of information. Of course, sharing is absolutely possible, but only when the creator of data or content chooses for it to happen.
## Three Essential Resources
In the world of cloud computing, we speak of three basic resources provided by servers: compute, storage, and network. The ThreeFold Grid provides various primitives in each of these categories, to fulfill all the same needs served by centralized cloud providers. While our offerings have the special properties discussed above, they are also highly compatible with the most popular tools and protocols currently used in the industry. This makes it relatively simple to migrate the back end applications, also known as "workloads", that provide a kind of connective tissue for all of the digital experiences we enjoy on a daily basis.
Workloads are pieces of software that provide services. If you upload a file to some cloud storage service, there could be a number of individual workloads orchestrated together in order to ensure the data you want to save is successfully transmitted to and stored in the back end system. We can understand the need for each kind of capacity by looking at the journey that your file might take in such a scenario. Starting on your device, a network connection, some processing, and finally storage capacity are all involved in providing the conditions that allow you to retrieve that file later.
## Network
Networking takes place over cellular connections, wifi, and wired internet lines to move data from one place to another. For our purposes here, those details aren't so important—we'll focus on what happens once communication is completed by whatever means.
When you connect to the cloud storage service, there are network workloads that transmit your data to the appropriate services that process and store it. This might consist of some routing and also authentication that ensures that you and only you access the files that are associated with your account. On the Grid, we provide primitives for secure peer to peer communication and also for allowing public access to back end services.
## Compute
Compute is what happens with data once it reaches its destination. Computers are mostly just fancy adding machines that take numbers and turn them into other numbers according to a set of specifications, which we call software. In our example, the compute step might involve compressing the information so it takes up less space and also deriving some useful statistics like the file's original size.
Of course, there are many details we're glossing over here, and the compute resources are ultimately responsible for providing much of our end user experience and the interactivity of the apps we utilize. 3Nodes offer a compute environment that natively runs the vast majority of workloads in use today.
## Storage
Storage, of course, is the disk space where data resides. It can be a little strange to think about, actually, that all of the information you've stored online actually has at least one physical location where it exists as many small electrical charges. On the Grid, application developers can access the disks of nodes directly, in a way that's optimized for energy efficiency.
We also have more advanced storage solutions that offer unparalleled security and low overhead redundancy, giving users the best possible guarantee that only they have access to their data and that it will actually be there when they go to retrieve it.
## Looking Forward
Taken together, network, storage, and compute are the raw elements that give life to the internet we know and love. On the ThreeFold Grid, these elements are expressed in a way that's both familiar for developers but also pushes the limits of what is possible in terms of technical evolution.
Thanks so much for joining me on this introductory overview of what the Grid provides. Please join me next time for a deeper dive on some of what we've covered and more specifics about how ThreeFold technology represents a quantum leap for cloud computing.

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@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
id: an_org_building_a_decentralized_internet
title: "ThreeFold: An Organisation Building a Decentralized Internet"
image_caption: "ThreeFold: An Organisation Building a Decentralized Internet"
description: Greetings fellow decentralization lovers, I am in search of people looking to contribute to what is now the largest decentralized network in the world, working towards the goal of providing a decentralized internet that breaks down barriers to information and compute resource access. Our network provides digital equality to all users while placing the control of their data back into their hands.
date: 2022-11-09
tags: [threefold, technology, peer_to_peer, sovereignity]
categories: [threefold]
author: threefold_community
imgPath: an_org_building_a_decentralized_internet.png
## ThreeFold: An Organisation Building a Decentralized Internet
_*Disclaimer: This blog has been written by ThreeFold community member Drew Smith, and was originally a Reddit post. The team found so much value within it that we felt it was important to give it a permanent space within the ThreeFold Blogs collection, and Drew agreed to this. Besides a few grammatical corrections and minor contextual tweaks, the content has not been edited and you can find the original post [here](*_
Greetings fellow decentralization lovers, I am in search of people looking to contribute to what is now the largest decentralized network in the world, working towards the goal of providing a decentralized internet that breaks down barriers to information and compute resource access. Our network provides digital equality to all users while placing the control of their data back into their hands.
The project Im discussing is [](, this is a project that currently has nearly 3000 Bare-Metal\*\* \*\*nodes in 64 countries allowing anyone in the world to deploy an industry standard VPS on the decentralized infrastructure with no involvement of the centralized cloud providers, This is a network meant to be used by everyone that can be expanded by anyone. You can check out a current map of the nodes online on the [ThreeFold Explorer](
The ThreeFold Grid consists of three synergistic layers: The Nodes, The Network, and the BlockChain.
- **The Nodes:** These are hardware that gives its grid its power, The requirements for running a 3Node are a bare metal x86_64 machine and a reliable internet connection. These nodes can be hosted in a variety of environments spanning at home deployments to rented-space DC's. This includes DC's themselves being able to bring capacity online so long as its a fully bare metal device.
- You can find **_plug and play solutions_** for bringing a 3Node online on the [3Node marketplace]( categories.view&category_id=167), this marketplace includes node offerings from both the organizations itself as well as multiple independent businesses that have become certified 3Node Resellers.
- If you're familiar with the concepts of building a server/pc you can also bring your hardware online as **_D.I.Y 3Node_** this allows you to contribute any additional hardware you may have in your deployment to the support of both the grids network and compute capacity. you can find documentation on D.I.Y nodes on the [Forums]( or in the [Wiki](
Each node is booted using a fully in house developed autonomous operating system that automates both node deployment and workloads being deployed on the node after its online, called [Zero-OS]( This OS is a hypervisor environment that accepts commands from and is managed by the block-chain.
- **The Network(s):** The grid is supported by multiple internal and external networks that allow for the nodes to function as a decentralized data center. This is made of two major components.
- **Z-Net**- is an internal private overlay network between VMs, Kubernetes Nodes, Containers and the grid. This network allows for minimal usage of Public ipv4 space while still allowing for global deployment solutions encompassing multiple 3Nodes.
- **Planetary Network-** This is a peer to peer end to encrypted network solution based on opensource technologies (yggdrasil) that allow grid users to create, develop and overlay networks designed to protect users ability to communicate and access information. You can find the github Repo [here](, with 3000 endpoints all controlled by a single DAO, the potential exists to create the most reliable peer to peer mesh in existence.
- **Public IPv4-** Threefold farmers have the ability to add Public Ipv4 to the grid in addition to their compute capacity, these IPs can be deployed as gateway addresses in support of the grid, or rented by end users for their workloads, at the time of this writing the threefold grid has 1114 Public Ipv4 addresses available for use. you can find documentation on adding I.P addresses to the grid [here](
- **The BlockChain:** the blockchain technologies built into the Threefold Grid represent what makes the grid truly unique and allows it to be utilized to support customer facing workloads or provide a decentralized compute resource pool. grid utilization is supported and created through two avenues
- **Individuals:** can deploy any workload they need on any node on the grid, if it can run on Linux it can run on the grid, this type of use is supported by the [Threefold Playground](, a decentralized deployment solution that provides industry standard Linux vps deployments as multiple use case specific deployment solutions for [Kubernetes](, [Caprover](, [Peertube](, [Funkwhale](, [Mattermost](, [Discourse](, [Taiga](, [Owncloud](, [Presearch](, [SubSquid](, [CasperLabs](, and [Node Pilot](
- Custom VM images cab be uploaded to the [Threefold Hub]( allowing full deployment customization with any Linux os image supporting cloud-init. Documentation on creating custom images can be found [On the Forums](
- Storage workloads can be deployed using [Terraform]( with offerings of HDD, SSD and [Quantum Safe File Storage](
- **Solution Providers**: these are developers of user facing services that utilize the grid as their hosting platform. These organizations/individuals are able to develop customized solutions that provide needed services in their market and receive rewards for the utilization that their developments bring. A great example of this is [Zonaris](https://zonaris.con/), which is a third party organization that is quickly taking the lead in grid solution development. They have recently released an interface that allows end users to deploy [Streamr]( nodes on the Threefold grid while paying in fiat currency. you can get started with them at [Get Zonaris](
- This allows developers to invest in only their code while having the infrastructure of a worldwide virtual data center at their disposal to scale their solutions with their business needs.
- Solution providers are able to automate their tools being deployed on the grid using [Terraform](
What this has all truly come together to form is an organization where anyone can contribute to building a more private and secure internet that is designed to allow universal access to information and compute power regardless of the end user's nationality or beliefs. Threefold truly exists to capitalize on the ideal economies from every corner of the world, in order to provide a better digital future for all.
**What Can You Do?**
Much of what you see today at is the work of 100s of decentralized contributors working together towards a common goal. The grid is designed so that anyone can contribute whether you're a developer, a property owner, an I.S.P, or just someone with a spare computer and a network connection. As it stands the grid is strong and well supported across the world. The biggest impact that can be made today is by developing solutions that leverage the grid and use its resources to bring affordable and accessible hosting to end users.
There are many discussions happening on the [Threefold Forum]( about partnerships with other projects and how we can better support both the crypto landscape and the general internet user base. Even by just joining discussions on the Threefold Forum and providing your input and ideas you can help to make sure that the internet of tomorrow is built for and by the users of tomorrow. but there are lots of ways to contribute:
- You can purchase the TFT token following [this guide](
- You can learn about farming [here](
- You can learn more about the Threefold Cloud and Deploying [here](
_*Written by Drew Smith*_

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@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
id: big_datacenter_myth
title: Datacenter Myths
image_caption: internet servers
description: Hyperscale realities are very different to what most people think. Myth 1 - Bigger data centers are more efficient.
date: 2017-10-12
tags: [technology,threefold,why]
categories: [threefold]
author: andreas_hartl
imgPath: big_datacenter_myth.png
## Hyperscale realities are very different from what most people think
### Myth 1: Bigger data centers are more efficient
There are advantages in building larger-scale data centers, like economies of scale and sheer bulk buying power, but these are not as significant as what people think. The average cost per rack in a hyper-scale data center is $20-35K USD including all energy requirements and safety systems. The cost of hardware per rack is around the $200-300K USD mark.
What is often forgotten is that anything that is of enormous scale and highly concentrated comes with complexity and specific problems to deal with. For example. resource requirements such as investment, operational costs, knowledge, and people increase significantly with size.
In reality, keeping things simple, small, and distributed is much more cost-effective than large complex environments.
### Myth 2: Big data centers can be sustainable
The carbon footprint of a big data center is enormous. To improve the power usage effectiveness (PUE) of most data center farmers have adopted wind, hydro, and/or solar power technologies, which indeed helps drop their PUE by an estimated 20%. But is this leading to more sustainability?
This 20% looks great on paper and in the farmers' corporate social responsibility reports. However, it just represents an improvement in the cooling technology and sourcing of energy. It doesn't actually impact the energy consumed by the equipment that runs in their data centers (servers, storage chassis, physical disks, etc.) which is the equipment responsible for the carbon footprint. PUE only refers to overhead power consumption, i.e. cooling the facility, opening, and closing doors, maintaining power security systems, etc.
Real improvement lies in deploying technologies that actually consume less power to deliver the actual Internet capacity to run workloads, real CPU chassis, physical disks, and storage cabinets. Improving on how hardware is being more effectively used can have an impact of up to a thousand percent and lead to ten times more power-efficiency.
### Myth 3: Redundant systems have better uptime
A lot of us believe that systems need redundancy mechanisms to improve their operational uptime and reliability. While it may make sense to IT experts, let's translate this for the non-IT world?
To make a car more reliable we add redundancy (as we do in IT). So for the risk of having a puncture, we add one extra tire for all the tires we use continuously. This adds 4 extra tires to the car. Then a decision needs to be made: Do we put those tires in a structure where they are always running along with the primary tires or do we choose not to have them "online" all the time, wearing and tearing in the same way as the primary tires?
Building such a system would take a large number of engineers to come up with a solution, and would change cars as we know them. Wouldn't it make more sense to think outside the box and solve the root of the problem by making tires un-deflatable?
The IT industry has gone overboard with the concept of redundancy, having forgotten to look at the root cause issues. This has spawned a whole new industry of itself, which has a financial interest in creating complicated and expensive redundant systems.
### Myth 4: Big companies optimize better
Big companies with a certain track record will know better how to optimize as they have more people and resources.
At first glance, this sounds logical, but in reality, ninety percent of the innovation within the IT space comes from startups. The giant IT companies have a heritage they hardly can overcome. They are locked in old infrastructure designs, and building outside of that infrastructure would be costly, timely, and probably put the breaks on their businesses.
Real innovation gives way to fix the core symptoms rather than taking the problem pain-killer approach.

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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
id: blogtemplate
title: "This is a Blog Title"
image_caption: "The Evolution Towards A More Secure, Private, And Sovereign Internet"
description: This is a place to describe the blog.
date: 2023-04-11
tags: [threefold_grid, technology, peer_to_peer, threefold_cloud]
categories: [foundation]
imgPath: blog_header.png
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam
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@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
id: threefold_foundation_33
title: Bringing Trust is a Human Task
image_caption: humans
description: Everyone thinks that Satoshi Nakamoto invented blockchain technology when he published his whitepaper in January 2009
date: 2019-08-17
tags: [blockchain,technology]
categories: [twin]
author: weynand_kuijpers
imgPath: bringing_trust.png
## A little history on blockchain technology
Everyone thinks that Satoshi Nakamoto invented blockchain technology when he published his whitepaper in January 2009 to make a digital currency the first use case. But it was not!.
In 1991, Dr. W. Scott Stornetta published a white paper in which he introduced a 'blockchain' as a decentralized database where digital transactions are secured. The research focused on creating a digital hierarchy system that time-stamped and chronologically secured deals in a chain of blocks. The first considered use case for blockchain technology was to sign and store land deeds digitally. The technology's main characteristics were decentralization and immutability across the process of storing transaction data.
Satoshi was the person (or part of a group of people) that used these blockchain principles to create the first digital currency - Bitcoin. The rest is history, from one to many digital currencies based on different creation principles (also referred to as cryptocurrencies, digital coins, etc.) that have been launched and existed for over a decade and have begun to come more into the mainstream purview.
## Decentralization and immutability
The two characteristics that have spawned interest in Blockchain technology are decentralization and immutability. In the current world, centralization is everywhere, in most industries, governments, education systems, the world wide web (Internet), and more. All roads these days seem to lead to centralized setups.
Examples of centralized setups today:
- **Monetary**: Fiat currencies are governed and controlled by central banks. According to Wikipedia: "A central bank, reserve bank, or monetary authority is an institution that manages a state's currency, money supply, and interest rates. Central banks also oversee the commercial banking system of their respective countries. In contrast to a commercial bank, a central bank has a monopoly on increasing the monetary base in the state and prints the national currency, which serves as the state's legal tender. Central banks also act as a "lender of last resort" to the banking sector during a financial crisis. Most central banks also have supervisory and regulatory powers to ensure the solvency of member institutions, prevent bank runs, and prevent reckless or fraudulent behavior by member banks." So central banks control fiat currencies, and other institutions control central banks.
- **World Wide Web (WWW)**: The World Wide Web is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), interlinked by hypertext links, and accessible via the Internet. English scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. Although distributed by design, this technology shares and exposes globally developed information and centralized functions crucial to make this World Wide Web work: large (commercial) monopolies have developed centralized search facilities, e.g., yellow pages of the world wide web. These search facilities now control what you find when you are looking for a specific search term.
There seems to be a natural "desire" to organize and create different things with central control. Probably the result of our (humankind) social models based on hierarchies and competition. These social models have influenced a lot of what we have built in the industrial and information revolution - creating centralization as the defacto standard of building anything.
Now that we have invented a technology that potentially can build different things without a lot of centralization, we need to be careful to use it for the right things.
## Blockchain myths
To investigate what potential right use cases exist for blockchain technologies, let spend some time on some of the blockchain myths created in recent years. Similar to other new technologies, blockchains market themselves as a miracle technology that overcomes many (if not any) of the challenges and difficulties that exist in modern-day digital technology. Let's name and investigate a few.
### Blockchains are "Super Scalable"
Are they? Pure blockchain deployments are not super scalable compared to conventional (server-based) transaction methods. Current financial blockchain transaction times are very slow compared to any other (currency) transaction technologies out there, being it card transactions like Mastercard, VISA, or money transfers from one bank account to another.
### Blockchain technology brings "Impeccable security."
Very questionable! While blockchains use cryptographic standards, the methods to ensure privacy is entirely outside of any blockchain standards and implementations. It's every implementer's responsibility to ensure security, therefore mostly handled as it is in the old (conventional?) world.
### When using Blockchains, "Trustworthiness is guaranteed."
By what? Blockchain ensures the integrity of transactions and information storage, but otherwise, nothing is inherently trustworthy about any fact stored on the Blockchain. You need to corroborate trustworthiness by ensuring that the parties who store information in the Blockchain are incorruptible and that these facts are correct —just as you would in the rest of the world without using blockchain technology.
### Blockchains can manage "Anything."
Blockchain is a protocol expressed in code, and this does not define in terms of any standard. There are no standards bodies to provide sanctioned implementation rules or guidance.
Many contracts or types of data are better dealt with not on a blockchain: as it is a database that has only write and read functionality, but no update nor deletion is possible, it's even dangerous to post sensitive and personal data on a blockchain, and if not used well, there might raise conflicts with regulations such as GDPR. However, a blockchain can provide consensus where required.
### Smart contracts on the Blockchain can do "Everything."
Potentially but maybe not in the way how people see it today. While this is technically true, Blockchain is limited to well-understood and straightforward use cases, without ambiguities. Smart contracts are essentially rocket science. By design, once published (launched), you cannot revise or bug fix them.
### Blockchain deployments "If not public - go private!"
Not the same thing! Private blockchains are not the answer to privacy or restricted access to information. Purely private/enterprise blockchains might fail to realize any of the benefits of Blockchain.
### A new feature, "justifies deploying a new Blockchain."
Community-driven blockchain products are being forked left and right by private players who enhance them in various ways. But only the open-source blockchains with the largest communities and install-plus-adoption bases will persist. The rest are mainly lab experiments, and 99.9 percent of these probably fail.
## Blockchain myths undone
So Blockchain is a hyped new technology, but they are not the answer to everything. Just like with any other technology or tool, you need to consider if the use case considered carefully is appropriate. In the end, it is only neutral characteristics that might be a reason for applying a blockchain or not:
- is there a need for decentralization?
- is there a need for immutability?
When considering Blockchain technology for a specific purpose, proper due diligence should happen. This to determine the fit and implementing it if it enhances value for the organization. Humans play a vital role in the decision process and are required to find solutions for the flaws that blockchains bring along.
Scalability, security, trustworthiness, functionality are to be added by humans to blockchain deployments.
This delicate mix of characteristics to be implemented explains why many Blockchain projects don't succeed, despite the rightful claims around the disruptive nature of the technology.
Two frequent mistakes within the Industry:
- The technology is used as the ultimate technology to solve all the problems described above, and this often leads to failure in the end as Blockchain can't fulfill these promises.
- The technology is used under the false pretext that decentralization is wanted, whereas the real intention is to be in control. Blockchain thinking also requires an entirely different way of thinking than the classical models embedded in the heart of our economies: concentration of power & control and competition need to make room for decentralization and collaboration.
### Blockchains are here to stay!
With all the hype around blockchain technology and also all the failed initiatives, blockchain technology does allow for digital worlds to exist without centralization. The information revolution has brought forward a lot of progress and innovation to the people; however, the outcome has also been only a few large organizations controlling all of it.
Examples are:
- Online search: Google
- Online social: Facebook, Twitter
- Online banking: any large international bank
- Online insurance: few insurance alliances
- Customer Relationship Management: SalesForce
- Enterprise Resource Management: Oracle, SAP
All these organizations are leading in their specific digital innovation sector, and some of them even provide services for free. Nothing is for free in this world and reality -in return for these services, you accept the terms and conditions which allow the companies to use your personal information and user statistics for their benefits and make money from this behavior derived data.
Most industry leaders have become so powerful that there is almost no way around them anymore. You are practically obliged to comply with their terms and conditions to do something useful with the Internet today.
The world is awakening and seeking alternatives in which such monopolistic structures do not control data and information. Blockchain technologies allow new solutions to be built without central governing bodies, creating person-to-person sharing and trading opportunities.
### The combination of people and blockchains is really powerful
People remain the best to create decentralized business models that combine Blockchain's strengths with complementary measures to compensate for the weaknesses of the technology. Blockchains are not replacing people. Blockchain technology is just a tool that enhances people's ability to organize themselves around decentralized initiatives that require no central body to govern and control. Therefore, Blockchain is a powerful tool indeed but remains just a tool.
### A platform for people to start blockchains
What if there would be a platform where the strong points of blockchains (decentralization) could enable people to organize themselves around a random initiative and launch it based on blockchain technology? Blockchain As a Service (BAAS).
A platform like that could be powerful to enable people around the world to use and benefit from blockchain technology to organize themselves around digital initiatives, currencies, finance, trade, company, anything. Let's consider a small example:
e.g., Sixty people want to start an organization in which they all have an equal stake. They can organize this by going to the notary and establishing a company with equity and dividing the equity amongst them. They can run quarterly /annual meetings to govern and control the company. They would also need an administration to record decisions and communicate across the organization.
What if a platform could launch several blockchain nodes (60, one for each of them) and record all decisions, having all information trackable and traceable for anyone? Blockchain As A Service (BAAS) will enable people to organize themselves independently and create new movements, companies, groups, tribes. This would be a powerful platform allowing many people (and hopefully all people) to organize themselves in new ways, free of the need to have notaries, lawyers, and contracts.
However, to build such a platform, compliance is needed with some pretty specific requirements. Requirements that enable such a platform not to be governed and controlled by a single organization.
The requirements for such a platform would sum up as follows:
- A single organization cannot own the platform, it needs to be owned by many
- Such a platform cannot have administrator access. Administrators access takes away the neutrality and privacy that such a platform requires.
- The platform needs to be very efficient. To be available to all people globally, it needs to be affordable for anyone.
- The platform needs to be everywhere. Part of the efficiency is that it should require expensive international access lines - it needs to be able to live everywhere - in well connected (and affordable) areas as well as in less well-connected places.
Such a platform is a very different platform than most of what we know today. It needs to be a platform build by many people, for anyone. It needs not be governed by a single organization; it needs to be governed by many.
People with the right intentions need to collectively build a platform based on hardware owned by many and software that is open and can be inspected and improved by anyone. It is a platform created by people for people using blockchain technology to achieve a genuinely decentralized nature of the platform running Blockchain as a service.
People should always remain as the element that brings trust in IT. Blockchains help to register that trust forever.

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@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
id: connecting_the_dots
title: "Connecting the Dots: ThreeFold plans to scale globally"
image_caption: "Connecting the Dots: ThreeFold plans to scale globally"
description: ThreeFold started as an idea about ten years ago and is now manifesting itself into the most comprehensive peer-to-peer Internet and cloud infrastructure in the world. The potential of our technology to revolutionize digitization globally is endless and limited only to our collective imagination.
date: 2022-03-29
tags: [peer_to_peer, threefold, why]
categories: [threefold]
author: sacha_obeegadoo
imgPath: connecting_the_dots.png
ThreeFold started as an idea about ten years ago and is now manifesting itself into the most comprehensive peer-to-peer Internet and cloud infrastructure in the world. The potential of our technology to revolutionize digitization globally is endless and limited only to our collective imagination. In this blog, we share our glocal strategy on how we will build our ecosystem, and the exciting opportunities opening up around the world for those interested to join us!
Lets start with some background. Todays Internet is global*. However, it is incredibly centralized and vulnerable. ThreeFold aims to decentralize its infrastructure, empower people to be sovereign, and accelerate the worlds transition towards open-source systems to build a more inclusive and fair future for all.
A peer-to-peer Internet has an undeniable potential in driving a distributed global economy. This is for a number of reasons including, but not limited to the fact that instead of relying on centralized cloud providers and tech giants to expand the infrastructure that holds humanitys data and applications, the peer-to-peer Internet allows any global citizen to participate in the Internet economy by connecting a computer from their house or office to build the decentralized future they want to live in. Also, while half of the world takes Internet access for granted, it remains unavailable to the other half.
*So then is the Internet really “global?”
## Empowering sovereignty and economic freedom
Billions of people around the world still remain without access to the Internet or financial services today. Yet many of them have access to electricity and network, and some even already own a mobile phone that could help them access the Internet and financial services. But without fair and reliable connectivity, they remain in the dark. ThreeFold holds an answer here.
The Internet is a human right but it is unequally distributed around the world. ThreeFold enables the realization of an open-source, peer-to-peer Internet that can scale to anywhere electricity and network exists. Everyone deserves access to the Internet, education and financial services to equally learn, partake and succeed, regardless of where they were born, their gender or their socioeconomic status.
## So how can ThreeFold go truly global?
Going global is complicated and even more these days with the evolving regulatory and socio-economical landscapes. Thus, its important for us to be on the ground. So we will work with our community and ecosystem on one hand, and with governments and regulators on the other hand, for all of us to meet in the middle. We will always aim to be the most transparent, trusted, inclusive and decentralized Internet solution wherever we go.
A first step in our strategy is to support the growth of local communities across regions to build local presence on the ground. The only way for a truly decentralized Internet to emerge is to involve people in the building process of it, both on a hardware and software level. We are in the midst of kicking off an extensive global expansion strategy, with grants and hiring plans to grow the ThreeFold Grid across markets and ultimately build strong local communities that can serve potential customers locally.
Together with these communities, we will develop and grow the ThreeFold Grid, establish our presence with local developers, grow our ecosystem, and collaborate closely with our network.
Throughout the last year we have made incredible connections across industries including Blockchain, Web 3.0, IoT, Real Estate and Supply Chains.
Every region is unique and we cannot take the same approach wherever we go. This is where the idea of glo-cality comes in a global concept applied locally with regional context.
## Global Concept: Launch of educational campaigns around the importance of a peer-to-peer Internet
ThreeFolds mission is to realize the promise of an open-source, peer-to-peer Internet owned by humanity, and we take this commitment heartedly. The first objective of our global strategy is to allow anyone who wants to expand the peer-to-peer Internet to their neighborhood to be able to find compatible computers and how to get started.
For a multi-region approach to scaling the ThreeFold Grid to arise, a decentralized 3Node marketplace will be launched in April 2022. This will allow communities to access a simple, decentralized and certified platform to buy and sell compatible computer hardware locally. As the ThreeFold Grid expands, we will look to go local, as shared below:
## Applied locally: Grow localized ecosystems of developers and enterprises to productize the infrastructure
Most countries are looking for new Internet infrastructure alternatives to protect their sovereignty. ThreeFolds peer-to-peer Internet supports any current and emerging technological trend in a way that is fully compliant with any local digital laws and regulations. For developers and enterprises, this includes a peer-to-peer Infrastructure as a service which offers a distributed, quantum-safe storage and a decentralized edge computing platform to host any current or future technology. For institutions, we will offer a suite of advanced infrastructure set-ups for a sovereign and unbreakable Internet infrastructure.
Decentralized financial and legal systems are being created along with industry experts from around the world to deliver on cross-border financial freedom, education and Internet access. Along with a strong ecosystem, we are planning to offer a full suite of advanced technological, financial and educational solutions to countries, especially in the global south to bring access to education, Internet and financial inclusion to more than a billion people by 2030.
At ThreeFold, were committed to building and expanding the open Internet that is owned by humanity. We are always looking at expanding our ecosystem with the worlds best thinkers and talent ready to be at service of a mission that unites us all. If you think this could be you, were waiting for you!
Have you read our [manifesto]( yet? Join the peer-to-peer [movement]( today!
*Apply for an open position [here]( and bring your proposals to the community-led [forum](*

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@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
id: cyberwar
title: Can a 'Democratized' Internet exist in times of a Cyber War?
image_caption: The Cyber War
description: With cyber sovereignty turning into a non-territorial challenge to sovereignty itself irrespective of the virtual realm of the internet, is there a way out for humanity?
date: 2022-03-03
tags: [peer_to_peer,why,technology]
categories: [foundation]
author: sacha_obeegadoo
imgPath: cyberwar.png
On February 24 2022, Russia launched a large-scale military invasion and attack on Ukraine. In the days since the invasion began, the war has been fought not only on the ground and in the air, but also in the digital realm.
Cyber warfare is nothing new, especially in Russia and Eastern Europe. “In the relatively short and rapidly evolving history of cyber conflict, perhaps nothing has been established with greater certainty and more widely accepted than the idea that Russia has significant cyber capabilities and isnt afraid to use them,” [writes Josephine Wolff](, associate professor of cybersecurity policy at Tufts University. “Especially on Ukraine.”
Leading up to the invasion, Ukraine experienced a series of cyberattacks on its critical infrastructures, including banks and government agencies. On February 23 2022, just a day before the launch of Russias military attack, websites of the Ukrainian parliament and multiple government agencies were put out of work. Similar cyber attacks had also been seen in early February and [were attributed to GRU](, Russias military-intelligence agency. And Ukrainian cities continue to suffer from [internet blackouts]( On Sunday, Ukraines vice president even called for tech specialists and hackers to join the “cyber front.” While the predictions of a Russian “cyber onslaught” have not necessarily come true yet, both sides have engaged in cyber attacks on visible and invisible levels.
## A Rise in State-Sponsored Cyber Attacks Globally
Digital or cyber warfare does not just apply to Russia and Ukraine. Broadly, cybersecurity experts have been raising concerns in recent years amid a sharp rise in ransomware and other types of digital attacks globally.
Adam Meyers, Senior Vice President of Intelligence at the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike [said]( “Just in the last year, I think weve seen over 2,700 big-game hunting attacks [cyberattacks that target high-value data]. So theyre far and away that most prevalent actor. Nation-state actors are continuously operating as well, but they tend to operate a little bit more under the radar. They dont conduct as many widespread and widely known attacks. They try to, obviously, steal information without it being identified that theyve stolen it.”
Nevertheless, these are just the most current examples Russia is hardly the only country engaging in cyber warfare at a larger scale. In fact, it is becoming increasingly difficult for governments, corporations and organizations to protect themselves against cyber attacks, especially against [state-sponsored attacks]( And in the digital space, the best and most dangerous hacks are those that go unnoticed until its too late.
## Some Governments are Sectioning Off the Internet Through Digital Borders
A set of countries like Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran have certain [aspirations for the internet]( Domestically, these countries want control and think governments should get to decide what information flows across their borders. Globally, they want governments, not companies and NGOs, to be in charge of the internet. While some may say that government-owned internet infrastructures would be the only way to protect a countrys sovereignty, it goes without saying that what once was a neutral space for humanity to connect and exchange information is turning into a political schema.
Taken together, these goals are an attempt to align cyberspace with national borders, so they are sometimes dubbed the [“cyber sovereignty” doctrine]( The term comes from China, whose internet censorship system, called the Great Firewall, is the vanguard of the global cyber-sovereignty push. Chinas cyberspace agency released a much-ridiculed musical ode to cybersecurity under Lu Weis leadership, which included the line: “A cyberpower: Where the Internet is, so is the glorious dream.”
The vision of effective cyber-sovereignty is expanding to new horizons. A November [report]( from Freedom House examined 65 countries and found since the previous year that internet freedom declined in 26 of them. Chinese-style “digital authoritarianism,” meanwhile, is growing in influence as China exports both its surveillance known-how and technology.
The problem here is that digital sovereignty is a major concept that not only addresses the issues of communication and connection but also the impact on societies and culture at large. With cyber sovereignty turning into a non-territorial challenge to sovereignty itself irrespective of the virtual realm of the internet, is there a way out for humanity?
## A Free and Sovereign Cyber Space is Needed
It is evident that the current internet is facing some big challenges that have major implications for humanity. Data privacy and self-sovereignty is almost impossible today, raising serious questions towards those that control the Internet. But it also seems that these companies fell into the trap of their own business models and algorithms.
When taking a step back, the world seems just a few years away from the Matrix, as depicted by the Wachowskis.
The Internet is playing an incredibly important role for the most powerful intelligence companies. As depicted by Meyers, we wouldnt even notice that our information is being stolen all the time to benefit the greed of powerful geo-political actors. The internet is not a public good anymore, and unless humanity reacts fast, it may be that the world will lose all forms of freedom or sovereignty.
[“A declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace”]( by John Perry Barlow once attempted to shed light on the applicability of government and institutions on the rapidly growing internet, already in 1996 trying to protect its neutrality. According to research, the world is experiencing innovation at an increasingly rapid pace. With the rise of blockchains and web3 technology, could the dream of John Perry Barlow turn into reality?
## So, What is the Solution?
In a world aching for more decentralization and less dependence on governments and corporations, new decentralized and peer-to-peer models are already proving to be more resilient and secure. New Internet infrastructure companies such as ThreeFold have successfully built peer-to-peer internet infrastructures that are more resilient than the current centralized model. On such systems, people and enterprises can store their data and run their applications on a distributed network of computers in such a way that their data cannot be corrupted. ThreeFold even created a so-called “quantum safe” storage that guarantees that even the most powerful computers in the world wouldnt be able to reconstruct user data.
The escalation of this cyber conflict can lead to unforeseen consequences and casualties. That is why it is especially important that our industry works together to protect customers, partners, employees and citizens. ThreeFold is on a mission to realize the promise of a fully-comprehensive, open-source and peer-to-peer internet infrastructure. ThreeFold is a platform for the creators of tomorrow to build that blueprint of responsibility and ensure that the outcome of future systems is neutrality.
Join ThreeFold in building the new internet.

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@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
id: data_leaks
title: It's Time We Stand Up For Our Data
image_caption: stand up for our data
description: As consumers, we should be able to trust that our data is truly safe and secure. And today, we cannot. It's time we stand up for what is ours.
date: 2021-06-17
tags: [sovereignity, peer_to_peer]
categories: [threefold, cloud, twin]
author: sam_taggart
imgPath: data_leaks.png
Do a quick search for "data leak" on your search engine of choice, and you'll likely see headlines like this:
- Personal Details of Over 3.3M Volkswagen Customers Exposed in Data Leak
- Billions of emails and passwords appear in largest data leak ever
- Here's How the IRS Could Have Prevented the Tax Data Leak
- Time to Change Your Password: Tips on Protecting Yourself from Online Scams
Week after week, month after month, year after year, companies are being hacked, private consumer data is being compromised and released, and we somehow begin to think that this is the reality of our world, something we just have to deal with.
Internet security, cyber attacks, and data leaks are a global threat and increasingly so as the world moves more digital, and smart people with malicious intent try to take advantage. But this is not normal, nor should it be. As consumers, we should be able to trust that our data is truly safe and secure. And today, we cannot. It's time we stand up for what is ours.
That's where ThreeFold comes in.
Many of today's issues around cyber security and data privacy come from the lack of innovation in the IT industry over the last decades and the reliance on centralized hyper-scale data centers. ThreeFold has disrupted this model in a few ways:
First, we started from the ground up. Some ThreeFold co-founders have been working in the cloud & storage space for over two decades, having built components of the cloud and Internet still used today. They knew that the only way to have a truly secure and data sovereign Internet was to rebuild the architecture and the technology components from scratch. So they did. A few years down the line, we've created a new operating system, a smart contract for IT, and a peer-to-peer network that can be scaled to anywhere by anyone.
Second, we removed people from the equation. IT has become so overly-complex that people are required in order to maintain it. Because of this, "backdoors" are needed to allow these gateholders to enter the systems and make necessary fixes. But this can lead to human error, and also allows people with malicious intent to make their way in as well. With Autonomous IT powering the ThreeFold Grid, the technology runs and heals itself, and drastically reduces the opportunity for humans to interfere.
And lastly, your data is owned by you. Rather than relying on centralized data centers, the ThreeFold Grid is an Internet grid made up by independent ThreeFold "Farmers" from around the world who plug in capacity from their home or office. While they own the hardware, they do not own the data inside. User data is stored across multiple devices, and proprietary data storage algorithms ensure that the data cannot be retrieved by anyone besides the user not the farmer, and not even us.
As Einstein said, "We can't solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them."
We have a lot more information in [our wikis]( about the technology, but what we want to emphasize here with you is that we don't have to accept data leaks and hacking. There is an answer to the cybersecurity issues the world is facing. And that answer is ThreeFold.

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@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
id: digital_twin
title: "What is a Digital Twin?"
image_caption: "What is a Digital Twin?"
description: In the current Internet system, each of us exists many times, each application provider owns our data while offering functionality they own. We become the user. We become the product. Instead, what if we were at the center of our digital lives?
date: 2022-10-18
tags: [threefold, technology, peer_to_peer]
categories: [threefold]
author: victoria_obeegadoo
imgPath: digital_twin.png
## What is a Digital Twin?
In the current Internet system, each of us exists many times, each application provider owns _our_ data while offering functionality _they_ own. We become the user. We become the product. Instead, what if we were at the center of our digital lives?
The Web4 Digital Twin architecture does just that: it puts us at the center of our digital experience. Indeed, Digital Twin is a user-centric technological platform to build efficient, sovereign and secure digital experiences. Digital Twin technology empowers people and businesses to exchange information and value without any intermediaries, while making applications more scalable, efficient and secure than on any other web paradigm such as Web2, Web3 or Web5. Digital Twins require a decentralized Internet infrastructure and run perfectly on top of the ThreeFold Grid.
## Your Digital Twin is a mirror of yourself!
Your Digital Twin runs on a location of your choice, which becomes your personal Internet Gateway. Each Twin is owned by only one owner, who in the end is more like the human mirror to the Twin. The Twin has lots of capabilities and is available for its “human mirror” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Experiences are being built which use the capabilities of the Twin. A Twin owns your data and your identity, all stored in such a way it can never be corrupted or lost. Thus, you own your data, your identity and your digital skills for all your life.
## Your Digital Twin has Capabilities
Twins are powerful and have many capabilities which are used when they enter an experience. Here are the capabilities of the Digital Twin:
* Communicate
* Chat, video conference, send messages to anyone.
* Create
* Create content, any content (metaverse, video, websites, ...)
* Share and Promote
* Share your creations to the rest of the world
* Promote your products and services
* Share your knowledge and help others to grow
* Discover and Learn
* Find information, alternative indexing engine (neutral)
* Know what is truthful and what is not (proof of authenticity)
* Learn and become smarter
* Economy
* Manage my digital wealth (digital currencies)
* Exchange anything for anything else (money for tokens, services, products)
* Buy/Sell goods and services
* Collaborate
* How can I collaborate on documents, images, videos, code, ...
* How can I manage a project, plan events, define deadlines
* Organize
* Manage your agenda and time
* Organize your digital content so you can find it back, and it's nicely organized
* Manage your circles (groups of people)
* Protect
* Make sure that only the right people have access to your digital assets
* What happens if you die, make sure your loved ones can inherit your digital assets
* Make sure your digital life is secure (give access to your assets to your circles)
* Give proof of authenticity to assets and information from others
* Develop and Expand
* Code and extend the Twin (improve Twin capabilities for yourself and others)
* Create your own experiences
The Twin has basic capabilities listed above which are strongly version controlled, but contributions from the global community are more than welcomed. The idea is to create a system which is simply good enough for any possible experience.
![Your Digital Twin](./your_digital_twin.png)
This is a very different paradigm compared to current web or mobile applications where capabilities are owned by the provider of the application. Besides, rather than survival of the fittest, we believe in a system of collaboration, where we invite everyone to make the system better so it fits us all. We don't need three chat systems, we need one which is usable by thousands of experiences.
Developers can create experiences re-using the open source capabilities the Twin offers, also eliminating the need to reinvent features.
## Note on Connection & Security
As a “user”, you can use any browser to access experiences built on top of your Digital Twin. For example, a storage experience that stores data on your Twin or a browser experience that allows you to surf the web from your Twin's node. When you connect to your Twin, our **[ThreeFold Connect](** makes sure that the connection is secure. The Twin runs on a node on the ThreeFold Grid, which you are securely connected to. This takes care of a very safe approach and unlimited scalability. We will dive deeper into the Twins security and scalability aspects in a future blog!
## Digital Twin in a nutshell
Hopefully, by now you will have a better understanding of the Digital Twin concept. Here is a short recap of everything mentioned so far about it:
* You have full control over your own digital life.
* Experiences can be created using standard web & native technologies.
* The Digital Twin delivers the web interface to your (secure) browser.
* No need for information to travel to central data centers, all communication is fast and private between Digital Twins: No more client-server.
* All logic of your digital life is 100% private to you running in your Twin.
* This is super efficient and sustainable, +10x power savings.
* No blockchain required for your digital life = more privacy, performance, green
* Exception: blockchain is needed for digital currencies and as a phone book for Digital Twins identity.
If you would like to see what the current iteration of the Digital Twin looks like, [try it out]( yourself with [FreeFlow Twin]( in its current beta version! Connect with ThreeFold on [Twitter](, [Telegram](, [LinkedIn](, and [Reddit]( to join our community and stay updated about evolutions of the ThreeFold project and Digital Twin.

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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
id: escape_great_hack
title: An escape from the Great Hack
image_caption: technology hackers
description: I cant help but think how unfair it is that in todays digital society, people are being treated like products, because there is no such thing as a free platform without YOU being the product.
date: 2019-11-21
tags: [technology,why]
categories: [threefold,internet,sovereignity]
author: sabrina_sadik
imgPath: escape_great_hack.png
## The neutrality of the current Internet is in danger.
Have you seen The Great Hack on Netflix? Its a documentary about the Cambridge Analytica hacking scandal, where personal data of millions of peoples Facebook profiles were harvested without their consent and used for political advertising purposes.
While watching it, I couldnt help but think how unfair it is that in todays digital society, people are being treated like products, because there is no such thing as a free platform without YOU being the product. What did reassure me, is that people are sick of having their data used this way. But what they might not know, is that the internet problem is bigger than just data protection.
The Internet is growing at an exponential rate. To service this demand, a few large companies (Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Facebook, etc.) have built and continue to build supersized, power-hungry and centralized data centers. These data centers make up the majority of all Internet capacity available today. However, the Internet is expanding much faster than datacenters and the planet can cope with.
In addition to that, the Internet is extremely centralized, with most of these data centers being located in the US. Think of it like electricity. If consumers in, for example, Turkey had to use electricity generated in the US, it would be too expensive and inefficient, because it is too far away. The transmission lines would be too strained and losses and repairs would make it unsustainable. Capacity is like electricity. When centralized, it becomes too expensive and wasteful for remote users.
## So what is the solution to these problems?
The Internet needs to be more distributed, cost-effective, neutral, and sustainable. ThreeFold has developed such a new technology, the ThreeFold Grid (Grid) and a token which enables all this to happen.
Combining the values of the ThreeFold Foundation (freedom, equality and fairness) with the technology developed by TFTech (Zero-OS, Zero-Chain, 3Bot) and a digital currency called the ThreeFold Token (a decentralized digital currency and means of payment to exchange autonomous and decentralized Internet services) we believe that we have all the tools in order to actually make a difference in tomorrow's digital world. Question is, are you ready to join us?
Please visit [our forum]( if you have any questions or would like to continue the conversation!

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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
id: ethical_design_manifesto
title: Creating solutions that respect humanity and the planet
image_caption: humanity
description: Respect Human Rights, Respect Human Effort, Respect Human Experience
date: 2017-06-06
tags: [why]
categories: [threefold,why]
author: kristof_de_spiegeleer
imgPath: ethical_design_manifesto.png
Organizations should always respect human rights, human effort and human experience. To enable a sustainable and prosperous civilization and world, we need a strong value system.
*Ideas and texts were inspired from We added our own twist to it.*
## Respect Human Rights
- **Sustainability**: It is important for a very simple reason: we cannot maintain our quality of life as human beings, the diversity of life on our planet, or Earth's ecosystems unless we embrace and protect its balance.
- **Equality**: Everyone should have a right to learn, dream, partake and succeed. Equal access also means affordability, not ownership by big greedy companies.
- **Decentralization**: To better distribute power, value and opportunities, we need more decentralization. Technologies and solutions should be available everywhere to improve equality and sustainability.
- **Openness & Interoperability**: Allows technologies to work together in an open way, without limitation, and therefore expands the possibilities for innovation and sharing.
- **Accessibility**: Whatever the location or situation, people should benefit from easy and fast access to information and solutions.
- **Security & Privacy**: Protect people from being put in situations of danger or exploitation. People should be empowered to be independent and they should be the sole owners of their experiences.
## Respect Human Effort
- **Reliability**: Make sure technologies are reliable and last longer.
- **Simplicity**: We need to keep things simple: no unnecessary complexity - less is more.
- **Transparency**: Let people and companies work together in a 100% transparent way.
- **Collaboration**: It's all about the greater picture. We are stronger together and have to help each other in reaching our common visions.
## Respect Human Experience
- **Ergonomy**: Products and solutions should empower productivity, safety and comfort, while reducing human error.
- **Inclusiveness**: Design should always be global and inclusive. We are all equal.
- **Design**: Products should be visually appealing and should achieve it's purpose.
- **Transparency**: Organisational records and strategies should be accessible to everyone.
*Photo by Renee Fisher on Unsplash.*

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@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
id: for_our_planet
title: A Better Solution for Our Planet
image_caption: sustainability
description: We believe IT can be sustainable. Actually, it should be! That's why energy efficiency has always been a key focus of ours..
date: 2020-12-02
tags: [threefold,why]
categories: [threefold]
author: weynand_kuijpers
imgPath: better_solution.png
Today, the global Internet and IT infrastructure requires enormous amounts of energy, responsible for about 10% of annual global energy consumption. This makes the IT industry amongst the most pollutive industries in the world (along with the often-discussed airline industry, for comparison).
We believe IT can be sustainable. Actually, it should be! That's why energy efficiency has always been a key focus of ours. With climate change and sustainability as some of the most pressing issues of our times, new green solutions need to be our priority. It has been key to ThreeFold since the very beginning of its story to enable a technological infrastructure that can reduce the Internets carbon footprint drastically.
## Simplicity is the key to unlock a better future
Over time, integration suites, middleware solutions, and enterprise service busses have been invented and implemented to cover integration challenges within the current internet. This has further complicated IT architectures, resulting in a loss of actual end user workload performance.
ThreeFold reworked the whole approach to IT architectures and eliminated the layers of complexity. The result is a cloud stack that presents minimal overhead and that requires less hardware reducing heat generation and eventually cooling requirements. By reducing the need for power, the net result is an energy-efficient Internet grid.
## Improving resilience and efficiency through Self-Healing IT
Keeping systems up and running is a major requirement in modern day IT. Leading vendors earn most of their margin by selling maintenance contracts, performance guarantees, and professional services. Their business models bring no incentive to make things simple and efficient for consumers.
Creating a self-healing environment requires only minimal manual intervention to replace broken hardware components. Broken hardware components are inevitable, and the Zero-OS distributed node architecture deals with such failures by turning off broken components and provisioning unused capacity. By removing the need to ship broken parts back and forth, and linking to the corresponding installation knowledge (engineers), a lower carbon footprint can be achieved.
## “No painkiller” approach. We tackle the root issue
If a specific piece of software or hardware is not delivering the required performance or reliability, we should analyze the core design/algorithm and its usage of soft/hard components to determine the root causes of persistent issues to be solved.
Currently, most storage vendors follow the path of least resistance when trying to improve on performance. Their solution for meeting performance targets is to use faster components (CPU, memory, network card, proprietary acceleration) rather than looking at the core algorithms that drive the utilization of those components. Swapping components for faster ones perpetuates a cycle of cutting corners and focuses reliance on innovation from hardware component providers rather than solving the more fundamental and underlying issues. That's a "painkiller" approach.
Zero-OS was designed to solve root problem issues by design. While still using high-performance hardware components on the ThreeFold Grid, the algorithm of Zero-OS maximizes utilization possibilities. This enables greater performance and sustainability. Some key examples how this is achieved:
## Eliminating unnecessary elements from standard architectures
Virtualization adds a layer of software between the actual end-user workload and physical hardware. It also allows for multiple workloads to run on the same hardware by using excess capacity. There is definitely merit in building a virtualization solution. Building an effective virtualization solution that does not require abundant context switching is key and this is why Zero-OS has been developed. Zero-OS uses a minimal Linux kernel that allows for a number of user spaces to co-exist. In these user spaces, containerized versions of software can be run, eliminating the need for hypervisors, virtual OS to fuel the virtual machines, and guest operating systems. This also minimizes the required overhead for the host OS.
## Minimizing network connections usage
Supercomputing delivered many new technologies. But, not all of them are usable solutions for everyday workloads. One technology invented to make supercomputers performant is the use of Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA). RDMA allowed physical CPU boards (containing both CPUs and memory) to access other CPU boards in memory stored data over a dedicated channel. This eliminated the need to transport data between CPU nodes over network connections (or other mainstream means to exchange data). The result was a considerable reduction in overhead created when allowing distributed end user workloads to operate over multiple physical cores. The leading server and storage solutions brands have never considered nor implemented such mechanisms. This resulted in an increased need for faster networks - increasing complexity, costs, efforts and resources needed to operate solutions.
RDMA is only used in certified farms and requires involvement of TFTech.
## Minimizing disk usage
The storage solution uses slow and big (the bigger the better) HDD disks which drive in rack density. As they spin slower they consume less power and need less cooling. But then, how can you deal with read/write intensive workloads? The storage algorithm uses a SSD cache to acknowledge Inputs/Outputs coming from the applications, fills the erasure coded data blocks in large (up to 64MB) storage containers and writes the big chunks of data on the big and slow HHDs. If you are familiar with HDD disks, you know they like to be streamed on instead of having a lot of small bits written in a scratchy way.
**Continuous innovation in all of these areas are leading to an efficient technology stack.**

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@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
id: how_it_works
title: ThreeFold's Long Story Short
image_caption: technology
description: The truth is that ThreeFold is a big project. Here we will try to make things a little simpler for you.
date: 2020-05-15
tags: [technology,threefold,why]
categories: [threefold]
author: sam_taggart
imgPath: how_it_works.png
## So, ThreeFold is building a new internet. Why?
We strongly believe that a new internet is needed for our planet and for humanity. "If not now, when? If not us, who?"
What it boils down to is that currently the internet is only available to about 1/2 of the world (meaning billions are being left behind), it is centralized (a handful of large corporations own and profit off of our data), and it uses up to 10% of the worlds energy consumption. So, were building a new (peer-to-peer) internet that empowers equality (access), autonomy (data ownership, for example), and sustainability (reduces energy consumption). These values drive us forward.
## How does it work?
Everything on the internet websites, apps, photos, videos, etc uses up capacity and is stored in huge data centers owned by big companies, mainly in North America, Europe, and some in Asia. In our solution, centralized data centers are replaced with a grid of “nodes” distributed around the world.
These nodes are owned by [ThreeFold Farmers]( but only the physical hardware the data inside of the nodes belongs to the people or organizations who put it there. So, “farmers” plug in hardware and start to create capacity that can be used by people.
Farmers come in all shapes and sizes. Some farmers run small data centers while others simply run a node out of their living room.
When Farmers connect active hardware (add capacity) to the ThreeFold Grid, ThreeFold Tokens are created. Farmers can then sell those tokens to people who want to use capacity (e.g. a developer that wants to build or host a website, or a person who wants to store some photos). More on tokens down below.
## Seems quite lofty. How will you build it?
Its true that rebuilding the internet is not so simple. But a lot of infrastructure has already been built and the technology is quite advanced. Over the past 2+ years (as of May 2020), independent ThreeFold Farmers have already plugged in more than 40,000,000 GigaBytes worth of storage and 15,000 CPU Cores across 21+ countries. That might not mean a lot to non-technical folks but it is quite a significant amount.
## 21+ countries? What happened to equality?
As far along as we are, we still have work to do. One of our biggest goals in the near future is to expand the grid to Africa, South America, and parts of Asia where currently the Internet is too expensive or not available. Currently, we farming is incentivized around these key geographies.
## And what do you mean by peer-to-peer?
Peer-to-peer means no middlemen direct exchange of information and/or value between equal participants. Peer-to-peer means decentralization breaking away from pyramid-based systems, greed-based systems and putting **people** back in the center of their own (digital) lives.
## So how can I access / use your internet today? What can I do on it?
By June, some of the first experiences will be live. This includes file storage and communication tools and a virtual browser, all with the advantages of being more sustainable for our planet and with full control of your own data. And over time, more and more experiences will come to this internet. Well be updating here and on our communication platforms as they come. But dont worry, as a user it doesnt change much no coding required. :)
## Will [enter website or app here] be available on your internet?
There are some tremendous reasons for a website or app to use our internet, but that will really be up to the website or the app. In the end, we are providing a responsible solution for responsible people and organizations. We would love to host anybody who believes in what we are doing!
## How are you making sure its safe?
Hacking has become a part of life and is almost impossible to avoid in the current systems they are too complex and require too many people to operate. This results in less security which results in lots of security breaches. We took a look at the existing Internet (seven layers) and simplified it down to three layers. By simplifying the architecture and instead creating technology that is self-driving & self-healing, we removed the human requirement and therefore vastly minimized the possibility for hacking or human error. Then we also developed a storage algorithm which makes it such that if some of the information gets lost or stolen (somehow) or if some hardware goes down, it is all retrievable. Long story short, we flipped the existing system on its head.
## What about the data ownership part?
That has a bit to do with the security as well. Since you own your data, you decide who gets access. Which means your data isnt just out “there” for the taking. Basically, we put you at the center of your digital life, where the applications and experiences you use serve you, not the other way around.
## And how is it better for the planet?
There are a few reasons for us being more sustainable. Data centers are super unsustainable, so the simple (but incomplete) answer is “no more huge data centers.” But if you want more detail:
- We use up to 3x less hardware for the same output, and using hardware at least 2x longer while maintaining good performance
- Having capacity everywhere, local to where users are this reduces network requirements (and can even improve security)
- Using new algorithms (e.g. the one mentioned above for storage) which have dramatic efficiency improvement
- Re-using hardware where possible lets not throw away
## How much will it cost?
In the end we want to provide sustainable access to the internet and all of its solutions for less than a dollar per month per person but for now the cost will depend on what you choose to do. Certain experiences will cost money. Storing photos or videos, for example. But all at a fair price.
## Speaking of money so whats up with the ThreeFold Token?
As we mentioned above, tokens are generated when ThreeFold Farmers adds capacity to the ThreeFold Grid.
Essentially, the ThreeFold Token is the medium of exchange on the new internet. So, if a developer wants to build something (e.g. a website or an app) or a user wants to store something (e.g. photos), he/she/they use(s) ThreeFold Tokens.
## Need more answers?
We hope that helps explains things. Obviously there is [a whole wiki]( to dive in to. If you dont find what youre looking for, please ask us on our [forum](!
*Photo by Nong Vang on [Unsplash](*

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@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
id: internet_destroying_brain
title: Response - The Internet is Destroying Our Brains, but We Can't Quit
image_caption: The Internet is Destroying Our Brains
description: A response to a poignant article written by P.E. Moskowitz on the dangers of today's Internet.
date: 2021-07-01
tags: [why, peer_to_peer, digital_twin, technology]
categories: [threefold, twin]
author: sam_taggart
imgPath: internet_destroying_brain.png
The other day, I came across [a poignant article]( written by [P.E. Moskowitz]( entitled "The internet is destroying our brains, but we can't quit. It's a factory we're forced to work in without any pay." As someone who started out in social media advertising (read: trying to capture peoples' attention to get them to buy or do something often by using their data against them), worked in influencer marketing in its early days, and has now gone 180º to help to build a decentralized Internet by people and for people (where people are digitally sovereign), it really resonated with me.
It's commonly-discussed (see: The Social Dilemma) and quite obvious if you use or have used the Internet and specifically social media, that we are addicted to being online. In fact, we're actually even chemically triggered by social media and other online experiences. Said Jeff Orlowski, director of The Social Dilemma, "Social media powerhouses like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are “designed” to exploit users brain chemistry in order to keep them glued to their phones... They were designed to get us to come back. Its to figure out how to reverse-engineer what were most vulnerable to, most susceptible to, to come back. And what we are seeing is a dopamine response in the brain."
In their article, Moskowitz points out how the Internet is not just like a toxic relationship or junk food, where you can leave or stop yourself from eating, rather it's "an all-encompassing technology, our main economic engine, the tool we are forced to use to meet others and mediate our entire lives."
The truth is that the Internet *has* become more than an addiction, it's become a necessity to keep up in today's increasingly-digital world. Yet the Internet is not even accessible to about 40% of the global population and for those who *do* have access, it does not serve us. It's actually the other way around. We are the product.
"We produce the memes, tweets, posts, and pictures that keep us tethered to the internet, and then that content is monetized in the form of advertisements - revenue users help produce, but do not usually see a penny of," says Moskowitz. We have become cogs in a machine that uses us for its own benefit. Or as they call it, "a factory we're forced to work in without any pay."
"Our entire society has been reformulated around the internet, much like it was centered around the factory during the Industrial Revolution. If there's an Amazon Web Services outage, much of our society stops functioning. Without the internet, we couldn't find jobs, or, at this point, even friends."
## So, what do we do?
Moskowitz is correct in their thinking when they say the following, "A solution to our current internet-use crisis cannot come at an individual level anymore than one person quitting their job would solve capitalism's poor working conditions. If we want any hope of making the internet less stressful, less back-breaking, and more fulfilling, content creators, gig economy workers, and even casual internet users need to push for a systemic solution."
Simply pending less time on the Internet or using certain apps instead of others is not going to make much of a difference in the end. There are billions of people on the Internet today to make up for the loss. And the underlying system is still massively flawed and can be manipulated. Bold, widespread, systemic change is indeed what we need. A revolution, perhaps.
As pointed out recently [in TGDaily](, ThreeFold is that revolution.
ThreeFold is the engine for a *new* Internet, driven by a movement of people who care about a better future. With more than two decades of direct knowledge of the Internet and Cloud industries, we flipped today's Internet on its head. We rebuilt the architecture from the ground up, with people and our planet at the center of our focus. Instead of relying on centralized hyper-scale data centers owned by a few private corporations, we provide the opportunity for people across the world with access to a network connection and electricity to plug in hardware and provide local capacity, and earn income while they are at it.
In our model, we prioritize simplicity, security, efficiency, and privacy. The technology runs autonomously, removing human error and malicious intent from the equation. Connections are peer-to-peer, meaning no middlemen get in the way of our content, our transactions, or other data. And importantly, people own their data. What we produce is ours. We decide where it gets stored and we decide who can access it (and for what value). In fact, it's basically impossible from a technical standpoint for anybody to access someone's data without their consent including us.
On top of the technology, we provide experiences. People will have one single log-in and verifiable identity, and gain access to the tools (experiences) they need for communication and for work. As we are a decentralized movement, soon, anybody will be able to build anything they like on top of ThreeFold but it is our vision and belief that the Internet should not be addictive. Rather a tool for all of humanity to connect, learn, and prosper with people at the center, not treated as products.
To the author's concern, content creators and gig economy workers would clearly benefit from such a digital world as well. Of course services like Airbnb or Uber or Etsy or even YouTube provide value as they are crowded marketplaces both for providers and customers. That said, they profit from people, typically on both sides of the transaction. In a peer-to-peer world, we can create fair and equal marketplaces where the content or product is owned completely by the person listing it there and the value goes 100% directly from person to person. This means no hidden fees, no uncertainty over ownership, no censorship or control from a third party. Of course it's not all predetermined at this moment, but what I can say is that our biggest concerns in what we create are and will always be fairness and equality (and sustainability / regeneration). So, together, we will bring all of this tolife in the best interest of people.
## Join the Movement
In their article, Moskowitz concluded that "perhaps it is only a matter of time before enough of us say 'enough,' and protest the internet's totalizing grasp on our labor and our lives." But where does protest lead without a viable solution? Maybe this is the type of systemic change Moskowitz could imagine and could stand behind. It's not a band-aid approach, rather a total re-imagination and re-execution of today's flawed and manipulative Internet. It's an Internet by people, for people. Instead of working in the factory, we become the factory co-owners and the Internet works for us.
If you believe in what we are building, we invite you to join the movement:
- [Become a farmer](
- [Stay updated on ThreeFold News](
- [Join the conversation](
- [Test the technology](
- [Follow us on Twitter](
- [Buy the ThreeFold Token](
We are a growing group of people from around the world who not only believe what many of you believe, but we are doing something about it. Let's grow the People's Internet, together.

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@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
id: internet_energy_consumption
title: "How to stop the Internet from Gobbling the Worlds Energy"
image_caption: How to stop the Internet from Gobbling the Worlds Energy
description: Oftentimes, the Internets significant energy consumption and climate impacts go unnoticed. At ThreeFold, we're leading the way by working on energy-efficient and sustainable solutions for the Internet.
date: 2022-04-26
tags: [threefold, why]
categories: [threefold]
author: hannah_cordes
imgPath: internet_energy_consumption.png
*Global carbon emissions keep rising. Climate change and the collapse of biodiversity are accelerating faster than ever before. And yet, its important to believe in our ability to change our behaviour if we are to secure our childrens future. Its not about being naive or optimistic, but rather a commitment to change and to do better. Across the globe, movements are sprouting to save our planet. How does ThreeFold take part in this? How are we contributing to making the world a better place?*  
Once emitted, carbon can remain in our atmosphere for hundreds of years. To survive climate change, massive amounts of carbon emissions have to be offset and fast. According to a UN report, [10 billion tons]( of carbon emissions will have to be removed on a yearly basis by 2050 to prevent the planet from moving past the 2 degree Celsius threshold. Allowing the climate to heat by just one more degree would have unprecedented consequences including the sinking of islands and coastal areas, an accelerated rate of extinction (right now, estimations suggest that about [24 to 150 species go extinct]( every day) and much more. Our complacency towards climate change proves that were still in denial of the chain reaction and butterfly effects of our past and present actions.
Clearly, weve already crossed the threshold in the climate crisis where we had enough time for long debates on potential measures and policies. The time for those debates was in the 1960s, when a [report]( by former US President Johnsons Science Advisory Committee first warned about the risks and dangers of excessive carbon emissions. “Climate change is the result of more than a century of unsustainable energy and land use, lifestyles and patterns of consumption and production,” said Jim Skea, one of the IPCC Working Group III Co-Chairs in a [press release]( published earlier this month. According to [a report]( published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), we can still achieve our climate goals if we significantly reduce emissions across all economic sectors. However, we urgently need to take action to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Now is the time to act. Now is the time for bold moves. As Skea put it: “Without immediate and deep emissions reductions across all sectors, it will be impossible.”
## The astonishing carbon footprint of the Internet
While people are legitimately obsessing about the emissions caused by air travel and whether to take that plane or not bestowing us with concepts like flight shaming other industries significant impacts almost go unnoticed. One of them is the Internet.
Think about the [chat messages and emails]( you send out every day. How many times do you [google]( things? How much time do you spend [streaming]( music or videos? All of your online activities add to your carbon footprint. There are a couple grams of carbon emissions attached to the energy needed to power your devices and the wireless networks you connect to. On top of that comes the significant amount of energy required to support the infrastructure of todays Internet, namely millions of data centers and the thousands of servers in each of them.
Even though the emissions caused by streaming one song or sending one email may seem insignificant, the accumulated use of the Internet by billions of people all over the world adds up. It actually leads to a collective carbon footprint amounting to a share of roughly [3.7% of global emissions]( caused by the Internet and its infrastructure and these carbon emissions are estimated[ to double]( within the next three years. This 3.7% share of global emissions by the Internet almost makes the global aviation industry with its estimated [2.1%]( emissions look good.
The global pandemic while decreasing emissions in aviation due to travel bans has already accelerated Internet consumption and the resulting footprint due to increased streaming behaviour, remote work and more. With [1 billion people]( and [75 billion IoT devices](,IoT%20installed%20base%20in%202019.) expected to join the Internet economy by 2025, a more sustainable infrastructure than power-hungry data centers is urgently needed to meet the future growth of the Internet in an ethical and sustainable way.
## Data Centers are power hungry
Big tech corporations like Amazon, for example, have massive carbon footprints with their corporate facilities, power-hungry data centers, complex operations and more. One larger data center alone consumes up to [120 MW]( and there are about 7.2 million data centers worldwide, according to [Statista]( Moreover, a data centers energy consumption accounts for [about 40%]( of its operating costs. In 2020, Amazon emitted more than [60 million metric tons]( of carbon dioxide up from about 51 million in 2019. Others like Google try to downplay their energy consumption by switching to renewable energy. While renewable energy is an improvement for sure, it does not change the fact that Googles energy consumption could [power entire countries](
Is that really a desirable way for us to use the still scarce supply of renewable energy? Shouldnt we rather focus on the root problem and on becoming more energy efficient in the first place?
The first step should be to reduce the Internets energy consumption and overall carbon footprint. But even then: reducing that energy consumption and transitioning to clean energy will only get us so far particularly when considering that there simply is not enough clean energy to achieve a complete transition. Those emissions that cannot be cut have to be compensated for. A holistic solution to todays Internets inefficiencies and emissions is needed.
## An energy-efficient and regenerative Internet
In December 2021, ThreeFold [announced]( its commitment to achieve a carbon double win for its open-source peer-to-peer Internet infrastructure, the ThreeFold Grid. The ThreeFold Grid is able to scale anywhere electricity and network exist, using about 10 times less energy than any comparable alternative while being more affordable as well. By starting from scratch at the operating system level, ThreeFold was able to build an Internet infrastructure that is highly [energy efficient]( This infrastructure is already made up of thousands of 3Nodes that are spread across 75 countries and counting.
Together with [Take Action Global]( (TAG), an expert on climate education and action, ThreeFold aims to make the ThreeFold Grid planet-positive by removing its carbon emissions from the atmosphere three times in the form of [Voluntary Carbon Credits]( While the pilot for this initiative was announced to start in January 2022, ThreeFold and TAG were so eager to take action against climate change, they kicked-off the pilot one month early in December 2021. It is the first step in ThreeFolds plan to support the use of nature-based climate solutions like tree planting to absorb twice more carbon than the ThreeFold Grid emits by 2022. 
## A silver lining on the horizon
Every industry and organization has to pull their own weight. There is no way around it. Far-reaching actions and transformations are needed across industries to limit global warming to bearable levels. “The decisions we make now can secure a liveable future. We have the tools and know-how required to limit warming,” said Hoesung Lee, IPCC Chair, in an April 2022 [press release]( Together with TAG, ThreeFold leads the way by working on energy-efficient and sustainable solutions for the Internet. The new IPCC report gives us a reason to be optimistic about our future and have hope for the regeneration of our planet.
Really, all it takes right now is widespread support and adoption of more energy-efficient, sustainable alternatives across industries like ThreeFold for the Internet something that is up to each and every one of us. Let us all take action for a fairer, more sustainable world.
* Join the global ThreeFold [movement](
* [Start farming]( today and support a greener Internet while regenerating the planet.

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@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
id: internet_evolution
title: "The Evolution Towards A More Secure, Private, And Sovereign Internet"
image_caption: "The Evolution Towards A More Secure, Private, And Sovereign Internet"
description: Today, the Internet is a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, and it continues to evolve. As we continue to innovate and collaborate, we can build a better, more secure digital future for all.
date: 2023-04-11
tags: [threefold_grid, technology, peer_to_peer, threefold_cloud]
categories: [foundation]
author: victoria_obeegadoo
imgPath: internet_evolution.png
The Internet has undergone a natural evolution from its early days as a fragmented network of computers, to the vast interconnected web of infrastructure and platforms we know today. This has shaped the way we communicate, work, and live. With each passing decade, new technologies and protocols have emerged to address growing concerns about cybercrime, surveillance, and censorship. Let's take a closer look at each phase of this evolution and how ThreeFold is taking action for the next step.
## 1960s to 1980s: Internet's Early Days
The Internet as we know it began as a project of the US Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in the 1960s, with the aim of creating a communication network that could withstand a nuclear attack. The network was designed to be decentralized, so that if one node was destroyed, the network could still function. The result was a decentralized system that allowed computers to communicate with each other over long distances, without relying on a central server.
By the 1970s, the ARPANET (as it was then called) had grown to include dozens of nodes and was used by government agencies, educational institutions, and research organizations for communication and data sharing. However, it was still very much a fragmented network, and accessing information from one system to another was not easy. So, in the early 1970s, Ray Tomlinson developed the first email system, which enabled users to send messages between different computers on the ARPANET.
In the late 1970s, the TCP/IP protocol suite was developed, which enabled computers to communicate across different networks and laid the foundation for the global Internet. This was the dawn of the peer-to-peer concept. In the early 1980s, the Domain Name System (DNS) was developed, which provided a way to translate human-readable domain names into IP addresses, making it easier to access websites and other resources on the Internet. Finally, in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web, which provided a user-friendly interface for accessing and sharing information on the Internet.
The early days of the Internet were a time of experimentation and innovation, as researchers explored new ways to connect computers and share data. This phase of the Internet was focused on building the underlying infrastructure of the network and establishing protocols for communication between computers.
## 1990s & 2000s: Popularization & Commodification of the Internet
The 1990s marked a turning point in the Internet's evolution. The World Wide Web became the primary way people accessed information and connected with one another online. This new platform, which allowed users to easily access and share information, changed the Internet's use from an exclusive network for institutions and organizations to a tool accessible to the general public. As such, there was an explosion in its use, which allowed for the rise of e-commerce and online advertising creating new business opportunities and changing the way we shop and consume media.
The emergence of new ways to interact online in the 1990s and early 2000s further popularized the Internet. Companies such as Amazon, eBay, and Yahoo! capitalized on this trend, creating a massive online market for goods and services. The further commodification of the Internet led to the rise of tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon.
This phase of the Internet was thus marked by the consolidation of power in the hands of a few large companies who controlled the infrastructure and thus access to information and data. The introduction of social media created new ways for people to connect and share information, but it also enabled the spread of misinformation and misuse of data. Some companies began to build their businesses on the collection and analysis of user data to sell advertising, which started raising concerns about data ownership, privacy, and security.
The 2000s also saw the rise of cybercrime and surveillance on the Internet. Cybercriminals began to exploit vulnerabilities in websites and software to steal sensitive information like credit card numbers, passwords, and personal data. Governments also started to monitor online activities in the name of national security. This led to the development of more advanced security protocols like HTTPS and VPNs to protect users' privacy and data.
## 2010s: The Age of Big Data and Social Media
The 2010s saw the rise of big data and social media, which brought a new set of privacy and security concerns. Issues such as data breaches, cyber attacks, and online harassment were becoming increasingly common as the Internet continued to evolve. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter collected vast amounts of data on their users, often without their explicit knowledge or consent. Governments continued to monitor online activities, and there were widespread reports of government surveillance and censorship.
These issues led to a growing awareness of the need for a more secure and privacy-centric Internet. This phase of the Internet was marked by growing concerns about data ownership, privacy, and security. The [Cambridge Analytica scandal]( and the [Equifax data breach]( are just a few examples of the risks associated with the commodification of user data. To combat these issues, new technologies like blockchain and decentralized networks began to emerge. These technologies promised to create a more secure and private Internet by removing centralized control and giving users more control over their data.
## 2020s So Far: A Shift Towards Privacy and Sovereignty
The 2020s have seen a growing movement towards creating a more private and sovereign Internet. With continued concerns about data breaches, surveillance, and censorship, there has been a growing demand for more secure and private online services. Many people have started to switch to privacy-focused services like Signal and ProtonMail, which offer end-to-end encryption and other privacy protections.
Governments and tech companies are also starting to recognize the importance of privacy and sovereignty. The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are examples of legislation that aim to protect users' privacy and give them more control over their data. Tech companies like Apple and Google are also introducing new privacy features in their products to give users more control over their data.
We are now seeing the emergence of Web3 technology, which aims to create a decentralized Internet that is more secure and private. Web3 is built on blockchain technology, which allows for decentralized control and eliminates the need for third-party intermediaries. This technology also enables the creation of user-centric digital twins, which are unique digital representations of individuals that can be used to authenticate their identity and provide secure access to online services.
Secure cloud technologies are also becoming increasingly important in the quest for a more secure and sovereign Internet. Cloud technologies provide scalable and reliable infrastructure for storing and processing data, but they also come with security risks. To address these risks, new technologies like confidential computing and secure enclaves are being developed to provide secure cloud environments that protect sensitive data from unauthorized access.
Together, these emerging technologies are driving a paradigm shift towards a more secure, private, and sovereign Internet. While there is still much work to be done to address the challenges of cybersecurity and privacy in the digital age, these developments are promising signs that we are moving in the right direction.
## Looking Ahead: Together We Build
Today, the Internet is a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, and it continues to evolve. As we continue to innovate and collaborate, we can build a better, more secure digital future for all. Already, we are seeing the emergence of new technologies, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, that promise to transform the Internet even further. As we move forward, we can expect to see more innovations and developments that aim to create a more secure, decentralized, and user-centric Internet that prioritizes privacy, data ownership, and security.
On our side, at ThreeFold, we see that many of the solutions being presented today are mere band-aids, without addressing the root of the problems of what the Internet has become. Our founders, who were early Internet pioneers themselves, along with a dedicated team, are building the infrastructure for tomorrows Internet. One that takes inspiration from the early days. One that is decentralized, peer-to-peer, open-source, secure, private, and much more! We believe that putting people at the forefront of our project is crucial, and that protecting our planets resources while doing so is equally important. We have a project like no other, and if you believe in the evolution of the Internet towards more security, privacy & sovereignty, we invite you to dive in to learn more.
- Visit our [Website](
- Visit our [Forum](
- Collaborate on [GitHub](
- Subscribe to our [Weekly & Monthly Newsletters](
- Connect with us on [Twitter](, [LinkedIn](, & [Reddit](
- Join our [Community Chat]( and [Updates Channel](
* Visit our [Website](
* Visit our [Forum](
* Collaborate on [GitHub](
* Subscribe to our [Weekly & Monthly Newsletters](
* Connect with us on [Twitter](, [LinkedIn](, & [Reddit](
* Join our [Community Chat]( and [Updates Channel](

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@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
id: intro_to_farming
title: An intro to ThreeFold Farming
image_caption: internet farming
description: We probably dont need to tell you that the invention of Blockchain technology changed the world dramatically..
date: 2020-02-03
tags: [threefold]
categories: [threefold]
author: andreas_hartl
imgPath: intro_to_farming.png
We probably dont need to tell you that the invention of Blockchain technology changed the world dramatically. The ThreeFold application of Blockchain technology to compute and storage capacity is one of the most exciting initiatives we have seen to date.
## The problem
There are some major challenges with the current foundation of the internet and how it has moved from being a medium to independently share information amongst internet users to a multi-billion dollar industry governed by a few (American) companies.
## The solution
The ThreeFold Foundation has the key to change the internet for good, and you might want to play a big role in this. And so can you! By becoming a farmer you are taking part in that process. You are contributing to a significant increase in Net Neutrality which has come under serious threat in recent years. You are helping to build a more sustainable Internet for generations to come by giving the internet back to the people.
_The ThreeFold Foundation has created end-to-end technology that creates a very stable digital currency with neutral, private and distributed capacity generating hardware as a financial backing mechanism._
## The ecosystem
The ThreeFold Ecosystem is a token economy where tokens (digital currency) are being generated (and therefore financially backed) by internet capacity generating equipment, owned by anyone and housed anywhere. By building and creating internet capacity owned and operated by all of us, we can create wealth and business opportunities for anyone in the world. Also, this sets the foundation for a more stable digital currency to emerge.
Now is the best time to become a ThreeFold Farmer. Anyone who signs up now to purchase and connect Internet capacity servers or create capacity pools, will be part of the first ones doing so and therefore will enjoy a higher return on investment than people joining at a later stage.

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@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
id: join_the_peoples_internet
title: How You Can Join the People's Internet
image_caption: join the people's internet
description: An entirely new Internet economy that is owned by all of us. Add capacity, earn income!
date: 2021-06-09
tags: [threefold, farming]
categories: [threefold, twin]
author: weynand_kuijpers
imgPath: join_the_peoples_internet.png
Yes, that's right. With ThreeFold, you *can* become the Internet! Let me quickly explain. 
Today's Internet is powered by hyper-scale data centers which are owned by large corporations. With +80% of the global infrastructure and +60% of the global Internet networks owned by a bunch of companies, the Internet became a real business with us humans being the products of that business model.
ThreeFold creates an entirely new Internet economy that is owned by all of us and makes the traditional cloud model of building data centers obsolete. With ThreeFold, independent people called "Farmers" plug in 3Nodes (hardware) from their homes or offices anywhere around the world. And they earn income for it.
Together, they power a new, data-sovereign, and planet-positive Internet owned and powered by the people. This is a game-changer.
## So, how do I get a 3Node?
You can buy one of the ready-made nodes from cooperatives around the world. This is a good and very easy way to support the ThreeFold project and to "BE THE INTERNET."
Today you can buy a 3Node via our website. We are also working with our farming cooperatives to decentralize the provisioning and distribution of hardware to a glocal approach (a global network of local networks). 
But what if 3Nodes are not immediately available? For example, last week we had a huge influx of orders for our Titan V2 3Nodes and sold out the entire batch with 3,000 extra orders. We're now talking with many hardware distributors to make sure we can satsify all these orders, but this could take a while.
So if you are a little bit more adventurous, and want to build your 3Node from the ground up, yourself, here's how to do it:
To "become the Internet" is fairly simple (but does take some technical knowledge and effort). Here's what you'll need:
- A computer with an INTEL or AMD brain, some memory, and some storage cabilities.
- A smartphone on which you can download and run the "ThreeFold Connect" app. This will provide you with a wallet (to receive your farmed TFT and to pay a very small amount of TFT to get started).
- A laptop / desktop (and USB stick) to launch your online 3Bot, configure your farm, download your bootloader and burn the bootloader to a USB stick.
- Some technical knowledge, interest and 45 minutes of time.
If you are still here and reading, we're good to go! I go through the whole process in a 3-minute video which will give you a quick overview of how to set up your farm. (Click through to the video on YouTube and find helpful links in the description.)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Prefer a different format? We also have forum topics live about [the pre-requirements]( and [how to set up your 3Node]( (the steps I share in the video).
Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading this post and we hope to have you as part of our growing, global farming community. If you have any questions, please head to [our forum]( or feel free to join us on [our ThreeFold Farmer chat]( on Telegram.
Photo by [Nicholas Green]( on Unsplash

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@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
id: planet_first_people_first
title: "Planet first. People first."
image_caption: Planet first. People first.
description: Together with our community and partners, we're taking action and making productive choices for our planet and humanity.
date: 2022-07-05
tags: [threefold, why]
categories: [threefold]
author: hannah
imgPath: planet_first_people_first.png
Today, the world is facing an unprecedented number of crises and disruptions stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic to climate change to Russias invasion of Ukraine. From supply chain disruptions and rising inflation to shortages in food and energy supply, serious challenges lie ahead.
We have always believed that technology can help some of humanitys greatest challenges for example by providing the foundation for an interconnected world that can enable abundance to spread. ThreeFold has focused on developing a more reliable Internet which can meet the demands and challenges of the future. A [more sustainable]( Internet that uses [less energy]( and is offsetting its carbon emissions by supporting tree planting and other impact initiatives. And an Internet that empowers us with digital [sovereignty]( while providing high levels of [privacy and security]( One that is [inclusive]( by being more affordable and accessible.
Our [mission]( is planet first and people first. 
## The planet and people are at the heart of our movement
Without our planet, humanity has no home. Without our planet, we cant survive. The fate of humanity depends on the planets health. We need a healthy planet for humanity to thrive. And our planet needs regenerative solutions at a large scale that combat climate change and the collapse of biodiversity. That includes the Internet and everything that lives on top.
ThreeFold aims to deliver on our promise of providing better solutions for our planet and people through our technology. With this approach, were taking action and making productive choices for our planet and humanity. Our [journey]( is shaped by the determination to drive the regeneration of our planet and to enable a better life for people.
*“Today billions of people dont have access to the internet because of their station of birth. On one hand, it is unfair to them, and on the other, the world is losing billions of inventors and talents. Our internet can scale to anywhere electricity and network exist to provide access to the internet, education, and financial inclusion to everyone.” [Kristof de Spiegeleer](*
Our approach is also based on community and connection. Were determined to build better, sustainable and inclusive systems for the planet and people from realizing the Internet of Internets on a global scale to reimagining business, governance, finance, education and more in order to provide better alternatives for people, enterprises and governments. And we are in dialogue and partnership with global leaders who share a similar vision.
Here are three examples of the impact were creating together:
* Together with [Take Action Global](, were offsetting the ThreeFold Grids emissions three times through planting and protecting trees
* Together with [IETSA](, were making the decentralized Internet more accessible in underserved South African communities while also providing education in blockchain and Web 3.0 technologies
* Together with [Solidaridad](, were working on the Fair Data initiative to enable a fair data economy
## Driving change towards the future we want to live in
We strongly believe in the ThreeFold Law which states that any good you do will return to you threefold in this lifetime. By making our technology actionable, we energize a collective approach towards a single mission empowering humanity while regenerating our planet.
Were aware that this mission is a big one. Were aware how aspirational it is. Were aware that we are not perfect. And we realize that changing the world for the better requires patience and community. Were in it for the [long run]( and were in it together.
*“It's an honor every day to wake up and be a part of a global movement of people who are trying to build a better Internet for humanity that can uplift and empower.” [Adnan Fatayerji](*
ThreeFold is more than a company or a project. ThreeFold is a global movement consisting of like-minded individuals and partners who share these values and vision. A movement united in our shared beliefs in open source, peer-to-peer, equality and inclusion. By coming together to build a better Internet, we can create the foundation for a better world. Were incredibly proud of the ThreeFold community and ecosystem. This beautiful community consists of open-minded, passionate and determined people from all around the world, just like you. Were dreamers, creators, builders and change makers.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
## We are part of the solution
There are many great projects and organizations out there that also follow the planet-first people-first philosophy. Like [Ecosia]( the search engine that plants trees and thereby positively impacts ecosystems, communities and our planet. Like [ShareTheMeal]( the worlds first app against global hunger that enables you to share the meal with a child in need with one simple tap on your phone. Like [Patagonia]( a designer of outdoor clothing and sports gear that turned into an environmental activist. And like so many others.
Together, we can achieve the extraordinary. The ThreeFold movement is building our own future through the [Internet of Internets]( an Internet that will be made up of hundreds, thousands, and ultimately millions, of interconnected local Internets that enables us all to directly connect and exchange without limitations or intermediaries. No matter what you do to support planet-first people-first movements, thank you. In doing so, youre making a difference. Youre contributing to making the world a better place.
With ThreeFold, anyone anywhere can make a difference. For a better life, for a better future.
If not us, who? If not now, when?
*If youre new to ThreeFold and dont know you to contribute best, here are a few ways to take action:*
* *[Join]( this growing movement*
* *[Buy]( or [build]( a 3Node and be the Internet*
* *[Buy]( TFT*

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@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
title: "Co-Realizing the Promise"
description: "Together with our global community, we're realizing the initial promise of an open-source, peer-to-peer Internet owned by the people."
date: 2022-03-21T14:40:00-05:00
template: blogPage.html
categories: ["peer-to-peer", "threefold"]
subtitle: "Together with our global community, we're realizing the initial promise of an open-source, peer-to-peer Internet owned by the people."
author: "Sacha Obeegadoo"
imgPath: realizing_the_promise.png
isFeatured: "true"
What was once a massive global movement sparked by the idealism of free culture and the net, is now hosting a wave of unintended consequences that may destroy sovereignty and freedom as we know it. The digital revolution and the “democratization” of the Internet promised to lead us to a prosperous and equitable world, one that brought us closer together, eliminating both physical and virtual boundaries.
“We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth… a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity… Your legal concepts of property, expression, identity, movement, and context do not apply to us. They are all based on matter, and there is no matter here.” Declaration of independence of Cyberspace John Perry Barlow Davos, 1996.
Unfortunately, this is not the world we live in today. Borders are hardening in our virtual world with the Great Firewall of China and the widespread emergence of Internet “clusters”. Many countries have attempted to turn off Internet services or to prevent free speech. Networks and algorithms turn us into data generators, influencing our daily habits and interests. Its turning into a big AI-driven machine that commoditizes our lives, leaves the underserved behind and fails to provide sovereignty where we gather.
A centralized Internet which is controlled by a handful of companies is a serious existential threat. The technology that connects us is now used to distract, manipulate, polarize, divide and control the way we think, act and live our lives. If emerging technologies such as IoT, Blockchain and the Metaverse are not hosted on a self-sovereign, peer-to-peer infrastructure owned by all of us, we may be running head down into the matrix.
With billions of people and IoT devices expected to join this broken digital world this decade, we have no choice but to heal our broken information ecosystem if we want to address the challenges we face collectively. So as we move towards a world where tech and science are merging together, how do we ensure a neutral, inclusive and regenerative digital future one that truly serves humanity and eliminates the barriers that divide us?
The peer-to-peer Internet incentivizes all citizens of our world to connect computers from their homes or offices to participate in a distributed data economy owned by the people. By allowing humans and machines to interweave without intermediaries, a decentralized and self-sovereign Internet can emerge.
Quite simply there is no good reason that our data is being stored and controlled by others in the information age. Why are we paying centralized companies to handle our information on our behalf, when it makes us vulnerable to be turned into products, and would take us the same time to do it ourselves?
Peer-to-peer isnt an alternative to the Internet, its an alternative to centralized cloud giants. The Internet doesnt need replacing; it is one of the most beautiful inventions of our civilization, if not the greatest. Which is not to say that cloud providers are completely obsolete. They serve functions that decentralized systems cannot (e.g. big data); but peer-to-peer systems are just infinitely more resilient, secure, private and scalable.
In times of exponential evolution and innovation, we have our fears around the Internet.
We dont need to disconnect ourselves even further from our reality and it is our responsibility to ensure a safe and fair future for the generations to come. A centralized Internet which is controlled by a handful of companies is a serious existential threat. If emerging technologies such as IoT, Blockchain and the Metaverse are not hosted on a self-sovereign, peer-to-peer infrastructure owned by all of us, we may be running head down into the matrix.
The potential of technology to change the world remains endless and limited to our own imagination. We decide to switch from fear to love, and to move forward as one humanity. It is our responsibility as global citizens to pursue greater collective consciousness.

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@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
id: tech_as_a_tool_for_humanity
title: "Technology as a Tool for Humanity"
image_caption: "Technology as a Tool for Humanity"
description: While technology has had an important role in the creation of todays societies, it might have an even greater role for our future. Two opposite pictures could be painted - a utopia or a dystopia. Technology should not be a tool to extort humanity, but one at the service of humanity.
date: 2022-10-28
tags: [threefold, why]
categories: [threefold]
author: victoria_obeegadoo
imgPath: tech_as_a_tool_for_humanity.png
## Technology as a tool for humanity
Technology… In todays world, technology holds a central role. Younger generations in developed countries grow up amidst technological wonders of all sorts, truly immersed in an evolving digital landscape. Any information is a click away, offering immense intellectual capital unlike ever before and on the other hand, great distraction, misinformation, and potential for division.
Technology is a word dating back to the early 17th century, formed from the Greek _tekhnologia_ meaning systematic treatment, itself formed from _tekhnē_ meaning art, craft. Technology is the application of knowledge to reach practical goals in a specifiable and reproducible way. The word technology may also mean the product of such an endeavor, as it is mostly used today.
As technologies enter our world they either add on incrementally to already existing technologies (i.e., tablets) or shake everything up (i.e., television). Technology can be found in most industries and at different levels, ranging from vehicles to home appliances, passing through healthcare, education, and even entertainment. Sometimes technology replaces human labor by replicating it, other times it facilitates processes and makes labor less intensive. Some technology even surpasses human precision.
While technology has had an important role in the creation of todays societies, it might have an even greater role for our future. Two opposite pictures could be painted: a utopia or a dystopia. The utopia of a world full of values-driven, well-constructed technologies promises an increased quality of life for all, with digital tools which, for instance, could provide or enable equal educational opportunities for all, mobility everywhere, a universal basic income and the promise of never having to work again (e.g. in the sense of wage labor).
On the other hand, a dystopia could be the result of reckless technological advancement. Questions are raised, like, will most jobs be dominated by artificial intelligence (AI) in 20 years? Will privacy become a myth, with personal data being controlled by a handful? Will consumerism rule societies and reinforce social struggles?
One technology that has been slowly taking the dystopian route is the Internet. While major Internet and Cloud infrastructure advancements were made since the beginning of the millennium through hyper-scale data centers, the current Internet infrastructure model has many flaws:
- **It is centralized**: The GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft) own 80% of the global compute, storage and network infrastructures. Also the global infrastructure is concentrated in the U.S in large majority, as well as Europe and China.
- **It is inefficient**: Most of the data centers are located in the U.S, forcing the rest of the world to connect via Internet sea cables and having their data flowing outside of their borders and back.
- **It is not scalable**: Emerging technologies require the global Internet infrastructure to triple in size in the next 4 years. It took 20+ years to build the current Internet infrastructure. So, we need to build 3 times more in 5 times less time.
- **It is not affordable**: It costs billions of dollars and enormous amounts of energy and time to build, manage and productize hyper-scale data centers. Only the richest countries in the world build data centers and the rest of the world become their clients.
- **It is not private**: Anyone can access Google Chrome or Facebook for free. But as outlined by movies such as the Social Dilemma or The Great Hack, if it is free, you are the product. The webs Ad model is threatening our privacy and the net neutrality of the global internet.
- **It is not secure**: The current IT stack depends on human error and it has been considered as the major cause of cybersecurity breaches with more than 95% of the cases. Human errors allow attackers to access encrypted channels and sensitive information
- **It is not sustainable:** Data centers are extremely power hungry, consuming over 2 trillion gigabytes of storage and consuming around 205 TWh - More than the State of New York. According to statistics, the Internet consumes between 10-20% of global energy resources.
- **It cannot support future demand:** To meet projected demand for 2022, more than 4,000 new data centers, costing an estimated $5 trillion, will be needed to build and consume an additional 400 GW/h. This is roughly equivalent to Japans energy consumption and would place an impossible strain on the global electricity grid. The rising demand for Internet storage is already causing hardware shortages and price hikes.
At ThreeFold, we want to encourage the creation of a utopian future driven by thoughtful technology. Our founders took part in the way the Internet was created, full of beautiful promises, and have seen first-hand how those promises have been corrupted throughout its evolution. By building a new Internet infrastructure from scratch, ThreeFold goes back to those original promises while having learnt from the development mistakes.
Kristof, our CEO, [wrote in a blog](
> "The Internet allows the expansion of our village life to become a global community. It allows us to act as a global tribe with all information at our fingertips, it offers the possibility to get equal access to all planet resources. It has the promise for global free communication, instant availability of information, unlimited opportunities for growth and education. But what happened to our Beautiful Internet?"
> "The Internet allowed us to become more efficient in depriving mother earth from her resources. It allowed us to become more addicted to immediate gratification, examples are social media networks and the adult entertainment industry. Beautiful new possibilities like digital currencies became a gambling game and a source of wealth for the smartest hackers. The communication capabilities of the Internet allowed the few to manipulate the many."
By putting people, planet and authenticity at the core of the development of our technology, we want to gift societes a remade internet. Features of this technology include sovereignty & decentralization, security & privacy, unlimited scalability, green & self healing properties, cost effectiveness, and reliability. The human is put at the center of our Internet model.
Technology should not be a tool to extort humanity, but one at the service of humanity.

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@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
id: what_is_farming
title: What is ThreeFold Farming?
image_caption: What is farming
description: A decentralized and energy-efficient way for people to expand a new Internet infrastructure.
date: 2022-03-01
tags: [peer_to_peer,why,farming,threefold]
categories: [how]
author: sacha_obeegadoo
imgPath: what_is_farming.png
ThreeFold farming refers to the act of connecting a 3Node to the ThreeFold Grid providing Internet capacity to a globally distributed peer-to-peer Internet infrastructure. Farming is a decentralized and energy-efficient way for people to expand a new Internet infrastructure instead of corporations building hyper-scale data centers. Its also a way to extend the Internet to underserved regions of our planet, which cannot afford data centers. Every ThreeFold Farmer around the world contributes to the growth of the foundation for a self-sovereign, private and secure digital world.
Anyone can start farming by hosting a computer at their home or office and taking part in the decentralization of our global Internet and Cloud economy.
## Why become a ThreeFold Farmer?
Todays Internet model is highly centralized, owned and operated by the few. It has turned people into products, is too harmful for our planet, cannot scale to meet emerging demands and connect the billions who are being left behind. These alone are powerful reasons to participate in ThreeFold farming and participate in the growth of a new peer-to-peer Internet economy.
Further, the Internet is the second largest and fastest growing industry in the world after the financial markets. With the Internet expected to triple in size by 2025 to meet the data requirements of emerging technologies such as blockchain, Web3 and IoT, we need more capacity and especially in underserved regions of the world.
## Basics of ThreeFold Farming
ThreeFold is a peer-to-peer network of computers (known as “3Nodes”), including servers, desktops and laptops, that creates an open-source, decentralized Internet. People who connect computers to the ThreeFold Grid (known as “farmers”) are rewarded with ThreeFold Tokens (TFT) on a monthly basis for meeting the required uptime necessary for users to access their workloads.
The process of connecting decentralized Internet capacity and thereby creating new ThreeFold Tokens is described as farming because it resembles the process of farming in agriculture. With agricultural farming, farmers cultivate the land and earn revenue from their harvests. With ThreeFold, farmers connect decentralized Internet capacity and earn ThreeFold Tokens every month for achieving a certain uptime.
The above model represents the building block for a distributed, edge infrastructure that can scale to anywhere electricity and network exists, to meet emerging data demands while also providing the self-sovereignty, privacy and security features to achieve true net-neutrality.
## A Fair Economic Model
ThreeFold was created to realize the promise of an open-source, peer-to-peer Internet. As such, ThreeFold farming rewards all farmers equally according to the amount of Internet capacity they provide to the network.
ThreeFold Tokens are rewarded for the amount of Internet capacity added and kept connected to the network. [Farming rewards]( are calculated according to the compute, storage and network capacity made available by the computers:
- 30 TFT per Compute Unit (2 vCPU and 4 GB memory) per month
- 12.5 TFT per Storage Unit (1 TB of SSD and HDD) per month
- 0.38 TFT per Network Unit (1 GB of data transfer)
- 0.06 TFT per public IP address per hour
The above prices are based on the price of 1 TFT equalling $0.08. The farming rewards are pegged to the U.S Dollar and the price is locked from the time a farmer gets started to incentivize early contributors to the network. When the price of TFT rises, the farming rewards will decrease.
Farming rewards are designed to be “reviewed” by [the ThreeFold DAO]( (a decentralized autonomous organization owned by the ThreeFold community) according to the growth of the ThreeFold Grid and the utilization of its decentralized cloud to ensure a fair distribution of the token economy while also ensuring that farmers will always be justly rewarded for their contribution.
## An innovative and sustainable solution
Bitcoin mining and other blockchains became famous for requiring enormous amounts of computers and power to solve complex mathematical equations to win the chance of earning the famous cryptocurrency. Since then, many other projects have been born and carried on the mining concept.
ThreeFolds model is inclusive and planet-friendly. The decentralized operating system built and used by ThreeFold is extremely lightweight, allowing the peer-to-peer Internet infrastructure to be up-to 10x more energy efficient than the data center model and up-to 100x more energy efficient than Bitcoin mining.
The infrastructure was built in such a way that it removes the need for human intervention or maintenance to eliminate all unnecessary backdoors that open the possibility for ransomware and cyberattacks. Once booted, the decentralized operating system runs forever as the whole infrastructure was designed to be self-driving and self-healing. This 100% autonomous model allows for a completely decentralized system while also enhancing the security and privacy.
While blockchain remains an incredible store of value, it is neither an efficient nor a scalable solution to store data and run applications. Only a peerto-peer model can scale the Internet infinitely and efficiently.
## Considerations before getting started
The following are important factors to consider for ThreeFold farming profitability:
### Computer Hardware
Farmers are encouraged to use the latest computers, including servers, desktops, and laptops that come with an AMD and Intel processor. The computer should have at least 1 Terabyte of SSD to optimize the performance of their farming activity. It is recommended to buy a ThreeFold 3Node server from certified partners around the globe that comes pre-configured and ready to run on the Grid.
Used or refurbished computers can be used but it is important to understand that older computers are less efficient and more power-hungry. Computers not older than 4 years are recommended. Please visit [the DIY section of our forum]( for support and feedback on farming setups.
### Power Costs
Electrical power is the main operating expense. Electricity is charged per kilowatt-hour (kWh). The cost of farming can float from $0.10 to $0.35 per kWh. It is important for a farmer to verify the expected power usage of a computer before starting the operation to improve profitability.
*Note that the price of kWh varies depending on the country. Find a country power cost average comparison [here](*
### ThreeFold Token Price
An incentive to farm ThreeFold Tokens is because of its future potential. What Bitcoin did to money, ThreeFold is doing to the Internet. While Bitcoin and Etheruem have already reached high market caps, ThreeFold is just getting started.
Farmers are rewarded a given amount of TFT monthly based on the amount of Internet capacity they provide to the network.
If the price of TFT is $0.1, the profitability of the farm will be average. If the price of TFT is $0.3 your farming operation may operate with healthy rewards. If the price of TFT is $1 your farming operation will be highly rewarding.
Farming rewards are also locked until 30% utilization for a period of 2 years to incentivize early participants. The earlier you start your farming operation, the greater the rewards along with the growth in the value of TFT.
The right mix of the above elements make farming an attractive venture. If the variables are favorable, farmers can scale up operations and earn more rewards.
## Conclusion
Anyone can start farming by hosting a computer at their home or office and take part in the decentralization of our global Internet and Cloud economy. Considering ThreeFolds market cap alongside the growing demand for a decentralized Internet, theres no better time than now to get started farming!
[Buy]( or [build]( a 3Node and become a ThreeFold Farmer!

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@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
id: what_is_peer_to_peer
title: What Is Peer-to-Peer and Why Is It so Important?
image_caption: peer to peer
description: P2P systems are network, not linear or pyramidal hierarchies (though they may share some elements)..
date: 2020-12-15
tags: [peer_to_peer,why,farming,technology,threefold]
categories: [threefold,twin]
author: sacha_obeegadoo
imgPath: peer_to_peer.png
## What is Peer-to-Peer?
Peer-to-peer (P2P) is a term that originated from the distributed computer application architecture where tasks and workloads are shared between peers, popularized by [Napster](, a revolutionary file storing system from the late 1990s.
The concept inspired new structures and philosophies in many areas of human interaction. P2P systems and groups are typically critical of authoritarian and centralized social structures and believe in equality, meritocracy, flat systems, participatory & circular economies, as the concept represents a concrete pathway to these outcomes or visions.
P2P systems are network, not linear or 'pyramidal' hierarchies (though they may share some elements). They are 'distributed', though they may have elements of 'centralization' and 'decentralization.' And intelligence is not located at any center, but everywhere within the system.
## How does ThreeFold relate to peer-to-peer?
ThreeFold's Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing network is a distributed architecture that splits tasks and workloads between its peers, [ThreeFold Farmers]( Farmers are equal participants in the network and together they form a peer-to-peer network of nodes, the ThreeFold Grid.
Farmers make their resources, such as processing power, disk storage or network bandwidth, directly available to other network participants, without the need for central coordination by servers or stable hosts. Farmers are both suppliers and consumers of resources, in contrast to the traditional [client-server]( model in which the consumption and supply of resources is divided.
In the near future, ThreeFold will create Digital Twin, which will go beyond the era of peers doing similar things while sharing resources. It will actually enable much more than that. Digital Twin will create a complete new digital world with diverse peers that can bring in unique resources and capabilities to a [virtual community]( on the ThreeFold Grid. This will empower the network of peers to engage in greater tasks beyond those that can be accomplished by individual peers, and are beneficial to all the peers.
## Why did ThreeFold choose peer-to-peer? 
Everything starts (or should start) from the why, and the ThreeFold story started a long time ago. Before the inception of ThreeFold, many of the co-founders of the project used to work with the largest IT & Cloud actors. Throughout their experience working in the Industry, they realized that the complexity of the technology and the centralization of knowledge & power led to an inefficient, unsustainable, not scalable and unequally distributed infrastructure. So they decided to redesign the whole Internet and cloud infrastructure bottom-up with the vision of shaping a global internet economy that can scale anywhere efficiently, cost efficiently and sustainably. 
## Why does the world needs peer-to-peer? 
By developing the technology, the conviction that peer-to-peer was the best solution for humanity and the planet strengthened itself. Why? Well, put simply, a peer-to-peer system removes all forms of intermediaries, unnecessary steps and complexity from the picture. Therefore, it simplifies the architecture in an incredible way. The benefits are many but here are the most popular benefits:
- *Privacy*: Our peer-to-peer environment means no middlemen or intermediaries, meaning data travels directly between peers and stored on the nodes of their choice rather than being sent through and stored by a third party.
- *Security*: Data stored in data centers is susceptible to security breaches. In bypassing data centers and exchanging data directly between peers, we can achieve much greater security as it reduces code and back doors significantly. 
- *Scalability*: In a many-to-many system, scale is essentially unlimited. There is simply no bottleneck. And hardware (nodes) can be added at ease compared to current data center model.
- *Cost-efficiency & Sustainability*: End-to-end (direct) connection between peers means a more efficient path for data and less energy is needed. Less energy means less cost, and less harm to our planet.
## In 2021 the world is going peer-to-peer! 
We're now in 4 years into the project, and it is clear that ThreeFold holds the most advanced technology and is probably the only tech company in the world that can achieve a peer-to-peer network & digital world as envisioned by the concept authors. The ThreeFold Grid is running and already at it's 2.4 version and 2021 will bring various commercial opportunities for the public to partake in the peer-to-peer network, from hosting IT workloads to experiencing P2P end-user solutions. In other words, in 2021, the world will be able to go peer-to-peer.

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View File

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ extra:
imgPath: "" imgPath: ""
--- ---
- [Info]("") - [Mycelium]("/mycelium")
- [News]("/newsroom") - [Hero]("/hero")
- [Blog]("/blog") - [Nodes]("/nodes")
- [Team]("/people") - [Xperiences]("/xperiences")
- [Contact]("") - [Contact]("")

content/hero/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
title: "OurZone"
description: ""
date: 2018-09-14
updated: 2021-02-20
draft: false
weight: 1
<!-- section 1 (header) -->
{% row(style="left" margin="none" reverse="rightreserve" padding="bottom") %}
<div class="px-4 md:px-16 lg:px-28">
# **Welcome to** OurZone&trade;
### Realize Your Ultimate Entrepreneurial Dreams with the Worlds First Neo Freezone
<button>[Start Your Journey](/signup)</button>
{% end %}
<!-- section 2 (header) -->
<div class="container mx-auto">
{% row(style="center" margin="withContainer" padding="none") %}
## **Dreams Begin in** Paradise
### Embrace the Thriving Business Landscape
Discover why Zanzibar is an ideal investment destinations for your business. <br>With a booming economy and favorable business climate, the region offers a host of advantages to drive your entrepreneurial success.
{% end %}
{% row(style="center" margin="narrow" padding="bottom") %}
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Strategic Location
Strategically positioned at the crossroads of Africa and the Indian Ocean, Zanzibar offer unrivaled access to regional and international markets.
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Rapid Economic Growth
In recent years, Tanzania's GDP has been growing at an average rate of around 6-7% per year, showcasing the country's strong economic performance.
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Business-Friendly Policies
World Bank's report ranked Tanzania as one of the top 10 most improved economies globally in 2020, highlighting efforts to simplify business regulations.
{% end %}
<!-- section 2 security -->
{% row(style="left" margin="withContainer" padding="bottom") %}
## **World's First** <br>Neo Digital Freezone
### Empowering Your Business with Seamless Solutions
Embrace the future with ease as we provide a revolutionary platform where you can obtain a digital trade license, a bank account supporting both fiat and cryptocurrencies, and handle your legal requirements and taxes, all within a single, streamlined platform. <br>
<br>Say goodbye to complexities and hello to a new era of simplicity and efficiency, empowering your business to thrive like never before.<br><br>
<button>[Sign Up Now](/signup)</button>
{% end %}
<!-- section 3 features title -->
{% row(style="center" margin="narrow" padding="none") %}
## **OurZone&trade;** Benefits
### Where Freedom Meets Efficiency
With **OurZone**, you can embark on your business journey with ease, <br>leveraging our cutting-edge technology to streamline every step of the process.
{% end %}
{% row(style="center" margin="narrow" padding="none") %}
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Fully Automated Onboarding
Our automated onboarding process, will ensure compliance with KYC and AML regulations at ease and efficiency.
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Banking & Web3 Compatible
Seamlessly manage both fiat and digital currencies with our comprehensive banking solutions compatible with Web3 technologies.
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Built-in Legal & Tax Settlement
Experience hassle-free business operations, as we provide built-in legal and tax settlement services, simplifying legal obligations.
{% end %}
{% row(style="center" margin="narrow" padding="none") %}
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Affordable & Flexible Trade Licenses
OurZone™ offers cost-effective and flexible commercial trade licenses, making it easier to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey.
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Sovereign Economic Jurisdiction
OurZone™ empowers businesses to operate within an independent economic environment, fostering growth and prosperity.
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
### Powered by Data Sovereign Tech
Your Privacy, Your Data, Your Security. Our Quantum Safe Storage will empower you to safeguard your digital information.
{% end %}
<!-- section 5 subscription -->
{% row(style="center" margin="narrow" padding="top") %}
## **OurZone&trade;** <br>Subscription Packages
### Tailored Solutions for Your Entrepreneurial Growth
Explore our diverse range of subscription packages, carefully crafted to cater to your business needs.
{% end %}
{% row(style="center" margin="narrow" padding="none") %}
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Individual Licensing
Purchase a single trade license valid for 3 years at the price of 1,000 USD.
<button>[Get License](/signup)</button>
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Bulk Licensing
50% for purchase of 10+ licenses with the option to commercially resale.
<button>[Get License](/signup)</button>
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Custom Licensing
Please contact us for tailored provisions for your community or organization.
<button>[Get License](/signup)</button>
{% end %}
<!-- section 6 Buy -->
{% row(style="left" margin="none" reverse="rightreserve" padding="top") %}
<div class="px-4 md:px-16 lg:px-28">
## Referral Program
### Earn Rewards for Sharing the Future of Neo Freezone
Be a part of our referral program and unlock exciting rewards by sharing the revolutionary OurZone™ platform with others. <br>
<br>Spread the word about the world's first Neo Freezone and earn a 10% commission for every successful referral made through your unique affiliate code.
<button>[Become an Affiliate Today](/signup)</button>
{% end %}

content/hero/cta/img/id.png Normal file

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 86 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
id: cta
{% row(style="left" margin="hero" padding="bottom") %}
## Be a part of the New Internet.
<p>By eliminating the need for centralized servers, Hero allows you to be the only central point of data accumulation, communication and execution of digital capabilities.</p>
<div class="border-t border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-700">
<a href onclick=""><h5><u>Learn More about Hero</u></h5></a>
{% end %}

content/hero/img/brand1.png Normal file

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content/hero/img/header.png Normal file

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 106 KiB

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 10 KiB

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content/hero/img/item1.png Normal file

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content/hero/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
title: "Hero"
description: ""
date: 2018-09-14
updated: 2021-02-20
draft: false
weight: 3
template: "layouts/hero.html"
<!-- section 1 (header) -->
{% row(style="left" margin="hero" padding="top") %}
# Discover Hero,
### Your Unified Digital Identity.
<p>Hero is your unique, singular digital avatar, streamlining your online interactions by eliminating the need to duplicate identities across various platforms. With Hero, manage every aspect of your digital life through one secure, efficient identity.</p>
<button onclick="yourlink">
Learn More
{% end %}
<div class="border-t border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-700">

View File

@ -78,12 +78,11 @@ weight: 1
<br> <br>
<ul> <h6>Decentralized Identity (DID) Technology</b></h6>
<li>Decentralized Identity (DID) for <b>Digital Sovereignty</b></li> <h6>Blockchain Encrypted Security ✓</h6>
<li>Blockchain Encryption for <b>Enhanced Security</b></li> <h6>dApps Interoperability ✓</h6>
<li>dApps Interoperability for <b>Global Scalability</b></li> <h6>Community Governance Model ✓</h6>
<li>Community Governance Model for <b>True Equality</b></li>
<br> <br>
@ -152,11 +151,11 @@ weight: 1
<br> <br>
<li>✓ Decentralized and globally distributed.</li> <h6>✓ Decentralized and globally distributed.</h6>
<li>✓ Fully Autonomous Operations</li> <h6>✓ Fully Autonomous Operations</h6>
<li>✓ Peer-to-Peer Technologies</li> <h6>✓ Peer-to-Peer Technologies</h6>
<br> <br>
@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ weight: 1
![Image](img/item1.png#3col) ![Image](img/item1.png#3col)
#### __Get A Node & Earn__ #### __Get A Node & Earn__
<p>Get a Mycelium Node and add capacity to the <b>Mycelium Network</b>.</p> <h5>Get a Mycelium Node and add capacity to the <b>Mycelium Network</b>.</h5>
</div> </div>
@ -208,7 +207,7 @@ weight: 1
![Image](img/item1.png#3col) ![Image](img/item1.png#3col)
#### __Activate Your Hero__ #### __Activate Your Hero__
<p>Reserve and activate your own <b>Hero</b> - your sovereign digital identity.<p> <h5>Reserve and activate your own <b>Hero</b> - your sovereign digital identity.</h5>
</div> </div>
||| |||
@ -218,7 +217,7 @@ weight: 1
![Image](img/item3.png#3col) ![Image](img/item3.png#3col)
#### __Acquire INCA Tokens__ #### __Acquire INCA Tokens__
<p>Purchase INCA Tokens- The digital currency of the <b>Mycelium Network</b>.</p> <h5>Purchase INCA Tokens- The digital currency of the <b>Mycelium Network</b>.</h5>
</div> </div>
@ -246,12 +245,12 @@ weight: 1
<br> <br>
<li><b>Chat App</b>: Stay connected with secure, private messaging.</li> <h6><b>Chat App</b>: Stay connected with secure, private messaging.</h6>
<li><b>Wallet</b>: Manage your assets with our integrated digital wallet.</li> <h6><b>Wallet</b>: Manage your assets with our integrated digital wallet.</h6>
<li><b>Browser</b>: Browse the internet securely and privately.</li> <h6><b>Browser</b>: Browse the internet securely and privately.</h6>
<li><b>Cloud</b>: Store and access your files securely from anywhere.</li> <h6><b>Cloud</b>: Store and access your files securely from anywhere.</h6>
<br> <br>

content/mycelium/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
title: "OurZone"
description: ""
date: 2018-09-14
updated: 2021-02-20
draft: false
weight: 1
<!-- section 1 (header) -->
{% row(style="left" margin="none" reverse="rightreserve" padding="bottom") %}
<div class="px-4 md:px-16 lg:px-28">
# **Welcome to** OurZone&trade;
### Realize Your Ultimate Entrepreneurial Dreams with the Worlds First Neo Freezone
<button>[Start Your Journey](/signup)</button>
{% end %}
<!-- section 2 (header) -->
<div class="container mx-auto">
{% row(style="center" margin="withContainer" padding="none") %}
## **Dreams Begin in** Paradise
### Embrace the Thriving Business Landscape
Discover why Zanzibar is an ideal investment destinations for your business. <br>With a booming economy and favorable business climate, the region offers a host of advantages to drive your entrepreneurial success.
{% end %}
{% row(style="center" margin="narrow" padding="bottom") %}
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Strategic Location
Strategically positioned at the crossroads of Africa and the Indian Ocean, Zanzibar offer unrivaled access to regional and international markets.
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Rapid Economic Growth
In recent years, Tanzania's GDP has been growing at an average rate of around 6-7% per year, showcasing the country's strong economic performance.
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Business-Friendly Policies
World Bank's report ranked Tanzania as one of the top 10 most improved economies globally in 2020, highlighting efforts to simplify business regulations.
{% end %}
<!-- section 2 security -->
{% row(style="left" margin="withContainer" padding="bottom") %}
## **World's First** <br>Neo Digital Freezone
### Empowering Your Business with Seamless Solutions
Embrace the future with ease as we provide a revolutionary platform where you can obtain a digital trade license, a bank account supporting both fiat and cryptocurrencies, and handle your legal requirements and taxes, all within a single, streamlined platform. <br>
<br>Say goodbye to complexities and hello to a new era of simplicity and efficiency, empowering your business to thrive like never before.<br><br>
<button>[Sign Up Now](/signup)</button>
{% end %}
<!-- section 3 features title -->
{% row(style="center" margin="narrow" padding="none") %}
## **OurZone&trade;** Benefits
### Where Freedom Meets Efficiency
With **OurZone**, you can embark on your business journey with ease, <br>leveraging our cutting-edge technology to streamline every step of the process.
{% end %}
{% row(style="center" margin="narrow" padding="none") %}
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Fully Automated Onboarding
Our automated onboarding process, will ensure compliance with KYC and AML regulations at ease and efficiency.
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Banking & Web3 Compatible
Seamlessly manage both fiat and digital currencies with our comprehensive banking solutions compatible with Web3 technologies.
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Built-in Legal & Tax Settlement
Experience hassle-free business operations, as we provide built-in legal and tax settlement services, simplifying legal obligations.
{% end %}
{% row(style="center" margin="narrow" padding="none") %}
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Affordable & Flexible Trade Licenses
OurZone™ offers cost-effective and flexible commercial trade licenses, making it easier to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey.
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Sovereign Economic Jurisdiction
OurZone™ empowers businesses to operate within an independent economic environment, fostering growth and prosperity.
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
### Powered by Data Sovereign Tech
Your Privacy, Your Data, Your Security. Our Quantum Safe Storage will empower you to safeguard your digital information.
{% end %}
<!-- section 5 subscription -->
{% row(style="center" margin="narrow" padding="top") %}
## **OurZone&trade;** <br>Subscription Packages
### Tailored Solutions for Your Entrepreneurial Growth
Explore our diverse range of subscription packages, carefully crafted to cater to your business needs.
{% end %}
{% row(style="center" margin="narrow" padding="none") %}
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Individual Licensing
Purchase a single trade license valid for 3 years at the price of 1,000 USD.
<button>[Get License](/signup)</button>
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Bulk Licensing
50% for purchase of 10+ licenses with the option to commercially resale.
<button>[Get License](/signup)</button>
<div class="mx-4 my-4">
#### Custom Licensing
Please contact us for tailored provisions for your community or organization.
<button>[Get License](/signup)</button>
{% end %}
<!-- section 6 Buy -->
{% row(style="left" margin="none" reverse="rightreserve" padding="top") %}
<div class="px-4 md:px-16 lg:px-28">
## Referral Program
### Earn Rewards for Sharing the Future of Neo Freezone
Be a part of our referral program and unlock exciting rewards by sharing the revolutionary OurZone™ platform with others. <br>
<br>Spread the word about the world's first Neo Freezone and earn a 10% commission for every successful referral made through your unique affiliate code.
<button>[Become an Affiliate Today](/signup)</button>
{% end %}

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
id: farmer
{% row(style="right" margin="hero" reverse="rightreserve" padding="bottom") %}
## From Farmers to Everyone
### Internet Capacity as Collective Efforts
<p>Mycelium Network and Heroes exist thanks to a vast network of cloud capacity deployed by Farmers- who deploy Mycelium Nodes in supporting locations worldwide. Become a Mycelium Farmer, gain knowledge, and earn rewards from the community.</p>
<div class="border-t border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-700 ml-auto w-3/4"></div>
<h6>Promising Financial Incentives ✓</h6>
<h6>Plug & Play Setup ✓</h6>
<h6>Minimum Technical skills required ✓</h6>
<a href onclick=""><h5><u>Become a Mycelium Farmer</u></h5></a>
{% end %}

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
id: hero
<div class="container mx-auto">
{% row(style="center" margin="hero" padding="top") %}
# Welcome to Mycelium Network
### Your Gateway to True Decentralized Internet
{% end %}
{% row(style="center" margin="hero" padding="bottom") %}
<p>Discover how Mycelium Network is revolutionizing internet access with a decentralized, community-powered approach. We aim to empower individuals worldwide by enabling them to own and manage internet resources collectively.</p>
<button onclick="yourlink">
Learn More
{% end %}

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