
266 lines
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2024-05-03 20:15:09 +00:00
<!-- row shortcode
Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows
Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||"
Creates equal width blocks in a flex row.
- style:
- lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins
- bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background
<!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix -->
{% if page %}
{% if "](" in body %}
{% set body_arr = body | split(pat="](") %}
{% set body = body_arr[0] %}
{% for i in body_arr %}
{% set prev_index = loop.index0 - 1 %}
{% if not loop.first %}
{% if "![" in body_arr[prev_index] %}
{% set_global body = body ~ '](' ~ page.permalink ~ i %}
{% else %}
{% if i is not starting_with("http") %}
{% set base_url = get_url(path="") %}
{% set_global body = body ~ '](' ~ base_url ~ i %}
{% else %}
{% set_global body = body ~ '](' ~ i %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set columns = body | safe | markdown | split(pat="<p>|||</p>") %}
{% set row_class = "relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden"%}
<!-- aligns columns depending on col number-->
{% if 2 < columns | length %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " lg:items-start" %}
{% else %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " items-center" %}
{% endif %}
{% set col_class = "flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 mx-4" %}
{% set row_id = '' %}
{% if id %}
{% set row_id = id %}
{% endif %}
<!-- reverse col at mobile -->
{% if reverse %}
{% if "rightreserve" in reverse %}
{% set row_class = "flex flex-col-reverse md:flex-row items-center mx-0" %}
{% elif "leftreserve" in reverse %}
{% set row_class = "flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center mx-8" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Padding -->
{% set padding_class = " py-8 md:py-8 lg:py-24" %}
{% if padding %}
{% if "none" in padding %}
{% set padding_class = " py-0" %}
{% elif "top" in padding %}
{% set padding_class = " py-0 lg:pt-12" %}
{% elif "bottom" in padding %}
{% set padding_class = " py-2 md:py-4 lg:pb-12" %}
{% elif "both" in padding %}
{% set padding_class = " py-4 md:py-8 lg:py-16" %}
{% endif %}
{% if "hero" in padding %}
{% set padding_class = " py-4 md:py-4 lg:py-12" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if css %}
{% set padding_class = padding_class ~ " " ~ css %}
{% endif %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ padding_class %}
<!-- Margins -->
{% set margin_class = " mx-4 md:mx-16 lg:mx-24" %}
{% if margin %}
{% if "none" in margin %}
{% set margin_class = " mx-0" %}
{% elif "wide" in margin %}
{% set margin_class = " mx-2 sm:mx-4 md:mx-6 lg:mx-8 xl:mx-10 " %}
{% elif "semiwide" in margin %}
{% set margin_class = " mx-2 sm:mx-8 md:mx-12 lg:mx-16 xl:mx-20 " %}
{% elif "moderate" in margin %}
{% set margin_class = " mx-4 sm:mx-16 md:mx-20 lg:mx-28" %}
{% elif "narrow" in margin %}
{% set margin_class = " mx-4 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40" %}
{% elif "tight" in margin %}
{% set margin_class = " mx-4 sm:mx-32 md:mx-40 lg:mx-80 xl:mx-96" %}
{% elif "header" in margin %}
{% set margin_class = " mx-4 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40 my-10" %}
{% elif "withContainer" in margin %}
{% set margin_class = " mx-4 " %}
{% endif %}
{% if "lean-left" in margin %}
{% set margin = margin_class | replace(from=" ", to=" first:")%}
{% set margin_left = margin | replace(from="mx", to="-ml") %}
{% set margin_right = margin | replace(from="mx", to="mr") %}
{% set col_class = col_class ~ " md:last:px-8 lg:last:px-20 lg:max-w-[50%] lg:mx-0 " ~ margin_left ~ margin_right %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " sm:gap-0 " %}
{% elif "lean-right" in margin %}
{% set margin = margin_class | replace(from=" ", to=" last:")%}
{% set margin_left = margin | replace(from="mx", to="ml") %}
{% set margin_right = margin | replace(from="mx", to="-mr") %}
{% set col_class = col_class ~ " md:first:px-8 lg:first:px-20 lg:max-w-[50%] lg:mx-0 " ~ margin_left ~ margin_right %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " sm:gap-0 " %}
{% endif %}
{% if "hero" in margin %}
{% set margin_class = " mx-4 md:mx-16 lg:mx-24" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if css %}
{% set margin_class = margin_class ~ " " ~ css %}
{% endif %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ margin_class %}
{% if style %}
{% if "center" in style %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " text-center items-center " %}
{% set col_class = col_class ~ " flex-1 " %}
{% endif %}
{% if "right" in style %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " text-center lg:text-right md:text-right justify-center " %}
{% set col_class = col_class ~ " flex-1" %}
{% endif %}
{% if "left" in style %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " text-center lg:text-left md:text-left justify-center " %}
{% set col_class = col_class ~ " flex-1" %}
{% endif %}
{% if "items-end" in style %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " lg:items-end" %}
{% set col_class = col_class ~ " flex-1 " %}
{% endif %}
<!-- makes row semi-full screen width, strips margins -->
{% if "between" in style %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " lg:max-w-6xl " %}
{% elif "moderate" in style %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " " %}
{% endif %}
<!-- makes row full screen width, strips margins -->
{% if "narrow" in style %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " lg:max-w-3xl " %}
{% elif "tight" in style %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " lg:max-w-sm " %}
{% elif "moderate" in style %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " mx-20 " %}
{% endif %}
{% if "invert-color" in style %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " text-white lg:text-white " %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " " %}
{% endif %}
{% set anchor_link = ""%}
{% if anchor %}
{% set anchor_link = anchor %}
{% endif %}
<!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img -->
{% set styles = "" %}
{% set div_class = " " %}
{% if bgPath %}
{% set background_url = page.permalink ~ bgPath %}
{% set styles = "background: url('" ~ background_url ~ "'); background-size: cover; background-position: center;" %}
{% if "#desktop" in bgPath %}
{% set bgStyle = false %}
{% set div_class = " !bg-[length:0px_0px] !bg-no-repeat lg:!bg-cover " %}
{% set row_class = row_class | replace(from='text-white', to='text-black') %}
{% if "invert-color" in style %}
{% if "#desktop" in bgPath %}
{% set row_class = row_class ~ " lg:text-white " %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if bgStyle %}
{% if "full" in bgStyle %}
{% set styles = styles ~ "height: -webkit-fill-available; height: 100vh;" %}
{% elif "hero" in bgStyle %}
{% set div_class = div_class ~ " -mt-24 pt-12 " %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if bgColor %}
{% set styles = "background-color: " ~ bgColor ~ "; background-size: cover" %}
{% set row_class = row_class %}
{% endif %}
{% if class %}
{% set styles = "background-color: " ~ bgColor ~ "; background-size: cover" %}
{% set row_class = row_class %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins -->
{% set no_margins = " -mx-8 md:-mx-12 lg:-mx-16 xl:-mx-20" %}
<div id="{{anchor_link}}" class="{{'relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden ' ~ div_class }}" style="{{styles}}">
<div id="{{row_id}}" class="{{row_class}}" style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available">
{% for column in columns%}
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
{% if column | as_str | length < 10 %}
<div class="hidden md:block flex-1 md:mb-0 md:mx-8 sm:flex-1 ">
{{ column | safe }}
{% else %}
<div class="{{col_class}}">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
{% if "{% mermaid() %}" in column %}
{% set mermaid_section = column | safe | markdown | split(pat="{% mermaid() %}") %}
{% set mermaid_content = mermaid_section[1] | striptags | replace(from="", to="--")%}
<div class="mermaid">
{{mermaid_content | safe }}
{% else %}
{{ column | safe }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}