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2024-05-03 20:15:09 +00:00
{% extends "_default/base.html" %}
<!-- partners template
the template for displaying the partners page.
consists of a featured partners row,
a paginated list of posts (sorted by date),
and a side nav for category and featured post navigation
{% block content %}
<!--sets global featured variable as the most recent post with the isFeatured tag-->
{%- set section = get_section(path="people/_index.md") %}
<div class="container mx-auto">
{% include "partials/filter_bar.html" %}
<div class="text-center main-title px-0 md:w-full">
2024-08-19 12:46:38 +00:00
class="tracking-tight text-lg text-left lg:text-xl fw-500 leading-snug font-normal mb-10"
2024-05-03 20:15:09 +00:00
{% set path_array = current_path | split(pat="/") %}
{% set taxonomy = path_array[1] %}
{% set category = path_array[2] %}
{{category | replace(from='-', to=' ' ) | title}}
<div class="mt-12 grid gap-5 max-w-lg mx-auto lg:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-4 lg:max-w-none">
{%- for page in paginator.pages %}
{% if "Engineering" == "Engineering"%}
{% include "partials/personCard.html" %}
{%endif%} {%- endfor %}
<hr class="mt-6" />
<p class="text-center text-sm mt-2 mb-16">
{% if paginator.previous %}
aria-label="First page"
href="{{ paginator.first }}"
>{% include "partials/icons/svgPrevPageIcon.html" %}{% include
"partials/icons/svgPrevPageIcon.html" %}</a
aria-label="Previous page"
href="{{ paginator.previous }}"
>{% include "partials/icons/svgPrevPageIcon.html" %}</a
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {% else %} {%
include "partials/icons/svgFirstPageIcon.html" %}{% include
"partials/icons/svgFirstPageIcon.html" %}
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {% include
"partials/icons/svgFirstPageIcon.html" %}
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {% endif %} {% if
paginator.next %}
aria-label="Next page"
href="{{ paginator.next }}"
>{% include "partials/icons/svgNextPageIcon.html" %}</a
aria-label="Last page"
href="{{ paginator.last }}"
>{% include "partials/icons/svgNextPageIcon.html" %}{% include
"partials/icons/svgNextPageIcon.html" %}</a
{% else %} {% include "partials/icons/svgLastPageIcon.html" %}
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {% include
"partials/icons/svgLastPageIcon.html" %}{% include
"partials/icons/svgLastPageIcon.html" %} {% endif %}
{% endblock content %}