sasha-astiadi b0a7d95a9d edit
2022-12-16 22:24:00 +08:00

1501 lines
34 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta name="generator" content="Zola v.0.13.0 - getzola.org" />
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Tailwind UI components require Tailwind CSS v1.8 and the @tailwindcss/ui plugin.
Read the documentation to get started: https://tailwindui.com/documentation
--><!-- This example requires Tailwind CSS v1.4.0+ -->
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buttons.forEach((button) => {
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<!-- set variables used for header template -->
<header id="header-container">
<div class="z-10 bg-white fixed w-screen max-w-full customize">
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<div class="mx-auto flex z-50 shadow justify-between items-center pl-6 pr-2 md:pr-0 lg:py-5 md:px-12 py-2 lg:px-20 lg:justify-start lg:space-x-20">
<a href="/" class="flex">
<img class="h-auto sm:w-15" src="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;examplezola.tf&#x2F;images&#x2F;logo_placeholder.jpg" alt="Logo" />
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<!-- Heroicon name: menu -->
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<!-- Heroicon name: x -->
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<div class="relative">
Mobile menu, show/hide based on mobile menu state.
Entering: "duration-200 ease-out"
From: "opacity-0 scale-95"
To: "opacity-100 scale-100"
Leaving: "duration-100 ease-in"
From: "opacity-100 scale-100"
To: "opacity-0 scale-95"
<div id="hamburger" class="hidden fixed mt-16 z-20 top-0 inset-x-0 transition transform origin-top-right lg:hidden">
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<a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;examplezola.tf&#x2F;specs&#x2F;" class="text-lg px-8 py-3 leading-6 font-normal text-gray-900 hover:text-gray-900 focus:outline-none focus:text-gray-900 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
<a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;examplezola.tf&#x2F;technology&#x2F;" class="text-lg px-8 py-3 leading-6 font-normal text-gray-900 hover:text-gray-900 focus:outline-none focus:text-gray-900 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
<div id="content" class="mx-auto overflow-hidden">
<!-- home page template, has a banner and rows of page summaries -->
<!-- section 1 (header) -->
<!-- row shortcode
Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows
Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||"
Creates equal width blocks in a flex row.
- style:
- lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins
- bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background
<!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix -->
<!-- aligns columns depending on col number-->
<!-- Padding -->
<!-- Margins -->
<!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img -->
<!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins -->
<div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style="">
<div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-center py-8 md:py-4 lg:py-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40 my-10 " style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available">
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<h1 id="text-8xl">MyTrunk</h1>
<p>My trunk is an idea that a good friend and I had a long time ago. This was at the start of the whole .com boom where everyone that had an idea got millions to execute on it. Many of these initial ideas failed, some of them became the monopolies of today, Google, Facebook and Amazon. We never launched the mytrunk.com domain and this site is an ode to that lost opportunity in which I organize my daily online life.</p>
<p><button><a href="https://examplezola.tf/">Like!</a></button></p>
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<p><img src="https://examplezola.tf/home/placeholder.jpg#mx-auto" alt="placeholder" /></p>
<!-- section 2 -->
<!-- row shortcode
Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows
Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||"
Creates equal width blocks in a flex row.
- style:
- lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins
- bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background
<!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix -->
<!-- aligns columns depending on col number-->
<!-- Padding -->
<!-- Margins -->
<!-- makes row semi-full screen width, strips margins -->
<!-- makes row full screen width, strips margins -->
<!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img -->
<!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins -->
<div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style="">
<div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-start py-8 md:py-4 lg:py-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40 text-center items-center mx-auto " style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available">
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4 flex-1 ">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<p><img src="https://examplezola.tf/home/placeholder.jpg#medium" alt="Lorem" /></p>
<h3 id="section-2-1"><strong>SECTION 2.1</strong></h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4 flex-1 ">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<p><img src="https://examplezola.tf/home/placeholder.jpg#medium" alt="Lorem" /></p>
<h3 id="section-2-2"><strong>SECTION 2.2</strong></h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4 flex-1 ">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<p><img src="https://examplezola.tf/home/placeholder.jpg#medium" alt="Lorem" /></p>
<h3 id="section-2-3"><strong>SECTION 2.3</strong></h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
<!-- section 3 -->
<!-- row shortcode
Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows
Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||"
Creates equal width blocks in a flex row.
- style:
- lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins
- bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background
<!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix -->
<!-- aligns columns depending on col number-->
<!-- Padding -->
<!-- Margins -->
<!-- makes row semi-full screen width, strips margins -->
<!-- makes row full screen width, strips margins -->
<!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img -->
<!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins -->
<div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style="">
<div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-center py-8 md:py-4 lg:py-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40 text-center items-center mx-auto " style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available">
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4 flex-1 ">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<p><img src="https://examplezola.tf/home/placeholder.jpg" alt="Image" /></p>
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4 flex-1 ">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<h2 id="section-here">SECTION # <br /> HERE</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quas, aliquid ab blanditiis omnis odio repellat?</p>
<p><button><a href="https://examplezola.tf/">BUTTON</a></button></p>
</div><!-- section 4 -->
<!-- row shortcode
Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows
Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||"
Creates equal width blocks in a flex row.
- style:
- lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins
- bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background
<!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix -->
<!-- aligns columns depending on col number-->
<!-- Padding -->
<!-- Margins -->
<!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img -->
<!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins -->
<div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style="">
<div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-start py-2 md:py-4 lg:pt-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40 " style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available">
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<p><img src="https://examplezola.tf/home/placeholder.jpg#sm#mx-auto" alt="Image" /></p>
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<h3 id="section-4-1"><strong>SECTION 4.1</strong></h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.Quas, aliquid ab blanditiis omnis odio repellat?</p>
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<p><img src="https://examplezola.tf/home/placeholder.jpg#sm#mx-auto" alt="Image" /></p>
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<h3 id="section-4-2"><strong>SECTION 4.2</strong></h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.Quas, aliquid ab blanditiis omnis odio repellat?</p>
</div><!-- section 4-2-->
<!-- row shortcode
Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows
Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||"
Creates equal width blocks in a flex row.
- style:
- lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins
- bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background
<!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix -->
<!-- aligns columns depending on col number-->
<!-- Padding -->
<!-- Margins -->
<!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img -->
<!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins -->
<div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style="">
<div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-start py-2 md:py-4 lg:pb-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40 " style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available">
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<p><img src="https://examplezola.tf/home/placeholder.jpg#sm#mx-auto" alt="Image" /></p>
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<h3 id="section-4-3"><strong>SECTION 4.3</strong></h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.Quas, aliquid ab blanditiis omnis odio repellat?</p>
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<p><img src="https://examplezola.tf/home/placeholder.jpg#sm#mx-auto" alt="Image" /></p>
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<h3 id="section-4-5"><strong>SECTION 4.5</strong></h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.Quas, aliquid ab blanditiis omnis odio repellat?</p>
</div><!-- section 5 -->
<!-- row shortcode
Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows
Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||"
Creates equal width blocks in a flex row.
- style:
- lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins
- bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background
<!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix -->
<!-- aligns columns depending on col number-->
<!-- Padding -->
<!-- Margins -->
<!-- makes row semi-full screen width, strips margins -->
<!-- makes row full screen width, strips margins -->
<!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img -->
<!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins -->
<div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style="">
<div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-center py-8 md:py-4 lg:py-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40 text-center items-center mx-auto " style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available">
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4 flex-1 ">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<h2 id="section-5-header">SECTION 5 <br /> HEADER</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.Quas, aliquid ab blanditiis omnis odio repellat?</p>
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4 flex-1 ">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<p><img src="https://examplezola.tf/home/placeholder.jpg" alt="Image" /></p>
</div><!-- section 6 -->
<!-- row shortcode
Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows
Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||"
Creates equal width blocks in a flex row.
- style:
- lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins
- bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background
<!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix -->
<!-- aligns columns depending on col number-->
<!-- Padding -->
<!-- Margins -->
<!-- makes row semi-full screen width, strips margins -->
<!-- makes row full screen width, strips margins -->
<!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img -->
<!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins -->
<div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style="">
<div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-center py-2 md:py-4 lg:pt-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40 text-center items-center mx-auto " style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available">
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4 flex-1 ">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<h2 id="section-6">SECTION 6</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit</p>
<p><button><a href="https://examplezola.tf/">BUTTON</a></button></p>
</div><!-- row shortcode
Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows
Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||"
Creates equal width blocks in a flex row.
- style:
- lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins
- bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background
<!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix -->
<!-- aligns columns depending on col number-->
<!-- Padding -->
<!-- Margins -->
<!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img -->
<!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins -->
<div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style="">
<div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-center py-0 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40 my-10 " style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available">
<!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen -->
<div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4">
<!-- handles mermaid markdown content display -->
<p><img src="https://examplezola.tf/home/placeholder.jpg#medium#mx-auto" alt="Image" /></p>
Tailwind UI components require Tailwind CSS v1.8 and the @tailwindcss/ui plugin.
Read the documentation to get started: https://tailwindui.com/documentation
<footer class="bottom-0">
<div class="customize">
<p class="text-center">ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2022</p>