{% extends "_default/base.html" %} <!-- News template the template for displaying the news page. consists of a featured news row, a paginated list of posts (sorted by date), and a side nav for category and featured post navigation --> {% block content %} <main> <!--sets global featured variable as the most recent post with the isFeatured tag--> {%- set section = get_section(path="newsroom/_index.md") %} {% for page in section.pages %} {% if page.extra.isFeatured %} {%- set_global featured = page %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% if not featured %} {%- set_global featured = section.pages[0] %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% include "partials/featuredNews.html" %} <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row container mx-auto"> {% include "partials/newsPosts.html" %} {% include "partials/newsSidebar.html" %} </div> </main> {% endblock content %}