title: Lee Smet
weight: 2
description: In order to have a nice planet to live on for the next decades, we need to preserve what we have now.
    people: [lee_smet]
    memberships: [foundation, tech, technology_council]
    categories: [foundation]
    imgPath: lee_smet.png
    organizations: [threefold_tech]
    countries: [Belgium]
    cities: [Lochristi]
    private: 0
    socialLinks: {
        LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lee-smet-4a279a136/,
        github: https://github.com/LeeSmet,
        websites: https://threefold.io/,

In order to have a nice planet to live on for the next decades, we need to preserve what we have now. This means we need to stop wasting scarce resources, and move towards a more sustainable ecosystem. If existing technology can not, or refuses to become greener, then we will need to create this technology from scratch.