--- title: "Header" description: "this is a header." insert_anchor_links: "left" template: "partials/header.html" extra: logoPath: "/images/logo.png" imgPath: "" --- - [Home]("/home") - Vision {% row(padding="none") %} [Main Pillars](/vision) Explore The Main Pillars ||| [Restore the Commons Projects](/features) Check project ideas {% end %} - Campaign {% row(style="wide") %} #### Plans [Plan pour la fin de la faim](https://denismukwege2023.com/images/Les_Combattants_de_la_Terre_04.pdf) [Plan pour la fin des vices](https://denismukwege2023.com/images/La_fin_des_vices_01.pdf) [Plan de paix ](https://denismukwege2023.com/images/Mon_Plan_de_Paix_05.pdf) ||| #### Projet de Société [Réparer et Soigner le Congo](https://denismukwege2023.com/images/Projet_de_Société_Dr_Mukwege.pdf) ||| #### Campaign Website [Denis Mukwege 2023](https://www.denismukwege2023.com/ ) {% end %} - [News]("/newsroom") - [Team]("/people") - [Donate]("/fundraise") - [Contact]("mailto:info@ourworld.tf")
Explore The Main Pillars
Check project ideas