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Parameters: - style: - lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins - bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background --> <!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix --> <!-- aligns columns depending on col number--> <!-- Padding --> <!-- Margins --> <!-- makes row semi-full screen width, strips margins --> <!-- makes row full screen width, strips margins --> <!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img --> <!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins --> <div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style=""> <div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-center py-2 md:py-4 lg:pt-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40 my-10 text-center items-center mx-auto " style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available"> <!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen --> <div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4 flex-1 "> <!-- handles mermaid markdown content display --> <h1 id="powered-by-threefold">Powered by ThreeFold</h1> <br> <p><img src="https://ourphone.ourworld.tf/technology/./img/tfbg.png#mx-auto" alt="Image" /></p> <p><a href="https://library.threefold.me/info/threefold#/tfgrid/threefold__tfgrid_home" target="_blank"><ins>The world’s largest decentralized network </ins></a>by <a href="https://threefold.io/"><strong>ThreeFold</strong></a><br>allows every application on the <strong>OurApps™</strong> to attain a level of security and privacy like never seen before.</p> <br> <p><button><a href="https://library.threefold.me/info/threefold/#/tfgrid/threefold__tfgrid_home">Learn More</a></button></p> </div> </div> </div><!-- section 2 (graphene) --> <!-- row shortcode Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||" Creates equal width blocks in a flex row. Parameters: - style: - lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins - bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background --> <!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix --> <!-- aligns columns depending on col number--> <!-- Padding --> <!-- Margins --> <!-- makes row semi-full screen width, strips margins --> <!-- makes row full screen width, strips margins --> <!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img --> <!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins --> <div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style=""> <div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-center py-2 md:py-4 lg:pt-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40" style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available"> <!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen --> <div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4"> <!-- handles mermaid markdown content display --> <p><img src="https://ourphone.ourworld.tf/technology/./img/graphene.png#mx-auto" alt="Image" /></p> </div> <!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen --> <div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4"> <!-- handles mermaid markdown content display --> <h1 id="meet">Meet</h1> <h1 id="graphene-ostm">Graphene OS™</h1> <p><a href="https://grapheneos.org/features" target="_blank"><ins><strong>Graphene OS</strong></ins></a><strong>™</strong> is a private and secure Android-compatible mobile operating system. Gain a full control and access to your sovereign internet life.</p> </div> </div> </div><!-- section 2 (co-found) --> <!-- row shortcode Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||" Creates equal width blocks in a flex row. Parameters: - style: - lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins - bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background --> <!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix --> <!-- aligns columns depending on col number--> <!-- Padding --> <!-- Margins --> <!-- makes row semi-full screen width, strips margins --> <!-- makes row full screen width, strips margins --> <!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img --> <!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins --> <div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style=""> <div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-center py-2 md:py-4 lg:pt-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40" style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available"> <!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen --> <div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4"> <!-- handles mermaid markdown content display --> <h1 id="ourversetm"><a href="https://ourverse.tf/">OurVerse™</a></h1> <p><a href="https://ourverse.tf/" target="_blank"><ins><strong>OurVerse</strong></ins></a><strong>™</strong> is a secure and open-source digital world offering alternative SuperApps to centralized apps, customized by <strong>OurPhone™</strong> team.</p> </div> <!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen --> <div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4"> <!-- handles mermaid markdown content display --> <p><img src="https://ourphone.ourworld.tf/technology/./img/ourverse.png#mx-auto" alt="Image" /> <br></p> </div> </div> </div><!-- section 5 apps --> <!-- row shortcode Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||" Creates equal width blocks in a flex row. Parameters: - style: - lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins - bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background --> <!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix --> <!-- aligns columns depending on col number--> <!-- Padding --> <!-- Margins --> <!-- makes row semi-full screen width, strips margins --> <!-- makes row full screen width, strips margins --> <!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img --> <!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins --> <div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style=""> <div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-center py-2 md:py-4 lg:pt-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40 text-center items-center mx-auto " style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available"> <!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen --> <div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4 flex-1 "> <!-- handles mermaid markdown content display --> <h1 id="threefold-s">ThreeFold's</h1> <h1 id="decentralized-internet">Decentralized Internet</h1> </div> </div> </div><!-- row shortcode Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||" Creates equal width blocks in a flex row. Parameters: - style: - lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins - bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background --> <!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix --> <!-- aligns columns depending on col number--> <!-- Padding --> <!-- Margins --> <!-- makes row semi-full screen width, strips margins --> <!-- makes row full screen width, strips margins --> <!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img --> <!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins --> <div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style=""> <div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-center py-8 md:py-8 lg:py-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40" style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available"> <!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen --> <div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4"> <!-- handles mermaid markdown content display --> <p><img src="https://ourphone.ourworld.tf/technology/./img/technology.png#mx-auto" alt="Image" /></p> </div> <!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen --> <div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4"> <!-- handles mermaid markdown content display --> <p>Learn about the magic of the technology behind <strong>OurPhone™</strong> such as <strong>Quantum Safe Storage System</strong>,<strong>Planetary Network</strong>, <strong>EDGE Computing</strong>, and many more.</p> <p><button><a href="https://library.threefold.me/info/threefold/#/technology/threefold__zos">Learn More</a></button></p> </div> </div> </div><!-- section 6 Buy --> <!-- row shortcode Shortcode used in markdown for the creation of mobile compatible vertical rows Divides markdown into columns by splitting content using column identifier "|||" Creates equal width blocks in a flex row. Parameters: - style: - lean: if style is lean, the row doesn't have outer margins - bgPath: if bgPath is passed, the row has a full width background --> <!-- This fixes link & img paths in local, prod, and wth prefix --> <!-- aligns columns depending on col number--> <!-- Padding --> <!-- Margins --> <!-- makes row semi-full screen width, strips margins --> <!-- makes row full screen width, strips margins --> <!-- makes row full screen width and adds background img --> <!-- Cancels page margins so that rows can have separate margins --> <div id="" class="relative justify-center flex overflow-hidden " style=""> <div id="" class="relative flex flex-col md:flex md:flex-row flex-wrap max-w-fit overflow-hidden lg:items-center py-8 md:py-4 lg:py-28 mx-12 sm:mx-20 md:mx-28 lg:mx-40 text-center items-center mx-auto " style="min-width: -webkit-fill-available; min-width: -moz-available"> <!-- Hides empty columns if displayed vertically in small screen --> <div class="flex-1 mb-4 md:mb-12 lg:mb-0 lg:mx-2 xl:mx-4 flex-1 "> <!-- handles mermaid markdown content display --> <h1 id="ourphonetm">OurPhone™</h1> <p><img src="https://ourphone.ourworld.tf/technology/./img/placeholder.png#medium#mx-auto" alt="Image" /> <br> <br></p> <h3 id="a-truly-decentralized-smartphone"><strong>A Truly Decentralized Smartphone</strong></h3> <h3 id="like-no-other"><strong>Like No Other</strong></h3> <p><button><a href="https://ourphone.ourworld.tf/buynow">Buy Now</a></button></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> </div> <!-- Tailwind UI components require Tailwind CSS v1.8 and the @tailwindcss/ui plugin. 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