Ehab is updating the website now:
Reviewed it with Amanda - she will make changes today for the first part (second part needs more brainstorming with the whole team: "what it will look like part") and we will review it again next…
@mik-tf I would hange VVerse for OurVerse (we can use that text for now OurVerse partner page and…
Issue was created on GitHub
We can add OurVerse in mid-november when the platform will be ready for people to use
Timestamps updated and edited video here:
Sasha will have a look next week for the content iterations, see: ourworld_web/circle_web_presence#53
Event is now done - it wasn't as successful as planned, only a few people showed up, many bugs etc.. We will meet with Omrei and the team tomorrow or Wednesday (Day and time TBC) to discuss…
@mik-tf and Robert are currently looking into the OurPhone project (Robert may have a manufacturer for the phones) and it would be good if they both also review the current website and leave their…
Recent update:
Event dates have been changed by Omrei from the 25–27 to the 26–28. With this change, it would be better for Mik and Scott to present their demo on Day 3. TBC tonight with…
Farah just shared the agenda/topics for the test event:
I’ve scheduled Mik and Scott for…
Like Sam, I think this is a great initiative that will benefit the community and future users With the OurVerse events and Hero coming up, our audience will be wider, e.g like freelancers or even…