• Joined on 2023-11-29
gosam opened issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#97 2024-03-05 11:37:15 +00:00
threefold.io: partner / utilization pages
gosam closed issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#77 2024-03-05 11:34:57 +00:00
Use Cases for threefold.io
gosam commented on issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#77 2024-03-05 11:34:56 +00:00
Use Cases for threefold.io

Closing this. Will create a new issue.

gosam opened issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#96 2024-03-05 11:33:50 +00:00
Go through all blogs, remove / update existing blogs
gosam closed issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#95 2024-03-05 11:32:19 +00:00
End of Feb update Newsroom & TF Connect app
gosam commented on issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#94 2024-03-05 11:15:46 +00:00
Polish www3.threefold.io and push live on production

Website is live! 🥳 threefold.io

gosam closed issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#94 2024-03-05 11:15:10 +00:00
Polish www3.threefold.io and push live on production
gosam commented on issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#91 2024-03-05 09:28:44 +00:00
threefold.io: Add utilization stats to website

Hi @scott @mik-tf are there any updates on this one?

gosam commented on issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#79 2024-03-05 09:28:04 +00:00
Create a blog comparing solar energy + TF

This has been written by @ouwerxe and appears on the new site.

gosam closed issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#79 2024-03-05 09:28:04 +00:00
Create a blog comparing solar energy + TF
gosam commented on issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#89 2024-03-05 09:27:13 +00:00
Write a blog explaining the Internet

This has been written by @ouwerxe and appears on the new website.

gosam closed issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#89 2024-03-05 09:27:13 +00:00
Write a blog explaining the Internet
gosam commented on issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#94 2024-03-04 15:49:07 +00:00
Polish www3.threefold.io and push live on production

We will go to production tomorrow morning

gosam commented on issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#94 2024-03-03 19:57:24 +00:00
Polish www3.threefold.io and push live on production

@ehab For the partners, please match the utilization partners from the utilization page. There are six for now.

gosam commented on issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#94 2024-03-03 19:56:37 +00:00
Polish www3.threefold.io and push live on production

@ehab For the faces on the about page:

Could we make it a lot more faces representing more of the team?

Maybe 5 across and 5 rows?

gosam opened issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#94 2024-03-01 11:03:54 +00:00
Polish www3.threefold.io and prepare for production
gosam opened issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#93 2024-03-01 07:05:18 +00:00
Nice interactive map for the website / dashboard
gosam opened issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#92 2024-03-01 06:53:34 +00:00
Sort out threefold_data issue with Timur
gosam opened issue tfgrid/circle_22_2#91 2024-03-01 06:46:00 +00:00
Add utilization stats to threefold.io