This commit is contained in:
despiegk 2024-01-09 07:27:19 +03:00
parent 83f0869cbf
commit 0996f96513
26 changed files with 474 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -11,27 +11,37 @@ poc for how to work with nushell and get administration done
curl -L | sh -s -- --daemon
mkdir ~/nixhero
mkdir -p ~/nixhero
cd ~/nixhero
curl > shell.nix
#needed to allow nix to install apps which are not fully free and ipensource
#the following will start a 100% reproduceable dev environment
# now in the shell do the following
#load nu shell
## load nu shell
#add your ssh key
## now we have our shell, whats next
now in the shell do the following (more info how to use it see
##add your ssh key
ssh-add ~/.ssh/despiegk
#get this repo code
let coderoot = "~/code/" ; cd $coderoot
##get this repo code
let coderoot = $"($env.HOME)/code/" ; cd $coderoot
git clone
#source some nushell scripts which will give you some super powers
ln -s $"($coderoot)/nu/nupower" ~/nixhero/nupower
you now can use

View File

@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ pkgs.mkShell {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
ifconfig | lines -s | each { |row| (find "tun") } | each { |row| (find "prefixlen") }
| split column --collapse-empty --regex "[% ]" "interface" "mac" "dev" "pl"
| select "dev" "mac"

nupower/examples/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
let new_menu = {
name: new_menu
only_buffer_difference: true
marker: "# "
type: {
layout: list
page_size: 10
style: {
text: green
selected_text: green_reverse
description_text: yellow
source: { |buffer, position|
| where name =~ $buffer
| sort-by name
| each { |it| {value: $ description: $it.type} }
$env.config.menus = ($env.config.menus | append $new_menu)
# let $nu.scope.vars = [{
# value: # The value that will be inserted in the buffer
# description: # Optional. Description that will be display with the selected value
# span: { # Optional. Span indicating what section of the string will be replaced by the value
# start:
# end:
# }
# extra: [string] # Optional. A list of strings that will be displayed with the selected value. Only works with a description menu
# }]

nupower/examples/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
let envpath = $env.PATH
| where ($it | str contains -n '')
| where ($it | str contains -n 'Cryptexes')
| where ($it | str contains -n 'dotnet')
| where ($it | str contains -n -i 'gpg')
| append ($env.HOME | path join .cargo/bin)
| append ($env.HOME | path join hero/bin)
| uniq
| sort
load-env {PATH:$envpath}
# -i means case insensitive
# -n means not

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
let l = http get
let data = $l.content | into value | where tag == 'author'
echo $data | to json
# now we get one list of the content
$data | get content | each { get content | each { get content } } | flatten | flatten | to json | save /tmp/test.json
let input = ""
$input | parse --regex '(?P<addr>\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3})(:(?P<port>\d+))?' | default port 2222 | select addr port
let input = ""
$input | parse --regex '(?P<addr>\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3})(:(?P<port>\d+))?' | default port 2222 | select addr port
let input = ""
$input | parse --regex '(?P<addr>\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3})(:(?P<port>\d+))?' |
each { |row| if $row.port == $"" { $row | upsert port 2222 } else { $row } } | select addr port
let ipaddr_ = $input | parse --regex '(?P<addr>\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3})(:(?P<port>\d+))?' | select addr port
let ipaddr = $ipaddr_.port ???
$input | parse '{addr}:{port}'
let data = open data.json | from json
let x = "sss"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nu
let baseurl = ''
let pages = ['headphone-amps' 'dacs']
# Simple script to check stock of store
def schiit [] {
$pages | par-each { |page|
http get ($baseurl + $page)
|query web -q '.price, .stock, .product-item h5'
|str trim
|group 3
|each {
|x| {
name: $x.0,
avail: $x.1,
price: $x.2
|sort-by avail

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# string interpolation
let name = "this is a string"
$"s ($name)"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Fugazi,In On The Kill Taker,1993
Fugazi,The Argument,2001{$x}
Fugazi,7 Songs,1988
Fugazi,Steady Diet of Nothing,1991
" | save -f /tmp/test.txt
#-s is skip empty lines
let data = open /tmp/test.txt | lines -s | split column "," Band Album Year | skip 1 | sort-by Year
$data | each { |row| $row.Band + ":" + $row.Album + ":" + $row.Year }
$data |to csv

nupower/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
$env.PATH = (path_add)
use tools/
use tools/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
cargo install nu_plugin_clipboard
register ~/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_clipboard

nupower/plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
use ../tools/
runonce run 'nu_plugin_dns' {
^cargo install nu_plugin_dns
register ~/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dns

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
run_once 'nu_plugin_highlight' {
cargo install nu_plugin_highlight
register ~/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_highlight

nupower/plugins/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
use ../tools/
runonce run 'nu_plugin_net' {
cargo install nu_plugin_net
register ~/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_net

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
cargo install nu_plugin_desktop_notifications
register ~/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_desktop_notifications
notify -t "test notification body" --summary "test title"
def "notify_on_done" [
task: closure
] {
let start = date now
let result = do $task
let end = date now
let total = $end - $start | format duration sec
let body = $"given task finished in ($total)"
notify "task is done" $body
return $result
def notify [title message] {
# ^osascript -e 'display notification "' + $message + '" with title "' + $title + '"'
let msg = 'display notification "' + $message + '" with title "' + $title + '"'
^osascript -e $msg
notify_on_done { port scan 53 }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
run_once 'nu_plugin_port_list' {
cargo install nu_plugin_port_list
register ~/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_port_list
port list -4 -t | where state == LISTEN | select [pid,local_port ] | sort-by local_port

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
cargo install nu_plugin_port_scan
register ~/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_port_scan
50..60 | par-each { |it| port scan $it -t 100ms } | where is_open | collect { $in }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
use ../tools/
runonce run 'nu_plugin_query' {
cargo install nu_plugin_query
register ~/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_query

nupower/tools/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
export def init [] {
runonce run 'nu_plugin_dns' {
cargo install nu_plugin_dns
register ~/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_port_list
# runonce once 'lls' { ls / } --reset true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Function to extract archives with different extensions.
export def extract [name:string] {
let handlers = [ [extension command];
['tar\.bz2|tbz|tbz2' 'tar xvjf']
['tar\.gz|tgz' 'tar xvzf']
['tar\.xz|txz' 'tar xvf']
['tar\.Z' 'tar xvZf']
['bz2' 'bunzip2']
['deb' 'ar x']
['gz' 'gunzip']
['pkg' 'pkgutil --expand']
['rar' 'unrar x']
['tar' 'tar xvf']
['xz' 'xz --decompress']
['zip|war|jar|nupkg' 'unzip']
['Z' 'uncompress']
['7z' '7za x']
let maybe_handler = ($handlers | where $name =~ $'\.(($it.extension))$')
if ($maybe_handler | is-empty) {
error make { msg: "unsupported file extension" }
} else {
let handler = ($maybe_handler | first)
nu -c ($handler.command + ' ' + $name)

nupower/tools/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
export def init [] {
let envpath = $env.PATH
| where ($it | str contains -n '')
| where ($it | str contains -n 'Cryptexes')
| where ($it | str contains -n 'dotnet')
| where ($it | str contains -n -i 'gpg')
| append ($env.HOME | path join .cargo/bin)
| append ($env.HOME | path join hero/bin)
| uniq
| sort
load-env {PATH:$envpath}
# runonce once 'lls' { ls / } --reset true
# let envpath = $env.PATH
# | where ($it | str contains -n '')
# | where ($it | str contains -n 'Cryptexes')
# | where ($it | str contains -n 'dotnet')
# | where ($it | str contains -n -i 'gpg')
# | append ($env.HOME | path join .cargo/bin)
# | append ($env.HOME | path join hero/bin)
# | uniq
# | sort
# load-env {PATH:$envpath}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# do "/bin/bash <(curl -L --daemon"
def nixos_remove [] {
if ( "/etc/bashrc.backup-before-nix" | path exists) {
sudo mv -f "/etc/bashrc.backup-before-nix" /etc/bashrc
sudo rm -f "/etc/bash.bashrc.backup-before-nix"
def "nix_update" [] {
nix-channel --add nixpkgs
/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin/nix-env -u updates
def "nix_install" [ ...names ] {
$names | each {
|name| /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin/nix-env -i $name
def nixos_install [] {
http get | save -f /tmp/
chmod +x /tmp/
nix-env -u updates
nix_install mc
nix_install nushell
nix_install mdbook mdbook-toc mdbook-pdf mdbook-man-unstable mdbook-mermaid mdbook-footnote mdbook-linkcheck mdbook-kroki-preprocessor
nix_install zola
nix_install vscode-with-extensions
nix_install rustup tailwindcss aria2
nix_install vlang
nix_install go
# nix_install vscode-with-extensions vscode-extensions.zxh404.vscode-proto3
# nix_install vscode-extensions.yzhang.markdown-all-in-one
for i in 'seq -w 1 n'; do userdel guixbuilder$i; done
# nixos_remove

nupower/tools/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#run a command only once
export def "run" [
name: string
task: closure
#is the code which will be executed
--reset: bool = false
#means we redo the command
] {
mkdir $"($env.HOME)/hero/done/)"
let state_file = [ $env.HOME 'hero' done ('nu_done_' + $name) ] | path join
if ($reset or (not ($state_file | path exists ) ) ) {
let start = date now
# let result = do $task
do $task
let end = date now
let total = $end - $start | format duration sec
let body = $"given task finished in ($total)"
"" | save $state_file -f
# return $result
# } else {
# "Command " + $name + " has already been run."
#reset all the done states
export def "reset" [
prefix: string
] {
ls $"($env.HOME)/hero/done/nu_done*" | each { |it| rm $}
# runonce once 'lls' { ls / } --reset true
# def "runonce" [
# name: string
# task: closure
# #is the code which will be executed
# --reset: bool = false
# #means we redo the command
# ] {
# let state_file = [ $env.HOME 'hero' ('nu_done_' + $name) ] | path join
# if ($reset or (not ($state_file | path exists ) ) ) {
# let start = date now
# # let result = do $task
# do $task
# let end = date now
# let total = $end - $start | format duration sec
# let body = $"given task finished in ($total)"
# "" | save $state_file -f
# # return $result
# # } else {
# # "Command " + $name + " has already been run."
# }
# }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Attempt to remove Homebrew directories and files
echo "Removing Homebrew directories and files..."
let homebrew_dirs = ["/usr/local/Cellar" "/usr/local/Homebrew"
"~/.cache/Homebrew" "~/Library/Caches/Homebrew" "~/Library/Logs/Homebrew"
"/usr/local/Caskroom" "/opt/homebrew" ]
for dir in $homebrew_dirs {
if ($dir | path exists) {
# rm -rfv $dir
let to_remove = $dir | str replace '~' $env.HOME
echo $to_remove
^sudo rm -r $to_remove
# if ($? == 0) {
# echo "File successfully removed"
# } else {
# echo "Failed to remove file"
# }
echo $"Removed: ($dir)"
echo "Homebrew cleanup process is complete."

nupower/tools/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
export def "cargo search" [ query: string, --limit=10] {
^cargo search $query --limit $limit
| lines
| each {
|line| if ($line | str contains "#") {
$line | parse --regex '(?P<name>.+) = "(?P<version>.+)" +# (?P<description>.+)'
} else {
$line | parse --regex '(?P<name>.+) = "(?P<version>.+)"'
| flatten
# export def init_plugins [] {
# runonce run init_plugins {
# register bin/nu_plugin_dns
# register bin/nu_plugin_desktop_notifications
# register bin/nu_plugin_net
# register bin/nu_plugin_port_list
# register bin/nu_plugin_port_scan
# register bin/nu_plugin_query
# } --reset true
# }