# https://github.com/FMotalleb/nu_plugin_desktop_notifications cargo install nu_plugin_desktop_notifications register ~/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_desktop_notifications notify -t "test notification body" --summary "test title" # OTHER IMPLEMENTATION def "notify_on_done" [ task: closure ] { let start = date now let result = do $task let end = date now let total = $end - $start | format duration sec let body = $"given task finished in ($total)" notify "task is done" $body return $result } def notify [title message] { # ^osascript -e 'display notification "' + $message + '" with title "' + $title + '"' let msg = 'display notification "' + $message + '" with title "' + $title + '"' $msg ^osascript -e $msg } notify_on_done { port scan 53 }